ColorChallenge Tuesday Orange - Foxy from FNAF
Struggling with this one, so here is Foxy from Five Nights at Freddies (if you don't know this Indie game then you probably don't want to either) costume for my 7 year old last Halloween and will be for this one too.
To be fair it is a good recreation of the animatronic character of the game. I do wonder how many Tattle Tale Mama outfits will be around this year !
Dont know if I should feel good or bad about knowing about FNAF! I didnt play it but know someone that did....I heard lots of rage-quits lol.
Fortunately we didn't end up playing it very much, my 7 year seems far more interested in watching YouTubers play the games then he is himself - except Roblox - he loves that.
Cool! I think 2 Halloweens ago, i dressed up as balloon boy!