Is This A Coincidence?steemCreated with Sketch.

Here's a bit of coincidence I noticed.

I've been down in Ontario for the last week on a course for work. Although it's going well, it's been very busy and I haven't had much time to relax in the evenings since I've been working hard all day and doing homework in the evenings. Hence not posting now in over a week.

Today was a little different.

Today we worked for the morning and got done what we needed to so we got let go for the afternoon with no homework.

A few of us decided to go watch the new Venom movie in 3D. Now, I know what I'm walking into when I watch movies like this. Normally I couldn't be bothered with paying to watch these movies but since I was out of Quebec, I decided to go watch an English movie since the opportunity is so rare these days. Anyway, all these types of movies are ALL the same. The story is always generic and nothing really surprises me in that respect. I pretty much go see the movie just to do something to kill time and to check out some of the special effect, which were cool. The real purpose for these movies seems to be only to deliver the propaganda to the masses. It's so blatantly in your face now, I'm surprised more people aren't starting to notice. Well, maybe they are, it's just not happening as fast as I'd like.

I don't want to ruin any part of the generic story for you if you are planning on seeing it, but I might, so this is your warning.

The first half of the movie contains like no action. It's basically just used to deliver propaganda message after message while they build up the characters. It actually took half the story to get to any real action. One of the guys I was with actually made the comment for it to "get to the action already" because it was taking so long. It, of course, touches on every bit of propaganda that's going on right now that they need to drive into our brains. This doesn't surprise me, it just kind of proves to me that it's by design.

Russia, pharmaceutical companies, vaccines, overpopulation, global warming, war, elections, and fake news to name a few. It actually started as soon as the big screen turned on and the previews started, but it was all in there. I'm not going to get into these that much, or why they're there. If you don't realize it yet - WAKE THE FUCK UP - and do a little reading. It's right at your fingertips.

One thing I do want to point out is the whole storyline of this movie. It's basically about an alternative media reporter who starts poking around this big company. Now, the big company doesn't like that and, without much effort, gets him fired from his job, ruins his relationship with his fiancé, gets him evicted from his house, and makes sure he can't find another job.

Most people wouldn't find that very weird - but maybe you reading this on steemit might see where I'm going with this now. We're seeing all these alternative media sources just wiped out in the last little while the exact same time that the biggest movie going is playing in the theatres with the exact same narrative.


Is this really just a coincidence?

This movie didn't just get made last week to be aired this week. It has been in production for a long time. The scripts have been in the works for over ten years. Sure they can be changed and rewritten as time goes on, but that's a pretty close coincidence to align the release of a movie within a week of this mass deletion of alternative media sites.

What it sort of shows me is that alternative media has been in the crosshairs for quite some time. This attack must have been being planned for a while for it to come together and all line up within the same week. All these alt media sites should be pissed that they were removed from Fakebook and the other sites, but it shouldn't be a surprise.

What it also tells me is that these sort of things take a long time to plan and implement. It probably worked well in the past, but technology and the passage of information are speeding up. As it speeds up, it's going to get harder and harder to keep up with using their old tactics. Eventually, and especially when the blockchain technology catches on, these people who've been pulling the strings won't be able to keep up anymore.

This is just a necessary step in the evolution of this whole society in order to bring about a better solution. There is no stopping it, only slowing it down.

So, although a lot of these alt media sites may have lost a ton of followers on Facebook, those people were following them for a reason. They'll find the information elsewhere, like here on steemit. The real problem right now is getting more people from sites like Facebook to find them.

So what could be the solution to that?

Answer - Ask the followers who are still following elsewhere to share the post from steemit, DTube, Minds, etc. on Facebook. A lot of these media sites post bitcoin addresses or Patreon sites at the end of every article. Well, they also have to ask their audience to share the post to Facebook to get the word out.

They can get rid of the alt media on Facebook, but they haven't blocked DTube as a whole. So if all alt media fans posted the DTube videos or steemit blogs themselves, it will still circulate, which will bring more people to DTube/Steemit and helps get the alt media information out there.

And if you share a link, just mention why you're doing it as well. For those still stuck on Facebook regularly probably don't even know about these sites that have been censored because, well, they're censored.

"I'm sharing this because this person has been blocked from Facebook and I don't agree with that."

Something along those lines and easy as that.

What this movie also lets on about, is that the alt media are the good guys. This is usually the case for all movies like this. The group that is trying to control other people is always the bad guy - whether that be government or big corporations (if there's a difference). There is just no way they can be portrayed as the good guy in the movie because ethically, it just doesn't make sense.

How it somehow makes sense in real life is beyond me.


Yeah, I believe Marvel movie productions are all part of the propaganda and predictive programming. I am not sure where Stan Lee (who I used to respect, comics and were once a huge part of my life, and the only way to survive to be honest) lost the good part of humanity, but it happened...he sold out. The same with Stephen King by the way. He used to be my favourite author, now I'm not even sure anymore if he ever wrote his own books or had a ghost writer. If you've seen the 'Under the dome', I can't even begin to say what's been done to it. And in the titling, all the names of cast members etc. come down really quickly, but then it stops for a while when it says: Sponsored by Microsoft. That should tell ya enough. And why do not more people see it? Because the truth would be too much of a shock to their system as well as: they've been 'programmed' for so long. I also think that some have an idea, but decide to bury their heads in the sand.

You're right, for sure. I did watch The Dome and it was filled with the programming like all the other shows. It's a shame I have the same name. All the Netflix original shows are even worse too. It's just so 'in your face' I burst out laughing at it and get strange looks because nobody else gets it.

I have the same. And also with any 'terrorist attacks'. If I just hear the words somewhere (I banned TV and newspapers from the house a long time ago, so we're usually behind on the 'news'), I already start laughing. People often look at me funny when I just smile and shrug when they tell me there was a terror attack anywhere. It is absolutely in your face, and it is more than just a little bit annoying and frustrating at times when other people just won't see it. It's almost like those holding the strings do this on purpose to pester us. Like little school children that bully others when they say: 'I have an ice cream and you don't, nananananaana.' But in their case, they say: 'Here it is, right in your face, for everyone to see, but the sheep won't see it, so we get away with it...and there's nothing you can do about it. Nananananana.' But that's where they're wrong. We can and ARE doing something about it, they will not get away with it forever. Every little seed is one planted. Hmmm, sorry about the name, but I doubt if it's even his real name, so you're good I think. Funny enough, I used to have a boyfriend years ago who was highly intelligent, bordering genius, but of course also a bit crazy at times (he ended up in prison for 9 years, because he couldn't handle his own intelligence). He was a Muslim, and at times he could say some fanatic things, so I never took much notice of it when he got into this 'mood'. He used to love Stephen King as much as I did. One day he just finished one of the King books, I think it was Insomnia, and got all wound up about it. Saying that King was obviously a jew (well, most of us know he's a Zionist by now) and that the book was full of anti-Islamic propaganda. Because of his craziness I didn't take him seriously at the time (I was very young), but I've always remembered. And turns out: he was absolutely right...Now, I keep finding things that were used in predictive programming probably decades ago, and it blows me away every time...Like Obama's famous slogan...sounded familiar didn't it? Also, Trump's mother's maiden name...It's all coming together, for me at least, but when you say something like it out loud, you're the crazy tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist. (not that this stops me LOL).

Wait what? Alt media has been banned from sites like facebook and such?

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