Myths about colds to the test of facts

in #cold6 years ago


Cold is the cause of cold and fever is treated with a good sweat - or maybe not? Many myths circulate on the cold. We explain to you what is true in all this.

A runny nose, a sensation of itching in the throat and the voice that echoes in the ears - here are the classic symptoms of the cold, known to all. As a matter of fact, according to the Federal Statistical Office, adults get cold on average three times a year. Read on to find out which "pearls of wisdom" have real feedback and which are not.

The cold causes the


False cold. In winter, colds and other seasonal ailments reach the peak, but the cold, as such, does not cause colds. On the one hand, our immune system is weakened by the temperature change between inside and outside. On the other hand, the heated air from the heating system dehydrates the mucous membranes, thus lowering the natural barriers of protection of the organism against viruses and bacteria. The cold therefore has only an indirect effect.

A cold can become a false influence


.Disorders in the case of colds and flu are similar; for this reason, the cold is also referred to as an influenza-like infection. However, these two diseases are caused by different viruses. The cold can, therefore, become an influence only when, due to the already weakened immune system, in addition to the cold virus, the influenza virus is also contracted.

Influenza vaccination also protects against


Fake cold. Given that influenza and cold are caused by different viruses, influenza vaccination does not protect against colds. However, influenza vaccination is always recommended because the flu has a much worse course than the cold.

Stress makes Vero sick

.Under conditions of constant stress our body produces a greater amount of stress hormones, such as cortisol. These hormones lower the barriers of our immune system, making us more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Therefore, tranquility and relaxation are essential for maintaining good health.

Fever is treated with a good sweat


False. When the body is already weakened by the cold, fever is a further aggravating factor. Almost everyone suffers from chills when they have a fever. In these cases, of course, it is right to stay warm, but you must avoid covering too much because it would be counterproductive and harmful to further increase body temperature.

It is better to suck up with the nose than blow the nose

True. When blowing the nose, high pressure is generated inside the throat. Therefore, pathogens can easily reach the Para nasal cavities by triggering an inflammatory reaction, with the consequent elongation of the disease. It is; therefore, best to suck up with the nose.

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