(정보) 관심있는 블록체인 뉴스 180714

in #coinkorea6 years ago

Designed by @chosigageo

안녕하세요, @feelsogood 입니다.

관심있는 블록체인 뉴스를 정리하였습니다.

1. MLB Crypto Baseball will be coming soon!


MLB Crypto Baseball will be the first-ever #dApp game comprised of officially licensed digital, limited edition @MLB collectibles tied to the #Ethereum #blockchain bringing True Digital Ownership to baseball fans. The inaugural season of MLB Crypto Baseball will be coming soon!

이더리움 DApp으로 MLB Crypto Baseball 이 곧 출시 예정이라고 하는데, 예전 CryptoKitties의 인기를 넘어설지 기대되네요.

2. UN chief pushes for greater benefits from new technology, as he launches digital experts panel


A high-profile group of tech experts has been assembled at the request of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, tasked with putting the benefits of digital technology to more effective use, while also protecting against unwanted or unexpected negative impacts.
Acknowledging the panel’s “modest” budget and administrative support, Ambassador Gill – who also chairs an expert group at the UN examining emerging technologies in the area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) - said that its impact would be maximised by its cross-cutting approach.
“You cannot look at ‘web 3.0’ without looking at blockchain or without looking at AI (Artificial Intelligence),” he said. “So, our hope is that through this discussion of these various digital domains, the business models, the opportunities and the risks and the unintended consequences in terms of human rights, in terms of privacy, in terms of subversion of democracy, we are able to come out with some common principles...of strengthening cooperation across borders.”

UN 사무총장 António Guterres의 요청에 따라 블록체인 등 디지털 기술에 대한 전문 패널을 만들었다고 합니다.

3. Bermuda Government to Introduce New Regulations on ICOs, Address ‘Legal Ambiguity'


The Premier and Minister of Finance of Bermuda David Burt introduced new regulations on initial coin offerings (ICOs) speaking before the House of Assembly, the Royal Gazette news reports July 13. The regulatory framework describes minimum required information for ICO projects and establishes compliance measures for companies to conduct an ICO.

버뮤다 총리 David Burt가 ICO 관련 규정을 발표했습니다. ICO 프로젝트들의 최소 필요 정보와 회사가 ICO를 수행하기 위한 준수 사항들이 나와있습니다.

좋은 하루되세요 ^^

Designed by @kimtaewoo


(jjangjjangman 태그 사용시 댓글을 남깁니다.)
[제 0회 짱짱맨배 42일장]3주차 보상글추천, 1,2주차 보상지급을 발표합니다.(계속 리스팅 할 예정)

3주차에 도전하세요

그리고 즐거운 스티밋하세요!

좋은 하루 보내시고, 즐거운 스팀잇하세요~!

좋은 하루 되세요. ^^~

감사합니다. 행복한 일요일 보내세요~!


럭키님, 그동안 스파임대 잘 썼습니다. 감사합니다 ^^

편한밤되시고 월요일도 화이팅하세요!

^^ 편한 밤되세요

짱짱맨 출석부 호출로 왔습니다.

짱짱맨 감사합니다

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