Collaboration drawing for collaborative Art journey no 29

It has been a while.

I was involved with this collaboration in it's early days and have contributed from time to time.

What I like about it is that it promises the rewards of community and connectedness without the instant chance at monetary gain.

This is Steemit success long term.

I love a fun contest here.

But it is not the sum of steemit success.

Engagement just for the purpose of connecting with like minded people is the best way forward.

Often I see people who have done well here bombarded with the same question / attempt at a compliment.

You have done well here, tell me your secret?

Their secret is not a secret and they don't possess your answer. Because your answer is different to theirs, as the original question is not the same.

Why you are here and who you are has nothing to do with how that person made their mark.

Ask yourself who you are.

What part of you do you want to share here.

What you have to offer.

...and do that.

The collaborative Art process is a prime example.

The very same image in the hands of 40 different steemian becomes something completely different.

Make your mark by looking at steemit with your own eyes and decide what it is that you see hidden within.


For me it is always a face.

My own I suppose, mirrored back, waiting still to discover it's purpose.

The journey to find that purpose is only mine to discover.

I can walk with others but I will always remain within my own realm.

Find your path by connecting with others with no expectation of reward.

Who knows what might happen?


Thank you @everlove for your continued efforts and for your unique presence on steemit.

I have committed to returning to engaging in community initiatives in the coming year, for my own salvation and I hope for the future benefit of others too.

I'm excited about what 2018 has in store.

I plan to share my successes and failures here on my way to finding out where it is I'm headed to next.

The words of a woman I admire are reverberating in my head as I write this -

Life is a highway and I'm gonna ride it
Every day's a winding road yeah. My rollercoaster's got the biggest ups and downs. As long as it keeps goin' round it's unbelievable.

Kimya Dawson.

And from the very same track

...And before I had a mini van I road the greyhound bus. My mom would say, "I hope some day you get paid for being kimya dawson."
And now I do and it's not much.But it's enough.

Not my video, but this is the track in my head at least nine tenths of yesterday.😊



I really enjoyed your artwork!

Really Beautiful Art work ! you have done...

Oh my gosh--@girlbeforemirror. You really hit the nail on the head. So spot on with your words, sentiments and awareness of purpose and our relationships with it here on Steemit.

You truly have had the ups and downs, and I can see that you are more alive on the ride in this lifetime than many, because you are feeling so deeply the extremes. Thank you for sharing yourself and for adding so much value to this artists' community.

Rewards really are the bonus, as the true value is in the connections and the love we share with one another. We can change the world one spark at a time. We are having the opportunity to connect from all over the world through this blessed platform, Steemit. It is giving us an opportunity to use our voice, share ourselves, and be heard. WE are creating the value, the whole reason for being on Steemit. We can create here the world in which we wish to live, and leave all the other stuff behind that doesn't serve. I believe people are beginning to feel this opportunity, especially after going to SF1 and SF2, to delve in together and make something big happen on many levels.

We begin with building community, finding each other, supporting each other, sharing ourselves and the love around. We can work magic together. Build it and they will come! Here we are!!

Your art is, as always, incredibly potent and moving. You really touch people through the expression of yourself. What a blessing to us all. RESTEEMED!!!

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