Deputy Consul Guangzhou

in #cointelpro5 years ago

*I am the original author and creator of this content.

*I also intend to publish it to Indymedia, which I have been using since 2003.

To: Deputy Consul Guangzhou

email: [email protected]

The police in Shenzhen refused to allow me a phone call to a lawyer; and illegally extended my stay in the temporary detention facility beyond the statutory limit of two weeks for foreigners. This is a major problem because the facilities are severely overcrowded and they do NOT have an infirmary, which constitutes torture on its own merit. I am also physically disabled and I informed them of that.

They also tortured me auditorially with loud coughing and sneezing sounds and visually by constantly filling my field on vision with masonic-police handsigns. This is often called cartel-signaling. This becomes overt torture after an intense period of sensitization by the police and their spy-assassins in the community. Every police force and community watch group in the world does this; and by now, I have been to more than 40 countries and have experienced this in everyone of them on your motivation. I am now an expert-witness and my testimony can be believed in court.

They also interrogated me a total of 31 times, which is again torture. Any interrogation is torture, as I can not leave or stop it, much less being interrogated "31" times.

They also "killed" me. After reluctantly treating me with "ephedrine-hydrochloride" for breathing problems, which I would not have survived without, their doctor administered a "morphine-drip" without informing me and without any consideration for drug interaction, which is serious malpractice nearly resulting in my permanent-death. After reviving me, they transported me to a "traditional-chinese-medicine" hospital that they controlled. Which was NOT capable of treating asthma or any other serious breathing problem. There they continued the sound and visual torture and additionally kept me in "leg-irons" the entire time, causing "permanent" nerve damage to my right foot. A locked room was availabe in the ward, so the leg-irons were unneccesary.

After my continued refusal to confess after torture, they "unofficially" deported me to New York City, based on a "bogus" claim of my not having medical insurance. This is a bogus claim because, not only is it not required for entry into China; they were responsible for my medical condition by creating the circumstances that hospitalized me, in addition to being statutorily responsible for my health care during detention.

Fortunately, I did not have to pay for the ticket; but the SWAT-TEAM that accompanied me to the airport again continued the sound and visual torture. Psychopaths all.

Clearly, this "deportation" was arranged by "STATE," as I have previously complained to State about your "illegal" and "coerced" removal of me from Guyana S.A., where I was seeking asylum from "torture and other degrading treatment or punishment" specifically prohibited by UN charter, where you had me tortured, beaten, raped, starved, dehydrated, life-saving medicine withheld and every other manner of psychopathic treachery you could devise. Your agent who had complete knowledge of this was "Patrick J. Ball," then vice consul of Jamaica, who was non-consensually contacted by the police officers you had infiltrated into my cell at the lockup, while I was being held for deportation, for lack of sufficient funds. I suppose Marion V. Heroux, who was my usual contact at State did not want to be involved in torture, especially the kind you had planned and did carry-out.

You clearly consider me your property. I insist that I am NOT your property and should never have been subjected to any of this. I did not sell myself into slavery and neither did my parents; therefore you have no right either statutory or otherwise to regard me as chattel and to do so is a serious violation of human rights and dignity. You cannot declare anyone "non-human!"

My current problems with you and the apparatus of the state in general began while I was living in Los Angeles. Sometime in 2003, this became so intense as to be lifethreatening, where I was subjected to every form of police and community harassment possible, on a 24 hour basis. I was also subjected to a fraudulent "felony-stop," where I was held at gunpoint by the Los Angeles Sheriffs' Deparment, where they had clearly been "lying-in-wait" for me, at the paid lot where I parked my car. They claimed that they had gotten a "tip" that I was carrying a gun. This "tip" was clearly made-up and designed to characterize me as a terrorist. Your apparatus, led by the FBI, has continued this phoney narrative, as I have been called a "sniper" to my face by police and their spies in at least 5 countries, The US, Domenica, Guyana SA, Kenya and The PRC. I want this "slander" and "libel," promulgated primarily by the US FBI to cease immediately as well as any and all other forms of interference and "outcome-meddling" or adjustment. In addition, I want to be "repaired and made-whole." Aside from the nearly generation-long intense suffering caused by your pogrom of police and community torture and harassment, which included "13 YEARS" of sleep deprivation. All of my social endeavors have been infiltrated and destroyed along with my employment. In fact, I have lost about 15 years of wages, at an absolute value of about $500,000.00, not including ordinary promotions. This has also affected my ability to choose a spouse and raise a family. The damages are incalculable.

The "tip," mentioned previously, probably occurred at Los Angeles Infraguard. This may have even been called in by the FBI itself, as they are notorious for this. I want to make this perfectly clear, I have "never" carried a gun and I have never threatened anyone. Anyone who says otherwise is a God damned lier and has perverted the cause of justice and should be held accountable.

Following this "tip" your FBI "human-trafficed" me to be used as a permanent training target for your police and spies en-masse, "all over the world." I have been police-gang-stalked, terrorized, interfered with, run off the road, sleep deprived and assest stripped in all of the 40 or more countries I've been to since 2010. You have deliberately prevented me from settling anywhere. Most recently you had an informant follow me from South Korea, in order to prevent me from obtaining asylum in Australia, which he and "you" acheived successfully.

Also, considering that the COINTELPRO and STASSI decomposition program I have been subjected to is probably the most complex and vicious in human history, I consider myself a priority plaintiff, in any and all collective actions against the US for the same or similar offences.

I want my day in court. I want to be made whole; and I want you to remove youself from my life.

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