Educational Blessings

in #college7 years ago

It only recently hit me how ahead am, financially, of the majority of my age group. Other Americans my age often get sucked into debt with college payments, student loans, credit cards, etc. They seem to have more money, more stuff, and a better time while I'm stuck here, in my room, with a minuscule bank account.

Seriously, I can't even buy a pair of shoes right now.

But get this. I am about to start my sophomore year of college and have accrued NO DEBT. At all. Whatsoever. I may be broke, but what money I have actually belongs to me. And when I graduate in three years, I still will have no debt at all. Now, don't think it's all because I've been smart with my money, working my tail off to pay the bills and class fees. I have been working my tail off, but in a slightly different way. At my college, everyone graduates debt free. Students work 280 hours every semester to pay off tuition, and the rest is paid by generous donors and sponsors. During the summer, there is also a program for the people who can't afford to pay room and board: the Summer Work Scholarship Program. In this program, students contract to either work 6 or 12 - 40 hour work weeks, each 6 weeks paying for one semester, plus the summer room and board.

(I am contracted to work all 12 weeks. This Friday will mark the end of the first 6. It's flying by so fast!)

During the school year, student take full time college classes and work 15 hours every week, plus any extra curricular activities or off-campus jobs they choose to take part in. It's definitely hard, but it is also 100% worth it.

Because of this school, even if I were to come out on rock bottom when I graduate, with no money and nothing to my name, I will be ahead of so many people who graduate with tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Not to mention, the amazing, quality education I receive here at this school. My school has a great reputation, and often, employers hire the students simply because they come from here. My school is a blessing to me and all the other students here. I wish every American could have the same opportunity that I have.


Its best to stay out of debt. Once, you are in - it is hard to come out.

Keep working hard, and you will be able to enjoy your rewards later.

Nice, good job on coming up with a plan and sticking to it. You're only a sophomore though so lolololol, 3 more years of exams to go. Peer pressure is pretty hard when you're in university so a party once in a while is probably not too bad. Don't blow your saving on spring break.

Wonderful! That scholl definitely sounds like such a blessing!!!

That's fantastic and is a great idea for a way to get through school. I paid my way also, and got out with only a couple hundred in debt. Good for you!

Thank you! I definitely think so. Where did you go?

Texas Tech and U of North Texas.

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