Color Challenge | Indigo Orchids

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)


Sorry for being inactive lately, I've been sorting things out while getting ready for the holidays. But I thought of this photo for today's Indigo Color Challenge. I wanted to focus more on the color and style of the flowers and used 1.5f Bokeh to make them pop out more. Also if your looking for a cheap and affordable lens I highly recommend the 35mm Sigma ART and get the best bang for your buck sharp imagery and clarity.

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Location: San Francisco, California
Camera: Canon Mark III
Lens: 35mm Sigma Art
Edited: Adobe Lightroom

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Nice I really like orchids I get them for my girlfriend all the time.

Thank you, Yeah they make great gifts!

looking awesome and beautiful

Thanks so much really means allot!

i love the contrast of how delicate the orchids are next to the wrought iron:)

Thank you glad you enjoyed, thanks for stopping by and sharing!

Wow what a beautiful shot.. in love with the pictures

Orchids are always beautiful. Your photography makes it more beautiful. upvote @adriansky

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