All the While We're Doin' it Voluntary-Style

in #coffee8 years ago (edited)

As much as I loathe introductions, I believe that this is necessary for any potential readers or followers that may come.

My name is David, obviously. The “ATS” that precedes it will eventually be revealed as my projects come online over the next couple of months. I plan to share with my willing audience my thoughts and experiences on and with philosophy, government, business, and international relationships, and I plan to share these mostly through my own perspective and experiences. There will be stories – some will entertain, some will infuriate, some may disappoint and even bore you to tears (but I’ll do what I can to avoid that, unless boredom is actually preferred by my audience).

There is nothing new about my philosophical principles – they have been developed by wise men before me for thousands of years. What I am is largely a consequence of what has preceded me, but by no means is it the pinnacle of what I may become. My philosophical principles and my behaviors are the result of reconciling those ideas and what I know to be true based on my own experiences and the shared experiences of those in my time. My personal relationships with others will reflect this philosophy and my entrepreneurial pursuits.

So, about me, briefly…

Over the last few years I have struck out into the self-employed realm. It hasn’t been easy, but I feel confident enough about my vision and my relationships to know that my projects will be successful. The main focus of my attention has been on developing personal, direct-trade relationships with farmers in Central America. I’m currently working with coffee and cacao farmers to bring their premium-grade products to my local area, free of middlemen and competitively priced. I’m preparing to make a big push into the fall and winter seasons and plan to launch a crowdfunding campaign to help secure a capital budget. (I’ll be sure to share that launch with everyone here on Steemit.)

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I have a multifaceted approach for this company. I not only want to deliver demanded goods, but I want to help evolve the way in which business is conducted and the manner in which consumers choose their products. It’s a daunting task, I know – but if successful, it can help achieve the larger goal that I and many others share: reducing and eliminating the need for coercive state authority.

I plan to achieve this by working directly with farmers – sourcing and purchasing the products directly from them so that they may realize the maximum profit for their labor. I have no desire to pay middlemen that don’t do anything that I cannot do myself and that add zero value to my products. I have already established these lines of direct-trade for both coffee and cacao and will eventually be expanding into other products. The next step is on the operational side, where I must secure enough funding to purchase roasting and packaging equipment for the various products and deliver these products directly to consumers.

But it’s not enough for me to simply tell you what I’m doing. I’m going to show you. I’ll share with you my experiences, photos and videos of the farms and farmers, and the farming practices used by them, so that there will be no doubt about my claims. Certifications of quality by independent associations will also accompany the products. What’s the purpose of all of this? To ensure trust and confidence in me and my company and to demonstrate that all of it is possible without the coercive “services” of the state…and more accurately, despite the state and its attempts to stifle markets.

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Nothing will show you the absurdities of government intervention and regulations like trying to start your own business – especially one that has international dealings. And nothing will show you the absolutely destructive nature of bad government than working with farmers and in the farming communities of poorer countries than the United States.

I don’t know how everything will ultimately work out over the next few months and years, but trying to find those answers is much more preferable to me than resigning myself to a dull or mediocre existence. If at any point there are any readers out there who might want to join me on this business venture or any of the accompanying side projects (such as music and sports programs for the farming communities, English as a second language programs, medical support and supplies, or even eco-tourism), feel free to contact me. There are lots of opportunities opening up as my adventure proceeds forward.

It’s not just about making money – it’s about making a change…the voluntary way. That’s why I’m here. That why I’m doing what I’m doing. I hope that you’ll join me in whatever way is possible for you.

(I'll eventually figure out how to put a picture on these posts. But who needs visual aids? Only the unimaginative, I say!)

[Edit: I figured out the images thing.]


Thanks for sharing your awesome plans with us David - looking forward to the updates and maybe you can inspire others that have similar interests to collaborate as this is a huge industry in terms of consumption ;-)

Excellent - I just upvoted - looking forward to see this unfold ;-)

Welcome to Steemit! You may want to add the #introduceyourself tag to this post as it's become kind of the standard way to let people know who you are. I love the ideas you're describing here and will give you a follow in hopes of more.

Thanks. That's a good idea on the tag. I'll be working on some things this week and hope to post regularly going forward.

Very nice! I love to see Voluntaryist entrepreneurs and learn from tei experiences. You got yourself another follower, looking forward to more material.

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