The Event Horizon Is Coming Up Fast

in #collapse7 years ago (edited)

NOTE: Friends, I am posting this original article by author Richard Sauder on his behalf in order to be able to send him money. I have interviewed Richard several times and he says he's struggling for his very survival, he lives off shore and the powers that be have shut down his Paypal and all traditional ways of accepting donations. He can only receive Bitcoin, which I will personally send him based on how much this post earns. Thank you and God Bless. ~Sean

by Richard Sauder, Event Horizon Chronicle, via

This blog concerns itself with the rapidly approaching Event Horizon towards which this planet and all of humanity are more and more quickly tumbling. Either you see that something big is coming, or you do not. Most likely, if you are reading my blog, you are aware to some degree that we are in a giant, global, decision tree, and that a decisive fork in the road is coming up, or that we have already blithely zoomed past the fork in the road, and the die has already been irretrievably cast!

Image from 2009 film 'The Road' starring Viggo Mortensen

To wit: we will shortly experience either the very worst of times or the very best of times, but not both at the same time. Our future really is binary.

At this point it doesn't matter much what Trump does or doesn't do, what he says or doesn't say. The same goes for Soros, Putin, Clinton ♂ or ♀, Bush père or fils, Macron, Merkel, Yellen, Obama, etc. -- none of them matter greatly in the grand scheme of things. Theoretically, they all could matter greatly, but in reality they do not matter much at this point. They are analogous to small children playing in a sand box with nuclear weapons and trillions of dollars worth of resources and squabbling and bickering over whose sand pail is whose, and whose sand castle is better, and who has the rights to which corner of the sand box and under precisely what, constantly changing, infantile terms.

You see, time has just about run out on us and the events that will be transpiring in the near future, which I am defining as the next six months to ten years, at the maximum, will be so staggering in their import that they will greatly exceed anything that any political party, national government, corporate consortium, religious movement, multi-billionaire(s) or central banking conglomerate can possibly meaningfully alter; even presuming that any of them had the desire and vision to do so, which in the main they do not, so the future results are baked in the cake, so to speak, and they will be highly nonlinear, not to say, spectacular.

Putting Things In Perspective

I say that because we live on a dying planet. Even if there is not a horrific, global economic crash or a shooting nuclear war in the coming months and years, we are still looking at a likely extinction of humankind within the next ten to fifteen years.

It all has to do with the function of exponents, or, more precisely, with the exponentially accelerating rate of species extinction on this planet.

By 2020 conservation biologists calculate that the world will lose two-thirds of all wildlife. The oceans are dying, because of factory fishing, toxic run-off from sewerage, industrial and agricultural pollutants, plastic accumulation, radioactivity from Fukushima, sonic pollution from military naval activities, and more. The great, tropical and boreal forests are being cut down, are disappearing. Urban sprawl and destruction of more and more countryside to provide resources for global, burgeoning, urban populations are leading to still more wildlife die-off. Think: strip mining of mountains and other large tracts of land for copper, coal, uranium, etc. and the resulting toxic run-off of water into streams and rivers, and ensuing loss of aquatic life -- fish, crayfish, turtles, frogs, etc. Think: cutting down of forests for crop and pasture land, to feed an ever growing, global population. All of this implies massive habitat loss and die-off of more and more wildlife.

Until nature breaks down and doesn't work anymore. And we are moving into that zone right now.

I'll make it real simple and non-mathematical. If the first two-thirds of global wildlife will be dead within less than three years from now, the remaining third will not take 25 years to disappear. It will all go so very much more quickly than that. The remaining wildlife will vanish more and more quickly and the final unraveling of the global ecology will go by in a trice.

Of course, the human race is at the apex of the global ecological chain, so as the ecological chain fails, it's like any other chain -- as the links break, it suddenly is not a chain anymore and completely falls apart.


The end of humanity will thus be dizzyingly fast, chaotic and tumultuous, and will occur in the relatively near future, unless humanity as a whole does a radical, 180 degree turn in its thinking and behavior, which appears unlikely at this juncture. There are serious researchers such as Guy McPherson (look him up), who is a PhD biologist, by the way, who are estimating that humanity has ten years left and then it is all over. Dead at our own hands. A terminally stupid -- soon extinct species.

I live in South America and I have see the destruction of the Amazon forest at first-hand: logging (legal and illegal), illegal hunting, illegal collecting of exotic flora and fauna, legal and illegal clearing of forest for crop and pasture land, clearing of forest for roads, futbol fields, parking lots, residential housing, power line rights of way, etc. Add in more destruction of forest for legal and illegal mining, petroleum drilling, oil pipelines -- and you are looking at the death of the Amazon forest, a priceless biological and hydrological treasure. The same or similar is happening to the tropical forests in Asia, Africa and Central America.

I am thinking again of the numbers which prognosticate an extreme, astonishing reduction in population numbers for many countries by 2025, nowhere more so than in the USSA, Germany, the United Kingdom, Israel, Spain, France and Australia.


I surmise that over the next one to ten years the combination of war, economic failure, both natural and "un"- natural disasters, ecological collapse and the meteoric rise of A.I. and robotics will lay waste to a large swath of humanity

What is coming will be both spiritual and physical and will rock the world and humanity to the core, in every way. This is a great inflection point in the history of the Earth and the human race.

Anyone who has two, firing neurons can see what is looming up just ahead.

The War Danger

War is a massive, violent, economic reset tool that so-called ruling "elites" have long used to get rid of large numbers of unwanted people. With the rise of A.I. and robotics and the concomitant obsolescence of the hundreds of millions of workers they will replace, and the coming wave of the many tens and tens of millions of retiring, post-WWII baby boomers, who will be expecting retirement pensions and social security payments from large corporations and government agencies -- well, if those hundreds of millions of displaced, permanently out of work "workers" and countless millions of retirees are physically obilterated and physically no longer exist then governments and corporations do not need to pay any pensions or unemployment benefits, now do they?

You see, war is a business, a very, very big business. It is all about the money, and clearing liabilities from the books, hundreds of millions of liabilities.

Then you can start over again, without having to worry about paying out all those trillions of dollars in pensions and benefits to many millions of pesky, elderly retirees and hundreds of millions of unemployed, grumbling, complaining, superfluous "workers" who will never work again.

And so you see the danger of a major war, to clear the corporate and national accounts of 750 million "liabilities".

I believe that the risk of something like a spectacular, multi-city, nuclear false flag attack is very real, to be falsely blamed on North Korea or Iran or Russia or .... you fill in the blank, because those who stage the false attack(s) will certainly falsely point their finger at their preferred villain du jour.

If that happens, you can take it to the bank that whomever or whatever is blamed for the dastardly deed(s) is most probably not culpable. Were there to be a multi-city, nuclear attack, my immediate supsicion would fall on the same parties behind the 9-11 attacks: Israelis, Zionists, NeoCons, Mossad, CIA, NORAD, FBI, FEMA, Pentagon, etc.

Why? Because of their violent history of false flag attacks, especially including the events of 9-11.

SGT NOTE: Recall the message on the Georgia Guidestones which calls for a drastic reduction in global population


A Supernatural "Event" In Early 2018?

That said, reality is endlessly multi-facted and I have watched with interest the recent work of certain hypno-therapists, such as Allison Coe, some of whose clients over the last year or so, have taken to speaking in deep hypnotic trance of an approaching, world changing "Event" that will allegedly take place on Earth in the near future, perhaps as soon as early 2018. Assuming that these hypnotic sessions are not some sort of alphabet soup agency, Internet psy-op, then perhaps there will be a major, unforeseen event of unknown and unknowable character that will substtantially alter our reality in the next half year or year or two.

Client QHHT Sessions: Supernatural Event Coming Soon?

I don't presume to know, one way or the other, what will happen. I am here for the ride, just like you. I will find out what happens, when it happens, along with everyone else. What I do presume is that we, humanity and the planet, cannot continue for much longer on our current trajectory. Something must massively change, for better or for worse, and it will.

Our future really is binary.

  1. Either things will get much better, and soon;

  2. Or things will get much worse, and soon.

I depend on your contributions and donations to support my writing.

If you find personal value or meaning in this or any of my other blog articles won't you please support my continued work? Contact me at: [email protected] for how to donate.

I also gratefully accept gift cards in any amount, small or large, to my e-mail address: [email protected]

RELATED: My most interview with Richard Sauder


steemit  Shot 2017-05-20 at 8.49.49 PM.png


This is again an excellent post SGTReport. I, like many people (if not all) on Steemit see this looming disaster/change on the horizon. The more people in this world fighting for positive change the more likely we can affect a positive outcome.

But have we taken too long? Have we come too far?

Definitely upvoted and resteemed!

Good on you mate upvoted and resteemed, good article he should join steemit

Good cause and good info. Alot of this info I know but it needs to be passed on to others.

I'm pretty sure that much of the 2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for in DOD's budget went towards the geoengineering program. The chemtrails are plain as day. I've seen them in Colorado and now California. Obviously, they are trying to reduce the earth's temperature. But why keep it from the public - unless it's bad news. If this program has been going on for 60 years, that's a lot of dough.

There are some really wicked people who are growing desperate and want to drop a big EMP and blame it on the Norkos. They are desparate to maintain power. Since they can't successfully carry out their false flag anymore, there will likely be some economic dirty tricks coming into play. We have switched 'waves' though, and have a golden wave of potentiality laid out before us. There will surely be severe challenges ahead, but I am very optimistic of what the future has in store.

Thank you and thanks for including his contact info for donations!!!

On a funny note, Ms. Coe could hypnotize me anytime, Oh wait, did I type that out loud?

Couldn't he just join Steemit ?

Very interesting video from the hypnotist.

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