If you visit pornographic site stop immediately and this dangerous thing that will happen to you

in #coinkorea6 years ago

Online pornographic sites now account for half of the domains currently using mining scripts to exploit the potential of visitors' computers for mining various digital currencies, including betcuene.

The researchers at 360NetLab Cyber ​​Security warned of these sites, where they were able to reach shocking results using a tool to examine Internet traffic, finding that 630 pornographic sites out of 300,000 sites on Alexa exploit visitors to coin mining.
According to ibtimes, 49% of pornographic sites containing adult sexual content use Crypto-mining code, which exploits users' computer capabilities in order to anonymously monetize e-currencies.
According to researchers, this trend is on the increase, especially with the rise in the value of some digital currencies, which also made the discovery of hidden software in a large number of additions to the famous browser Google Chrome, was discovered in January last exploit even the ads of YouTube to modify this type of Electronic currencies.

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