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in #coinkorea6 years ago (edited)

Designed by @chosigageo

안녕하세요, @feelsogood 입니다.

관심있는 블록체인 뉴스를 정리하였습니다.

1. IBM Makes Another Blockchain Identity Play With Health Data App


IBM's blockchain division is widening its work in the nascent field of "self-sovereign identity" – technology designed to give individuals greater control over their personal data.
Announced today, the tech giant is working with Hu-manity.co, whose #My31 app just became available on iOS and Android mobile devices. The app's name alludes to the idea that legal ownership of one's data should be a "31st human right" in addition to the 30 already ratified by the United Nations.
It's the latest in a series of similar projects IBM has been involved in. Others include SecureKey, a bank consortium building a digital ID system in Canada, and Sovrin, contributor of the Indy toolkit for Hyperledger-based blockchains.
As such, the partnership with Hu-manity is a strong signal that Big Blue sees long-term business value in this use case for distributed ledgers. Marie Wieck, the general manager of IBM Blockchain, told CoinDesk:
"Getting people's permissioned rights on a blockchain will create a marketplace and entirely new economic business models as a result."
Indeed, while Hu-manity's app is consumer-facing, an enterprise version will be generally available to corporations starting in the healthcare industry in the first quarter of 2019, Wieck said.
"We tend to agree that data is the next natural resource and like a natural resource has to be mined responsibly in the same way," she added. "Blockchain combined with the notion of rights to individual data, facilitates the distributed sharing of that information securely and at scale."
Richie Etwaru, founder and CEO of Hu-manity, has a similarly expansive vision. Starting with the well-established market for health record data, he said he expects location data, search history and e-commerce habits will also be "owned" by users.
Upon claiming their data property rights, Hu-manity users receive a title of ownership, akin to a property deed. Thereafter their personal details, signature and photograph can be added in the form of a hash on the blockchain, along with things like the individual's data-sharing preferences.
While the Hu-manity.co global consent ledger, which records the granting and revocation of permission to use someone's data, is built on the IBM Blockchain Platform using Hyperledger Fabric, the two companies will also collaborate with Sovrin.

IBM이 개인데이터를 보다 잘 관리할 수 있는 "self-sovereign identity" 분야에서 입지를 확고히 하고 있습니다. #My31 앱을 런칭한 Hu-manity.co와 협력을 발표했습니다. #My31은 UN이 발표한 30 인권 외에 데이터에 대한 소유권을 31번째 인권이라고 생각하여 만들어져 iOS와 안드로이드 기기에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
Hu-manity는 2019년 1분기에 의료분야에서 기업버전을 사용할 수 있을 것이라고 합니다. Hu-manity와 IBM, Sovrin이 협력하여 데이터 사용 허가 및 파기를 관리할 수 있는 시스템을 Hyperledger fabric 기반으로 구축될 것입니다.

2. Facebook's blockchain team is looking for a lead dealmaker


Facebook is looking for a "head of business development & partnerships" for blockchain at its Silicon Valley headquarters. Qualifications include at least 15 years of dealmaking experience for someone who can "lead, grow and mentor a global team of experienced business development professionals."
It's the company's sixth -- and most revealing -- job post for its new blockchain group. The five other positions are for a public policy manager, a software engineering manager in Israel, a media director and two jobs in marketing.
Speculation about what Facebook will do in blockchain has been swirling since January, when CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in his 2018 mission statement that he's interested in the technology because of how it decentralizes power. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that allows virtually any type of digital transaction to be tracked without a single institution owning or controlling it.

페이스북이 실리콘밸리 내 블록체인을 총괄하는 15년 이상 경력의 매니저급 인력을 채용 진행 중입니다. 프로젝트 매니저 외에도 공공 정책관리, 이스라엘 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 매니저 등 총 6개의 블록체인 관련 포지션에 대해 진행 중입니다.

즐거운 하루 보내세요 ^^

Designed by @kimtaewoo


페이스북 블록체인 광고 하네 안하네,,, 그러더니만....

돈이 된다면 하겠죠 ^^

짱짱맨 출석부 호출로 왔습니다.

이오스 계정이 없다면 마나마인에서 만든 계정생성툴을 사용해보는건 어떨까요?

감사합니다 ^^

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