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in #cold-flu7 years ago
  1. The , nature’s cough drop.

If you have a persistent cough, you most likely will do anything to pacify it so you can go about your daily tasks. In fact, a cough is often the final stage of an illness as it can be caused by the irritation that is created while the throat is healing. So one may feel better, yet the cough continues on and on. This remedy sounds too simple to be effective, but I can guarantee you this remedy is like gold. I worked as a cashier throughout my schooling and I had been able to bypass calling in sick many times with the help of these spicy buds. The fact is that they are expectorants (clear phlegm), both antiviral and antibacterial and also highly anti-inflammatory. With all of these factors together, this is the perfect remedy for calming any cough.

Directions: Take 3 whole clove buds and pop them in your mouth during a coughing spasm. Suck on them until they begin to fall apart and non longer have any flavor. Repeat as much as needed.

  1. Turmeric, Salt and Cayenne Gargle for sore throat and swollen glands.
    This not-so-tasty, but oh-so-effective remedy is great for preventing a full-blown sore throat or swollen glands, if you are able to catch the soreness in time. If not, it is also anti-inflammatory and surprisingly soothing when the soreness is high. Once again this remedy contains all of the necessary properties of being anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant. Allowing the mixture to penetrate for localized treatment is very powerful as well, and works best if the soreness is more superficial, rather than deep down into the throat.

Directions: Mix 1/2 tsp of turmeric, 1/4 tsp of salt and one pinch of cayenne pepper in 1 cup of warm water. Stir thoroughly. Use this as a gargle, as you tilt the head back fully and gargle for 10-20 seconds (or longer) and spit out. It is recommended to let a small amount trickle down the throat to coat any deeper infectious areas. Repeat this 3 times in a row and perform every 6 hours or as needed for prevention or treatment of a sore throat or swollen glands.

  1. Ginger Juice for nausea.
    Although ginger is great for fighting infection, this remedy is specific for the nausea and dull appetite that often accompanies illness. If you are lucky enough to have a juicer, this is the most powerful way to extract the juice. However, if you do not have one, you can still utilize this remedy by creating a powerful and potent decoction (see directions below). Either way, this remedy is sure to penetrate through the dull, heaviness that accumulates in the stomach, increase the digestive force and clear out and toxins in the gut. As an added benefit, ginger is also great for fever, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and a powerful expectorant just to name a few…

Juicing method: Wash off 1/2 pound of ginger and chop it into pieces to fit through the juicer. Juice and store in an airtight glass jar. One half pound of ginger should make about 1/2 cup of juice). Mix 1 tsp of this juice in 1/2 cup of warm water. Drink this every 3-4 hours during illness, or as much as needed.
Decoction method: Wash of 1/2 pound of ginger, chop and peel (optional). Take the ginger and grate it into 4 cups of boiling water. Reduce the heat to simmer and cover, leaving a slight crack in the lid. Steep here for several hours until the liquid is boiled down (slowly) to 1 cup. Strain and store in an airtight jar. Take 1 Tbsp mixed in 1/2 cup of warm water. Drink this every 3-4 hours during illness, or as much as needed.

  1. Tulsi, Turmeric and Ginger Tea for fever, cold or flu.
    This potent tea blend can be used to fight pretty much any illness from a fever, sore throat, cold, nausea or a full fledged flu. Whether bacterial or viral by nature, this infusion is quite effective for preventing a illness or treating an already manifested sickness. A few of its mighty health benefits includes immune boosting, digestion enhancing,anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant and febrifuge (reduces fever). I would suggest making a strong batch of this in the morning and drinking it consistently throughout the day.

// ** One of my favorite elements about the fall is being able to enjoy a warm glass of tea as I bundle up in a warm cozy blanket. This particular Ayurvedic tea recipe is exceptionally spectacular, as it is immune boosting, digestion enhancing, detoxifying, bug-killing, delicious goodness in one soothing cup. This tea is a great option in the cold weather, as all three herbs are heating by nature. This tea will help to keep your blood flowing, as constriction and cold hands and feet become more common. This recipe is also an amazing choice for the prevention or treatment of a cold, flu, infection or fever. During these times, it is best to drink 8 ounces at least 3-4 times a day and reduce the amount of honey used.

• Doshic effect: Vata↓, Pitta↑ , Kapha↓
• Serving: 3 servings (about 8-12 oz per serving)
• Time: 10 minutes, including prep time

• Small sauce pan
• Fine mesh strainer
• Measuring spoon
• Ginger or cheese grater (chop the ginger finely with a knife if this is not available)
• 4 cups of pure water
• 2 Tbsp. loose leaf tulsi tea
• 2-3 heaping tsp of fresh ginger, finely grated (substitute with 1 -2 tsp dry ginger if needed)
• ½ tsp turmeric powder
• Honey to taste

  1. Boil 4 cups of water in a sauce pan on high heat. Once boiling, remove from heat.
  2. Add the tulsi, grated ginger and turmeric. Stir.
  3. Let these herbs steep for 6-8 minutes.
  4. Strain into a mug. Once the temperature has cooled a bit, add the honey to taste (about 2 tsp per 8oz). ***Honey should never be cooked or heated above 110 degrees as this process changes the molecular structure of the honey and makes it a toxic, unrecognizable substance to the body.
  5. Sip slowly while you bundle up by the fire and daydream… Or any other way you wish to enjoy this healing treat! **/

Drink this tea at the first sign of sickness, 1-3 times daily. Once sick, drink a warm cup of this tea every 3-4 hours or as much as needed. Use the honey sparingly, as viruses and bacteria thrive off of sugar. So a small amount of honey is beneficial in colds, etc; while too much will be harmful.

  1. Ginger-Baking Soda Bath for flu, body aches, chills and fever.
    There is not much better way to treat a sickness than to sweat out the toxins by taking a hot soak. This ginger blend will help to increase this sweating process further and is also highly beneficial for pacifying a fever. It relaxes the muscles and the mind, and is great for any aches that often accompany the flu. It even is beneficial for coughing, as it also relaxes the respiratory tract which is often constricted and stressed during times of coughing spasms. Finally adding some essential oils can help promote healing even further.

Directions: Fill the tub with moderately hot water. While filling, add 1/3 cup of ginger powder and 1/3 cup of baking soda and mix until fully dissolved. Relax in this ginger bath for at least 15 minutes or until you break a sweat. ***If there is respiratory issues add eucalyptus, peppermint and sweet orange essential oils (optional). If there is fever and flu, add tulsi, sweet orange and rosemary essential oils (optional).

  1. Mahasudarshana Churna, the Ayurvedic antibiotic.
    If you are sick of resorting to antibiotics but need powerful relief, this traditional Ayurvedic formula is the answer. In fact, it not only fights bacterial infections, but also treats viral, fungal, parasitical and any other microbial infection. Although extremely bitter and not so pleasant to take, it is well worth it when you are feeling under the weather. This formula is a natural detoxifier that can be used in any flu, cold, sore throat, nausea, sinus infection and fever. It is great for both Pitta and Kapha and is a powerful liver tonic. Just as many of these other remedies, this formula is anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant and immune boosting by nature.

Directions: During sickness take 1/2 tsp in warm water every 3-4 hours. Once the symptoms have reduced, continue to take the same dosage, but reduce to 2-3 times daily. Take continuously until 3 days after the final symptoms have ceased to prevent the illness returning.

  1. Immaculate Immunity Tincture for cold, flu and fever.
    This is another bitter tonic, although this formula comes in a powerful herbal extracted tincture form and can be easier to take than the previous recommendation. This tincture has been formulated to treat any illness from bacterial to viral, whether cold, flu, fever, sore throat, nausea or sinus infection. For times of extreme sickness, I actually will take both the Mahasudarshana Churna and the Immaculate Immunity tincture, in perfect antimicrobial harmony!

Directions: This formula works best when taken at the first onset of symptoms, before the illness manifests. At this time take 3-5 dropper-“full” (one dropper equals one squeeze) every 3-5 hours for prevention. During the illness, increase the dosage to 5-7 dropper-full every 2-3 hours. Once the symptoms have decreased or subsided, it is recommended to continue taking 2-3 dropper-full, 3 times daily for 3-7 days, to prevent any recurrence of the illness.

  1. Black Pepper Tea:

Black pepper tea provides relief from common cold, and helps to alleviate chest congestion”.

Why it helps:
“Black pepper is antibacterial in nature, and given that this spice is rich in Vitamin C, it also works as a good antibiotic”.

  1. Turmeric and Garlic Milk:

“Boil a clove of garlic with milk, and then add ½ teaspoon of turmeric. Drink twice daily to get rid of a stubborn cold. In case you have a sore throat, you can also gargle with turmeric water a few times a day for quick relief.

Why it helps:
Turmeric contains curcumin, which is an active agent that has strong anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that helps in treating infections. Moreover, hot milk brings the mucus up from your chest. Ginger acts as a natural analgesic and relieves congestion in the tonsils.

  1. Honey + Ginger Paste + Tulsi Leaves:

A decoction of 1 teaspoon honey, 1/4 teaspoon ginger paste and 1/2 teaspoon tulsi leaves works wonders. Drink twice daily, in the morning and evening”.

Why it helps:
Honey has great anti-inflammatory properties, and a 2007 study conducted at Penn State College of Medicine in fact showed that honey is more effective than over-the-counter medicines which mostly contain cough suppressants like dextromethorphan. Ginger acts as natural analgesic, and Tulsi is an important herb in Ayurveda, effectively acts on our respiratory system.

  1. Eucalyptus Oil:
    “Apply Eucalyptus essential oil on nose and forehead for relief. You can also add black pepper to eucalyptus oil while boiling hot water in a vessel. Carefully place your face over the vessel and inhale the vapours.
    Note: It is essential that you inhale the vapours through your nose, and then exhale through your mouth.

Why it helps:
Eucalyptus oil has powerful antibacterial, analgesic and expectorant properties. It helps expel the phlegm built up in your airways and makes breathing easier.

  1. Besan:
    Besan ka sheera may be a sure shot remedy for cold and running nose, but just the aroma of besan or eating besan ka halwa can help in clearing your nasal tract.
    Why it helps:
    Besan (gram flour) is a powerhouse of antioxidants, and helps in clearing your nasal tract. It is also a good source of vitamin B1 (Thiamin), which reduces fatigue by converting food into energy.

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