ColorChallenge orange Tuesday - sea buckthorn

This is my contribution to colorchallenge tuesday orange by @kalemandra.

What can you do with it?

Sea buckthorn tastes delicious but sour and has 6 times more vitamin c than oranges or lemons. So it's very healthy.

You can put sea buckthorn into a smoothie, but you can also make juice, jam or wine from it.

Or ... just eat it from the tree.

You can find sea buckthorn everywhere, mostly on sandy soils where it grows wild. You could plant them in your garden too, but remember that this tree has offshoots in a radius of 12 meters. The stuff will grow everywhere.

And you will need two plants, a male and a female one, otherwise you will not have any fruits.


Wow beautiful

Didn't know about that though but it does looks great and of course a pretty great shots buddy :)
Keep it Going

exquisite shots nice and great post :)

Ineresting post :D

We don't have any where I live (surburban Surrey) but we have a lookalike, the pyracanthus which is used for decoration around the edges of gardens to deter the unwanted, it has black spikes. I wouldn't want to taste one though, so you're luckier than we are! Thank you

I know this plant too, you can´t eat them, but you can make a really good jam from it. Just be sure the jam is without seeds (the black corn inside the fruit). It test even better as this one I have written about.

Nice fruits

wow the natural orange color looks so good :D

Hallo aus Schottland,
das ist doch Sanddorn oder ? Wir haben hier versucht Sanddorn als Marmelade zu bekommen….no Chance. Ich glaube die kennen das hier nicht .
Grüße an die Heimat ! Resteemed :-)

Sanddorn sollte auch in Schottland wachsen, vielleicht als Schmuckstrauch in irgendwelchen Gärten.

cool shots nice it is looking :)

wow super color mind touch color.....i like

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