Colorchallenge Friday: Blue


I snapped this sunset picture as I was leaving work around 5:45 the other day. It felt good to leave work before 6 p.m. as I had been working til 7 or 8 p.m. on a regular basis and it was dark when I got to work and dark when I left.

It's nice to see a little bit of daylight left after the work day ends.

Happy Friday all!


It is very beautiful. Sun rise and sun set views always have the most beautiful vibrations.

Yes it is very similar looking to a sunrise, however, the feeling that it brings (since it's at a much different stage of the day) is very different. I love seeing the many colors that sunrise and sunset create depending on clouds, humidity, and other factors.

glad you were able to get out early and catch this beautiful sunset

I hope you also get to get out early more often

thanks man :). That is priority #1 for me especially this first month of the year...leaving the office by 6 at the latest when there is still a little bit of daylight and I still have time for dinner and other activities with my family.

It gave me a good feeling so I wanted to capture that moment so I can come back to it when I'm not feeling so well mentally.

you are a hard worker to provide the welfare for family to go home home that night that is what you do for dear people

You are correct! My wife works as well but my employer provides our health care benefit package so my job is very important to us. This is because we live in the U.S. where we don't have universal health care and working at a company that pays for a lot of our health insurance is really important.

The color of the color is very beautiful thanks to sharing your beautiful color among us

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