in #cold6 years ago (edited)

On my second day of quitting cold turkey I've been continuing with my new substitution tactic.

After 20 years of being a rabid conspiracy theorist, (we got an internet connection in 98) quitting overnight is a challenge.

I'm not trying to forget or ignore what I've learned, but to stop focusing on it all the time. Because 20 years ago I was doing a lot more other things, and it's just dawned on me lately that focusing on conspiracies is messing with my headspace and stopping me doing more interesting stuff like art and photography.

At least here on Steemit I have earned some money doing posts about conspiracies, but it's time for a change.

On our website I have about 2000 web pages and blog posts, and printed out they would average about 10 A4 pages each (yes there are plenty of pictures!) So that would be about 20 thousand frigging pages. About half of those are in some way about conspiracies of various types, so I have about 10 000 pages of crap about conspiracies online. Clearly I have some serious issues to work out with myself...

At its peak the site was getting up to 15 million page views a month. It isn't anymore, but I won't go into why that is, because that would bugger up my cold turkey therapy.

Today each time I start thinking about a conspiracy I've been switching to doing something more creative instead. And it's been great - I already feel happier.

It always helps me to learn things if I do posts about what I'm learning as I go, so next I'll start doing some posts about the image editing I'm now doing.

These are some drawings I've just finished - the really cool thing for me is that by using some new technology, (a tablet with a pen and some really amazing apps) drawing suddenly got much faster, easier, and more exciting



pretty sure there are pills you can take....
Image result for conspiracy theory funny meme

And herbs!

Muy buen post, cada día surjen nuevas tecnologías y solo hay que saber como usarlas. Ya lo que antes era solo lápiz, color y pinturas se esta combinando con el arte digital. Una persona se debe re descubrir varias veces durante toda su vida. No ser una persona lineal, acostumbrado a una rutina si no siempre probar cosas nuevas, eso mismo se debe aplicar al arte, no ser alguien de un solo estilo. Buen post, saludos.

Thanks - you are a bit Spanish aren't you?

Very good post, every day new technologies arise and you just have to know how to use them. And what was once just pencil, color and paintings is being combined with digital art. A person must re discover several times throughout his life. Not being a linear person, accustomed to a routine if you do not always try new things, the same must be applied to art, not being someone of a single style. Good post, greetings.

Solo un poco jajaja.

Are you trying to hide your origins? :)

"Just a little hahaha"

Yo se algo de ingles pero no mucho. Es decir, soy capaz de leerlo pero no de escribirlo o hablar. Aun estoy intentando aprender y antes de escribir algo mal en ingles prefiero hacerlo en español que es mi idioma.

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Amazing work, love the 3rd one but judging by your artwork I think you are beyond help.

Haha! I met Ron Jeremy once. He was every bit as creepy as your drawing! Here’s a photo 😜


He looks like a close friend of yours :)

I quit conspiracy theories once, went cold Turkey, It was the worst 10 minutes of my life.

I'm using them as a trigger - and my timeline is like a firing squad - this is working!

I also prefer to read and watch art and photo rather than reading on conspiracy. After all, it gives you awareness and it makes you more bitter, but does conspiracy make you achieve something?

Well it made me achieve a wide knowledge of conspiracies - I don't think I had a choice - but now I realise it goes beyond what I can cope with so it's time to stop...

Big Penis! Big Other holes? Confusing genitalia, is this a trans post? LOL

If I did a post about kittens you would make it about a trans conspiracy wouldn't you? :)

I might...but only because it probably would be haha!

Nice to see your artistic side, Some of your drawings are somewhat self explanatory but others I haven't a clue what I'm looking at. Maybe you can give some of your creations a one word title or even a sentence.


I just did that for someone else!


Yes the one word does help with this one.

Sounds like a very healthy move. I was obsessed with conspiracy theories many years ago and it definitely caused me a lot of angst and paranoia. I really hope you manage to shift your focus onto other things!

Yes - it's working - each time I think about a conspiracy I go and edit a picture - most of my timeline is conspiracies so I'm being a bit anti social - but not with you because you are one of my distractions!

I’m very happy to provide a distraction! 😊

Wow: that's a looooottt of conspiracy writing!

Well done on getting to Day Two! I love the new pics. It'd be great to see some more. I'm feeling inspired to get back into my art.


Do it! - it's more fun than arguing with vegans:)

hahaha that's a brilliant vid! XD
Durianrider is one of my fav vegans online. So much gold in there. Carb the fuck up!

Yes, art is fun too (and a bit more peaceful).



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