CollaborativeArtJourney by @everlove: The mask

Dear friends, I have once again encouraged myself to participate in this contest, thanks to the initiative of @everlove, taking as a reference your offering, I wanted to do something unique and fun and on the eve of the carnival, completely modify your design in a beautiful mask with colors that they emphasize and emphasize my creation. It is very fun and is used a lot at carnival parties.

I hope you liked it.

#CollaborativeArtJourney by @everlove

Follow me@anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87 @anaaliendres87


Good image I see that you are ready for the carnival, greetings.

Thank you very much for your comment @ffelix26. Regards!!

Muy bella pieza de arte. Éxito en el concurso amiga!

Gracias por comentar mi post amiga @macodi1. Feliz Tarde. Saludos!

Me encantan los colores, es una bonita máscara para el carnaval, saludos.

Gracias @syllem. Me alegra que te haya gustado. Saludos!

That is quite the carnival mask @anaaliendres87. It's such a brilliant and eye-catching piece. I love the colors from the part of my image you chose to feels springy, cheery and bright! What a great contribution to our repertoire. A very happy feeling image. Thanks for being a part of the journey.

Grateful for your comment @everlove, I am delighted to participate and be able to contribute to your contribution, I love your contests where we can leave creativity to fly and get the best out of us. Best regards!!

Giving our best and supporting each other really does make the experience awesome for us all. Thanks for doing it with us @anaaliendres87.

Excellent creation friend @ anaaliendres87, I liked the idea of generating a face with that diversity of colors ... What a great imagination ... Regards ...

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