A Day in The Life: Karma and fire

in #college7 years ago

A Warm but Rainy Day


I realize I made the header say day and the picture above is at night. Day was referring to the unit of time, not the time when the sun is out. That being said, I love a good warm rain. I also love the way the lights around here reflect off of the wet street. Someday I'll go out later when there are no cars and take a picture in the street because all of the really pretty lights can be seen from the street. That day is not today, however, so you just have to deal with the low quality image above.

You're probably wondering at this point what any of that has to do with the title of the post. Well, it has absolutely nothing to do with karma or fire. Today was just another average day except for the nice weather, so I thought it would be good to share some recent events.



Sorry for the poor quality generic fire pic, I was too slow for both of the following events, so I don't have any real pictures, but hopefully you can take my word for it.

So, for some reason, I'm never in my building when the fire alarm goes off, which it has several times this school year. A few weeks ago while I was in class my phone started going off. I checked and it was my building GroupMe asking who set the alarm off. As it turns out, someone had overloaded one of our washers and the belt had burned out. The guy that lives across the hall from me was luckily in the area and unplugged the washer before any flames started, but the room full of smoke still set off the alarm.

Fast forward to last week, I'm on my way home from my 4:00 Sociology lecture, and I hear a terrible screeching sound followed by the smell of burning trash. Sure enough, as I got closer to my building, there was a large plume of smoke in the air. This time it did not actually come from good old Baker Hall, but instead from the dumpster of the law building across the street. I called my roommate (who was playing Fortnite as usual) to ask what was on fire, but he said he couldn't see anything but he could smell it.
I knew he didn't actually look because when I returned home I looked out the window and could see the smoldering dumpster right there. This, however, was evened out later, as the universe has a funny way of dealing with things.



Again, excuse the low quality picture. It's been a really off week for me and I'll take better ones for future posts, but this is all I have to work with right now without going to find some generic image online.

On with the story; my roommate has been having an even worse week than me. It all started this weekend when there was still snow on the ground. A group of us were returning from dinner and my roommate ran up to me and hit me in the back with a snowball, and he then immediately stumbled into a mud puddle, effectively soiling his $160 pair of shoes and the bottom of his jeans. It was the most incredible display of instant karma I had ever witnessed. Ever since then he has been having the worst luck. He picked up whatever illness I had last week even though I've been healthy for days now. His Xbox hasn't been connecting well to the wifi so all of his Fortnite games are a laggy mess. He spent an hour doing an engineering project, forgot to save the file, and then had to spend three more hours figuring out how to do it again. At Canes (Raising Canes, a chicken-serving fast food chain for those who are unfamiliar) they forgot his coleslaw. I'm certain there's a lot more because I've been laughing at him for it all week but I can't really think of anything else right now. Basically whatever sins this boy committed in the past have accumulated and this week is his punishment
And yes, I realize these are some very first world problems as they say, but bad things don't happen to him often, so I have to take my victories as they come, no matter how small.

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