(정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180728

in #coinkorea6 years ago

Designed by @chosigageo

안녕하세요, @feelsogood 입니다.

관심있는 블록체인 뉴스를 정리하였습니다.

1. Thailand’s Krungsri extends USD$140M IBM Services Relationship amid blockchain push


Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri), one of the largest financial institutions in Thailand, has announced a five-year $140 million engagement with IBM to accelerate its efforts towards digital transformation.
In August 2017, the bank announced its roadmap towards becoming a digital banking leader. It is working towards creating a technology infrastructure that is secure, resilient and cloud-ready to support mobile banking, artificial intelligence, digital banking and plans for end-to-end digitalization to streamline customer service and operations.
Krungsri, a member of Ripple’s blockchain network, started working with IBM back in 2012, under an agreement focused on infrastructure as a service. They completed a successful blockchain pilot last year aimed at streamlining the bank's contract management.

태국 Bank of Ayudhya 가 디지털화를 위해 IBM과 5년 1.4억 달러 규모의 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 둘은 작년 은행 계약 관리 능률화를 목표로 성공적인 블록체인 파일럿을 완료한 바 있습니다.

2. Central Bank Crypto Could Bring Economic Gains: Bank of Canada Paper


Central bank-issued cryptocurrency can potentially bring economic welfare gains for Canada and the U.S., according to a central bank researcher.
In a working paper published Thursday, the Bank of Canada's S. Mohammad R. Davoodalhosseini states that introducing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) "can lead to an increase of up to 0.64 percent in consumption for Canada and up to 1.6 percent for the US, compared with their respective economies if only cash is used."
At the moment, Davoodalhosseini says, a key question to the "many" central banks currently mulling the option of issuing a CBDC is whether cash and a digital form of fiat currency should co-exist, and if so, how to maintain an "optimal" monetary policy.

캐나다 은행의 보고서에 따르면, 중앙은행의 암호화화폐가 캐나다와 미국에 경제적으로 이득을 줄 수도 있다고 합니다. 현금만 사용했을 때보다 캐나다 0.64%, 미국 1.6%까지 소비 증가를 가져올 수 있다고 분석했습니다.

3. CySEC to Establish FinTech Innovation Hub with Focus on Blockchain


Regulatory financial technology (FinTech) initiatives have been springing up across the globe over the past few years. This Friday, the main Cypriot regulator, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), announced that it would also be creating an innovation hub.
According to the regulator’s statement, the new hub will busy itself with the development of financial and regulatory technologies. CySEC’s statement implies that the rapid advances made in such technologies meant the regulator needed to take steps to ensure it can align its edicts with new technological developments.
The hub will enable firms, operating outside of or under CySEC’s supervision, to gain access to the regulatory body’s insights. By this, the regulator presumably means they will have a more concrete understanding of how they should go about adhering to the regulator’s rules.

Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)가 금융 및 규제 기술 개발을 위해 새로운 허브를 신설한다고 합니다. 여기서 블록체인에 대한 연구도 하여 블록체인 기술의 금융 응용과 규제를 연구할 것이라고 합니다.

좋은 하루되세요 ^^

Designed by @kimtaewoo


좋은정보 감사합니다

감사합니다 ^^

베네수엘라에서 발행한 암호화폐는 어찌 되었을까요..

Petro 말하시는듯한데, 베네수엘라에서는 잘 쓰이나봐요.

항상 좋은 정보 감사합니다!!

읽어주셔서 감사합니다 ^^

maikuraki님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
maikuraki님의 [2018/07/29] 짱짱맨 출석부- 짱짱맨의 우수한 포스팅을 소개합니다.

...14278 혼술엔 역시 부셔먹는 생라면안주가 쵝오지~ feelsogood/td> (Tasteem) 곱창왕김형제 양재 joyvancouv...

simsimi님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
sjchoi님의 [일일 미션] 2018년 7월 28일 초성퀴즈 + 보팅 추첨

.../td> 0.045 421 2 feelsogood/td> 2018년07월27일 22시18분
0 403

sdaragon9님이 feelsogood님을 멘션하셨습니당. 아래 링크를 누르시면 연결되용~ ^^
sdaragon9님의 [7월 30일 이벤트공지] 몇개나 오를 깡?(7월 27일 결과 포함)

sesil, ldsklee는 처음 와줬구나. ㅠ. ㅠ 고마워
당첨자(3명): iamgun, feelsogood jhy2246참가자(4명): gooddeal, sesil, twinpapa, ldsklee####

행복한 일요일 되세요~

굳헬로님도 행복한 일요일 보내세요 ^^

조용히 들렸다 가려다가 주말인사나 전하고 갑니다 ㅋ_ㅋ

좋은주말 보내세요

짱짱맨 출석부 호출로 왔습니다.


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