in #coin7 years ago (edited)

Coin 44 tahun yang lalu, Sebuah 'rupiah zaman' yang nilai 100 rupiah dikeluarkan BI pada tahun 1973. Pada tahun 1971, sebelum dikeluarkan koin tebal seperti gambar di atas, ekonomi, dan inflasi, di bawah Orde Baru Suharto stabil, dan uang logam dikeluarkan dalam denominasi 1 Rp, 5 Rp, 10 Rp, 25 Rp dan 50 rupiah, dengan 100 rupiah ditambahkan dua tahun kemudian yaitu tahun 1973. Karena inflasi, mata uang saat ini masing-masing terdiri dari Rp 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 dan 1000 rupiah, Coin 1 rupiah yang lebih tua tetap merupakan pelelangan resmi untuk kelengkapan. Skarang coin 100 rupiah yang jenisnya tebal ini banyak di minati sebagian orang untuk di koleksi, harga jual sekarang malah bisa 200 ribu sampai 500 ribu per coinnya !!


Coin 44 years ago, a 'rupiah era' of 100 rupiahs was issued by BI in 1973. In 1971, before the thick coin issued, the economy and inflation under Suharto's New Order were stable, and coins were issued in denominations of Rp 1, Rp1. item 5, Rp 10, 2Coin 44 years ago, a 'rupiah era' of 100 rupiahs was issued by BI in 1973. In 1971, before the thick coin issued, the economy and inflation under Suharto's New Order were stable, and coins were issued in denominations of 1, 5, Rp 10, 25 and 50 rupiahs, with 100 rupiahs added two years later in 1973. Due to inflation, the currencies currently consist of Rp 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 rupiah, the older 1 rupiah Coin remains the official tender for completeness. Skarang coin 100 rupiah which is thick type is much in the interest of some people for the collection, the selling price now can even 200 thousand to 500 thousand per coin!


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