(정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180818

in #coinkorea6 years ago

Designed by @chosigageo

안녕하세요, @feelsogood 입니다.

관심있는 블록체인 뉴스를 정리하였습니다.

1. Nasdaq & Gemini Strengthen Their Relationship – Nasdaq Reportedly Gets Closer To Listing Cryptos


A few weeks ago, Bloomberg reported news about a “secret meeting” in Chicago between Nasdaq leadership and a few crypto companies and personalities.
It seems that this meeting and all the conversations that took place there have led to two particular developments that could provide support to the crypto markets.
It was reported by some more reliable sources that Gemini and Nasdaq are moving closer to a joint venture that allows both of them to list tokens and provide liquidity on a global scale.

Nasdaq is on its way to list cryptos

According to both sources, there is a plan that’s under development at the moment that would see the Nasdaq ultimately list top market cap coins for global trading.
The sources that we mentioned above are close to Gemini, and the Winklevoss twins and they haven’t offered more in-depth details regarding the plan.
They did mention details referring to the roadmap that connected to this, and it seems that Gemini has allowed Nasdaq to manipulate the crypto markets, claims The ICO Journal.
This led to a deeper relationship between the two companies and also enhanced the confidence from Nasdaq that there is a pathway to list at least Bitcoin and Ethereum.

7월 Bloomberg에서 나스닥(NASDAQ)과 몇몇 암호화화폐 거래소들의 비밀 미팅에 대한 뉴스가 있었습니다. 그 후로 나스닥과 제미니(Gemini)가 joint venture 를 설립해서 세계적 규모의 유동성을 제공하고 토큰들을 상장할 것으로 예상되었습니다.
나스닥에서 시가총액 상위 암호화화폐들이 상장될 계획이 진행 중이라고 소식통을 통해 전달되었다고 합니다.

법정화폐-암호화화폐 거래 소식에 이어 나스닥 상장까지 현실이 된다면...? 참 좋겠어요^^

2. ‘Crypto’ Thriller Starring Kurt Russell in Post-Production – Producers Share Details


Crypto, an upcoming cryptocurrency-themed movie starring Kurt Russell and Alexis Bledel, is currently in post-production. The producers share their thoughts, confirming that the “overall message of the movie is positive” despite it being a thriller centered on crime and corruption.
In an interview with Inverse, producers Jordan Yale Levine and Jordan Beckerman of Yale Productions revealed that neither of them “considers themselves to be experts in actual real-life cryptocurrency.”
“Both of us have dabbled,” Yale Levine was quoted saying. “I don’t know if either of us would consider ourselves expert. It was really our writers who fleshed out the topic and dove into the research. They were the ones who really became experts to make sure the film was authentic.”
The news outlet elaborated that “Crypto may not be as satisfying for die-hard cryptocurrency enthusiasts,” noting:

It doesn’t particularly focus on any particular coin…[But] the overall message of the movie is positive, even if [it] does focus on crime, corruption, and cryptocurrency.
Expected to be released next year, the movie “tells a classic crime thriller set against the backdrop of shady cryptocurrency dealings,” the publication described.

Kurt Russell과 Alexis Bledel 주연의 암호화화폐를 주제로 한 범죄스릴러 'Crypto'가 내년 개봉을 목표로 막바지 촬영 중이라고 합니다. 범죄, 부패 그리고 암호화화폐를 중점적으로 다루지만, 영화 전반적인 메시지는 긍정적이라고 했습니다. 어떤 영화일지 궁금하네요 ^^

3. US Border Officials to Test Blockchain for Certificate Tracking


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) plans to trial blockchain technology to verify North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) certificates.
CBP Division of Business Transformation and Innovation head Vincent Annunziato said the agency was beginning a "live fire testing" of a blockchain platform to certify that imported products originated where they claim during CBP's 2018 Trade Symposium in Atlanta, according to the American Shipper.
The new system, which will launch in September, is going to help CBP verify information about imported goods and check how foreign suppliers act toward American importers, he said. The system can also be used to authenticate trademarks and check on an item's physical properties.
"I can even go in and say, 'hey, I need a little information on the stitching,' or, 'I need information on what colors are viable,'" Annunziato said.

미국 세관 국경보호국(U.S. Customs and Border Protection, CBP)에서 북미자유무역협정(NAFTA), 중미자유무역협정(CAFTA) 증명서 검증에 블록체인 기술을 적용하여 9월 새로운 시스템을 런칭할 계획이라고 합니다.

즐거운 하루 보내세요 ^^

Designed by @kimtaewoo


필소굿님 200일 축하해주셔서 감사합니다! 풀보팅으로 감사드리고 갑니당 :D Crypto 영화가 기대되네요 ㅎㅎㅎ


디온님 감사합니다.
행복한 일요일 보내세요 ^^

감사합니다! 좋은 내용 잘 읽고 가요^^

감사합니다 ^^

cine님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
cine님의 [이벤트] 33회 로또 보너스 번호 당첨자 발표


먼저 지난주 당첨자 4분
일주일간 포스팅하신 글 잘읽었습니다
앞으로도 계속 봬요:] ...

한주 수고하셨습니다. 즐건 주말보내세요~

마지막 7회차 보팅남깁니다. 편안한 시간되세요:]

감사합니다 ^^
즐거운 주말되세요 : )

maikuraki님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
maikuraki님의 [2018/08/19] 짱짱맨 출석부- 짱짱맨의 좋은 포스팅을 소개합니다.

...oaae [아티스팀참가] 스팀잇 고양이 3형제 이야기 feelsogood/td> (정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180817 gyedo...

simsimi님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
sjchoi님의 [일일 미션] 2018년 8월 18일 초성퀴즈 + 보팅 추첨

...td> 0.039 878 11 feelsogood/td> 2018년08월17일 23시33분
0.012 71...

좋은정보 항상 감사합니다.
오늘보단 더좋은 내일의 스팀잇과 암호화폐를 기대해봅니다.

오늘보다 더좋은 내일의 스팀잇.. 기대되는 말이네요 ^^

비밀 미팅이라니 좋은 소식이 들리면 좋겠네요

나스닥 상장 가즈아~! ㅎㅎ
현실로 되길 기대합니다

좋은 소식이 계속 나오긴 하네요

그래도 계속 좋은 소식이 있긴 해요 ^^

[하루 2번 풀보팅 이벤트#3-1] 당첨 축하드립니다! ^^

감사합니다 ^^

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