Colorchallenge - Tuesday Orange

Brrrrrrr! a very chilly good morning to all.
Well it felt like early winter on this mornings dog's walk, overcast a cold breeze and struggling to get in to a double figure temperature, still on with today's colour challenge.

We had to make do with a snap of this strange fruit hanging over some ones garden fence not sure what it is? so if someone can inform me to what its called? i would be most grateful! it could be common? but i have either forgotten in my old age or not come across it before? anyways if this post makes a few penny's? first correct answer gets 10% of what ever it makes (if any at all) have great Tuesday orange every one and if your in my part of the woods and are out and about? do not forget your coat. :)




looks like from a rose bush. nice choice in colour today i chose orange too.

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