Coffee Art. What creates masterpieces.

in #coffee8 years ago

Today again I want to touch on the subject of coffee. Not just coffee - and how the art of coffee. Coffee - it is more than just a drink. Coffee - a source of inspiration, a source of vitality. Did you know that the first work of art dedicated to coffee was the "Coffee Cantata" by Johann Sebastian Bach. This artwork Bach created by order of the coffee house Zimmermann in Leipzig. About latte art is already much has been said. Now coffee has penetrated into all areas of art, architecture, in painting, in cooking.

Brazilian artist Dirceu Veiga use coffee instead of ink in the writing of his paintings. This idea came to him in 2007 - he combined his two passions - art and coffee. To draw it uses only strong coffee. He paints portraits of famous people.

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Coffee stains steel material for the creativity of the artist from Malaysia Hong Yi.

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Korean actor Lee Changwon chose the material for its work the ground coffee. Ground coffee beans are transformed under the hands of masters in sculpture and portraits.

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No less surprised and gastronomic experiments with coffee flavor. It turns out, of coffee can make caviar. Recipe developed by the famous Spanish chef Ferran Adria for the company Lavazza.

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P.S. For true connoisseurs of coffee important factor is the freshness of roasted coffee beans. Maximum - a month after the date of roasting. Coffee, fresh baking bread, taste and aroma for a very short period of time. Then, rapidly loses its quality.

Materials used:,_plaudert_nicht,_BWV_211


Nice project and nice pictures :) i followed u ..check my blog perhaps u find some graffiti that u will like! keep it up <3 kalipo

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