Who is prepared for the collapse coming?
The economy is falling apart retail businesses are closing all across the country. We are a commodity driven country when consumers stop purchasing products our economy fails. This is not Trumps fault this is the banks fault creating money out of thin air. I would like everyone to please comment on what they are doing to get ready for this. We all need to help each other. Have a blessed evening with your families.
I don't think I'm truly ever going to be 100% prepared, but I'm much better off now than I was a year ago, and muchhhhhhh much better off than 2 years ago.
I'm in the same boat. I add on every month and have a little more than the month before...
But if it were to happen tomorrow, I would feel somewhat prepared. I would probably wish I had more cash on hand though.
I don't think anyone is truly happy with where they are in regards to being prepared. You can only do the best with what you have, and accumulate as much as you can...
Retail shops probably closing because online shopping has soared. I'm a senior without a car (gave it to a grandson), so I shop online 90% of the time...love having product delivered straight to my door! I'm a city boy, but I've taken a few precautions as time and money permitted.
I think main stream media likes to blame the demise of retail stores on internet shopping just to hide the real facts about why retail is tanking. Too many outlets. Too much overhead. Too highly leveraged because of cheap easy money. Too many people who can no longer afford to be casual consumers. Harry Dent coined the moniker "demographic cliff". It's when the largest generation (baby boomers) stops spending their money because they're entering retirement. That surely is beginning to have an effect on the economy. Also, consumer debt is in the trillions of dollars. I've paid down debt and continue my preparations. Not sure where it will get me, but if nothing else, it's a hedge against inflation while I'm still earning a decent wage.
Perhaps, but, as my example shows, online shopping is big. I have reduced my debt to zero, and acquired real assets. My weakness is living in the city, but I'm too old to move, so must simply hope for the best. Sold my last mining shares today (at a whopping profit) and invested the return in silver Eagles.
I thought the exact same thing and then i realized all these retail stores had massive online stores also. I also found out that online shopping was down in the 3rd & 4th quarter of 2016 and first quarter of 2017. I was want to help families as we are going to go through a tough recession. Have a blessed evening with your family.
Personally, I checked out. I sold everything, left my slave job, my slab full of junk, bought a camper, and now travel and work for cash. My camper is full of preps. Dehydrated food, water purification, communications, solar power,self defense, ect.
I find the limitations of my storage dictate how much I can buy.
Homesteader and prepper.. living in the mountains.. My family will be much better off than those in the urban ares..just a thought
glad you have done it, giving you an up vote and a follow
Thanks.. every one should check you out.. You have some interesting stories on your steemit site. underrated! @cullyguy
Thanks homesteader!! That means a lot to me
I'm a firm believer in Gold and Silver and stack away! I also hold Bitcoin and some other Crypto Currencies. I have some land and recommend everyone having an acre or 2 tucked away for a rainy day. Lastly, storage food and water are good options...
Thank you very much for your reply. How do you buy crypto and which one how do you store it? Just started with some food and water. Have a wonderful evening with your family.
I am Bitcoin Buy and Holder! I trade a couple other coins, but to me, it all started with BTC. I buy off an exchange called Bittrex. I also have a Coinbase account which I use to fund or withdrawl from. Once I have it I immediately send it to my wallet on my computer. I like the exodus wallet a lot, but there are several other good ones. I send some of my BTC to a paper wallet. I am currently researching the hardware options, and plan to start doing that in the near future. If you have any questions don't hesitate and reach out to me...
Like your thinking A vote up and will follow
As I no longer have a job, it's a little difficult trying to prepare when my other half refuses to see what's going on around us. I have great fear that as soon as the U.S. Dollar gets devalued, the entire global will go bonkers. I keep warning others around me to get food, water and maybe some flashlights but for myself, I have done much but a few jugs of water, a bag of rice and some candles. Wished that I could afford more ... hopefully more people around me are prepared so I don't have to bring out my crossbow. LOL!
Praying for you and your family. I am having the same problem with my wife we are in California and you would not believe how clueless the state is. You are start having a conversation with someone and they look at you like your crazy. It is pretty sad that you we good in your heart and try to help and they no longer want to learn anything else besides the job they do on the daily. Have a great night with the family.
California has gone tax crazy, right? Have you ever thought about moving to a less taxing state?
Yes it is way out of control no way this can sustain. The west is known as sheep they have no idea what is going on in the real world. You try to talk to some of them and they look at you like your crazy. I guess they will wake up when they get fleeced out of everything they thought they had. I have tried for over 10 years i can not convince my wife. We just sold our home in the city and are heading for the hills. We will see what the future holds we are currently in a pretty good position if this completely unravels. Have a blessed evening with your family.
we can't be ready for what will come for my generation (30 years)and the followings. Because we'll have To Reinvent all our way of life, and in the same we'll have to endure the exaction made on nature and peoples that we are doing to us today. i have not really the time now but I'll develop.
And before that we must destruct the actual system or just wait it to auto-destruct himself ) who place profit before people.
Hey hanjo giving you and a vote up and a follow.
As many of you had said, I am more prepared than I was a couple years ago, but I wish I have time to do more before it all happens.
You not only need some gold, silver and food. You need to garden. You must learn how to grow some of your own food. Get out of the big city. I left 5 years ago when i was 63. Now I'm 68 live in rural TN. on 17 acres. In the last 5 years I have planted over 250 trees, bushes and vines. Most will bear some kind of fruit. If you can walk you you can do it too. Giving you an up vote and a follow