ACEH SWORD SWORD SWEET The Aceh Long Aceh Sword (also known as Aceh, Atjin, Aceh Achin.)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #collection7 years ago


ACEH SWORD SWORD SWEET The Aceh Long Aceh Sword (also known as Aceh, Atjin, Aceh Achin.) Located at the northern tip of Sumatra in Indonesia. It is believed to be one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia. Hindu and Buddhist influences from India may have reached Aceh at the beginning of the first century. sixth century A. D. Tionghoa history. talking about a kingdom in the northern tip of Sumatra called Po-Li. It is believed that Islam probably first entered the Indonesian archipelago through Aceh sometime between the 8th and 12th centuries. In 1292, Marco Polo, on an epic voyage from China visited Sumatra on his way to Persia and reported that in the northern part of the island there were at least six Busy trading ports include Perlak, Samudera and Lambri. With such a past it is not surprising that their weapons have Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese and Islamic influences. This area has a wide martial history. In the mid-14th century, Pasai was invaded by Majapahit troops from Java. In 1523, Sultan Ali attacked the Portuguese in Pasai, Portugal killing the military commander Horge de Brito. Sultan Ali managed to expel the Portuguese forces from Pasai. After this defeat, Portugal attempted to conquer several times in Aceh, without success. In 1873, the Dutch declared war and attacked Aceh Darussalam. But the Dutch found it harder than they expected to gain control of the whole of Aceh. Aceh rejected the occupation, touching from the Aceh War, the longest colonial war / expedition fought by over 10,000 Dutch lives and claimed. Aceh-Dutch war dragged on until 1914, resistance continued with small groups until 1942 when Japan arrived in the Netherlands Indies. It has often been said that the Aceh Sultanate of the 16th century was in a constant struggle. Although many weapons have been used in Aceh, there are three main weapons that have played a role in Aceh's history. They are rencong, Siwaih (Siwah, Sewar, Siwar) and peudeueng. This article will deal with the peudeueng. When I get more imformation this will be updated and more sword types can be added. Nothing in this should be considered a new or original job on my part. Rather this is a compilation of what so many people have been kind enough to share with me, and what published materials I have been able to access. I'm sure there is an inaccuracy here which is the result of an honest mistake. They will be corrected because I am made aware of them or looking for better information. That's one of the great advantages of articles that have been web-based. Unlike a published word that can only be as good as information at the time of publication; Web-based articles can be udated and changed. The New York Times, on May 6, 1873, wrote: "A bloody battle has taken place in Aceh, the indigenous kingdom occupying the northern part of the island of Sumatra of Sumatra delivering a general attack and now we have the details of the results. The attack. disgusted with massacre. Dutch general was killed, and his army was put on a disaster flight. It seems, indeed, has literally been ruined. "The long sword of Aceh is called the peudeung. Although the sword is given to Aceh it is almost certain they are also used by other ethnic groups in the area. There is evidence of its use as a weapon at least as far back as the 17th century. It may have been used separately, with a double sword or with a small round shield called a peurise. It should be noted that this sword is also often called by another name. In a very complete reference book, TRADITIONAL WEAPONS FROM INDONESIAN ISLANDS. by AG Van Zonneveld they are referred to as "I Sword" "Sikin Pairs" and "Sikin Panjang" Many other sources include the excellent Dominique Buttin site calling it "Sikin" (Sikim, Sikkim, Sekem). In a correspondence with Dominique Buttin, he informs that, "Peudeung his name means a sword, which is the same meaning as the Podang of Batak or the Sword of Java." A major problem with deciding the name to be used for this sword comes from the fact that there are 10 groups subethnic of acehnesse (like Aceh, Gayo, Alas, Aneuk Jamee, Melayu Tamiang, Kluet, Devayan, Sigulai, Haloban and Julu) Here I will use the term used in most Dutch sources and it is "Peudeueng". A literature review seems to split peudeueng by blade style and type if the hilt. Bladed straight sword is called peudeueng Long (long sikin, sikin pandjang, loedjo Aceh,). Peudeueng curved blades are called peudeueng Peusangan (Peudeueng Pairs, Peusangan sikin, sikins pasagan, Swords, poedeung).

A Peudeueng Length with the Upper Hanger beunteung (Hulul Buaya


A Peusangan peudeueng with Hulu meu APET A Peusangan peudeueng with overlapping hulu beunteung (HuluPasang) Another division for Aceh sword is by type or shape of hilt or upstream, In "Hands of Time: Aceh Craft", by Barbara Leigh, 1989, Jakarta, he describes them as "the handle of a cat's tail", "hilt like crocodile's mouth", "horn-like deer", "horse-like handle", and "hilt like a duck's tail" While all this can be found in Aceh other swords, I found 4 types of upstream in peudeueng. The handles that look like open mouths of animals (or crocodiles) are called Hulu passengers in Gayo or Hulu Buaya in Aceh. This type of handle can be seen in both Peudeueng Long and Peudeangan Peusangan. In one variant of the tips come together until they are almost touched with a flattened tip. Style I was told by smith Aceh still called Crocodile Hulu but some books also call Peusangan Hulu. Peusangan is the name of the river and the name of the subdistrict in Bireuen, Aceh The third type is usually seen only in the Peudeueng Length called Rumpung Hulu. a close up of a headwaters




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