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RE: Color Challenge

in #colorchallenge7 years ago

Do not vote anymore! I know it is tempting! Try not to go below 86% - it takes longer to recoup. Wait until you get up to 100% and then only vote 11 times at 100%. If you have esteem on the phone, you will have a sliding vote in % so you can control how much you vote. I have one because I had enough steempower. If you only go down to 86%, it regenerates by the next day. If you go lower like I did, it almost took 5-6 days! @victorbz


and again such great info !! i still don't use steemit on phone cos I'm afraid to spend all my time on this :-)) and youre right - your vote power is HUGE ! just wow

I joined a month before you did. :)

but howhowhowhow ?????

Perhaps I post more than you? I am not terribly popular, but, you can look in my wallet and check out the steempower. I have over 600SP and $$

You write wonderfully. Your curation awards should bring in more. I have found that joining a couple of the challenges a week bring you votes and interaction. I listed them at the bottom of my #MarketFriday Challenge post.

yes i saw the list of the challenges you wrote there. great info :-)
i think that during the first month i posted really few times and wasn't to much in knowledge about how and why. still i see the tempes now and don't think i can be even close to you a month later :-) but it's ok. i'm enjoying to be in touch with a few people.
i found that ppl on Steemit don't go much to the links posted inside the posts. same on Ello. Google plus and Twitter is much better and i have a heavy activity after every my post about some my post at site. i have no explain why is this but possible also that my auditory here is still too small. and to take out all the bots following me - will remain veeeery small number. but this is a problem of every social networking place.
thank you for your help @dswigle (i don't know your name so still put your alias for the mention)

I am so sorry! I am Denise. I have always used the @dswigle everywhere and now regret it, but, on the good side of that, it has remained consistent and people can find me.

I was told to post more, but, I honestly do not have time to post so much. The money is not important, it is the interaction that I find more interesting. In any site where money is a factor, greed usually sets in and makes the experience about getting ahead and building the biggest and best. If we just have fun with it, learn a little, find simpatico souls and perhaps a sparring partner, I think happiness would stay at an all time high. (Not sparring as in fighting, but, I do enjoy good conversation which nice post and good job sadly lack in that department.

People on Steemit do not click on the links. I do most of the time unless I feel like it is a waste of time (as the post was) I believe it is that mentality of trying to comment on as many posts as possible. You do get paid when you do that and people seem to make some profit like that.

I have a confession to make. When I first came, someone, I have no idea who gave me some steem power. I didn't know how to check and this benefactor never showed themselves. I didn't realize it until someone told me. Does this mean I have a sugar daddy?? :)) Well, I have earned a bit more, but, at the time, I didn't even realize it nor know how to check.

I refuse to let this define my day. While I really do love some of the friendships I am making, it cannot consume me, otherwise, it will lose the fun.

Thanks again for the awesome post on #MarketFriday. You are the best! By the way, all the writing and this post made 32 cents! Of course, with all the writing, there will be $$ added to that, but I find that funny!


thank you for saying your name Denise , now i can use it and i love this name :-)
agree with everything what you said here - people write me "follow back" "upvote my posts" and other stuff in many comments to my posts. but same in real life is not it ? :-))
yes - 30 cents is not something that can help. well i'm happy that i have a job and my photography is just a hobby and this social business is just a fun no more :-) even i see that some ppl are doing not bad profit.
anyway return back to the markets. absolutely spontaneously i went today to Jerusalem, just for a few hours, to walk, to drink beer, to expose a few frames of film. of course i visited the open air Mahane Yehuda market and when - at friday before the close for a weekend. the most crazy hours to go and to look around. i took a few videos to the instagram moments and finished 35mm and 120 film plus same amount of beer :-) was hot - 35C but funny.

Now, of course, I will have to go search your Instagram account. Is that okay with you? I want to see the video. If it is, please tell me which name I should look for or is it the same?

Photography is my hobby, although I have sold some when I wasn't trying to, so that was a surprise.

Okay, I am sure that I have bent your ear far too long! :)

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