Yunyan Tobacco CiGARETTES

in #coffee7 years ago

Morning All stemians,
This morning with the weather is so cool and cloudy cloudy (the effect of sinabung erosion, maybe) Banda Aceh blanketed the weather that the sun is covered by by the clouds.
Today I am accompanied by a coffee-style Chek yuke Edge times, which we often call PINGLI (edge ​​times), me, @bahagialamlhom, @reynald @taqincz together enjoy morning coffee. Being a habit of collecting coffee together with a la Pingli before we do regular activities. Coffee is our medium to keep silaturrahim, just as it does with steemit, steemit provides our way of interacting with each other for mutual giving and receiving.
There is another style of our coffee Pingli, Cigarettes is a friend of pingli-style coffee, there is a cigarette literature that is inscribed (ngak tau meaning) that is branded

Pagi All stemians,
Dipagi ini dengan cuaca yang begitu sejuk nan ceria berawan ( efek erosi sinabung , mungkin ) Banda Aceh diselimuti cuaca yang matahari tertutupi oleh oleh awan .
Hari ini saya di temani oleh kopi ala Chek yuke Tepi kali, yang kami sering menyebutnya PINGLI ( pinggir kali ) , saya , @bahagialamlhom, @reynald @taqincz bersama menikmati kop pagi . Menjadi kebiasaan kami ngumpul kopi bareng ala Pingli sebelum kami beraktifitas rutin. Ngopi adalah media kami untuk menjaga silaturrahim , sama hal nya dengan steemit, steemit memberkan cara kita untuk.berinteraksi sesama kita untuk.saling memberi dan saling menerima.
Ada yang lain ala ngopi Pingli kami, Rokok adalah temannya ngopi ala pingli, ada yang di sungguhi rokok yang bertulisan ( ngak tau artinya ) yang bermerek

There is a friend who just got home from Country Bamboo Curtain reading Cigarettes that I own Namnya do not know.

Ada teman yang baru pulang dari Negara Tirai Bambu membaca Rokok yang saya sendiri Namnya tidak tahu.


Berikut beberapa perbedaan fisik nya




The difference is really much quality yunyan products.

Thank you friends have stopped by my blog. Hopefully friends No Smoking.

Perbedaannya sungguh jauh berkualitas produk yunyan.

Terima kasih teman sudah mampir di blog saya. Semoga teman Tidak Merokok.




Merokok dapat merusak kesehatan anda. Berhentilah merokok.

Ini rokok yang dikasih bolrh. Rokok beli yang jangan. Hee

You look like you are enjoying relaxing with your friends but I don't think I will have difficulty not buying these cigarettes.


yaa, i am not smooking , this is the information for my friends who smokes cigarette quality is very different between the 2 countries, seen from its packaging.

yes. cigarette damage to health, I understand why cigarette packs illustrate cigarette illness. I agree, because I am not an active smoker

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