Tantric Agent Coffee Ritual

in #coffee7 years ago

Polmedia coffee grinder

@dana-varahi and I have a little ritual we perform every morning. We drink some coffee. Okay, so far so normal. However this ritual has evolved over time to mean so much more than that.

In the early days we bought our coffee ready ground, but since we got married in July of 2014, we have a Polmedia coffee grinder we got as a wedding gift from Dana's mum. The photo above is of us in the Polmedia shop in Krakow, choosing the gift. You can just make out a little bird on the counter. This was another gift. It is a water whistle! Very fun. :)

It says on it 'Kawa', the Polish word for coffee. This is pronounced kah-vah. I don't know many Polish words yet, but this one is amongst my favourites.

Agent Coffee

In 2010 we witnessed what to us remains a UFO. Perhaps we'll write more about that later. For a couple of years we lived in denial of the strangeness of our experience. We joked it off. It was a kite. It was a balloon. It was some kind of experimental drone. But one morning drinking coffee in bed after a pirate party a strange thing happened to us. Looking back I can only describe it as possession by MIB agent spirits. We abandoned all other plans for the day and became focused on finding our agent outfits. We didn't know it at the time, but these outfits would become our standard magical attire for years to come.


Once we had our outfits sorted, we went to celebrate by having what became known as the agent sacrements of coffee and donuts. I know this probably sounds a little strange, but there you are! I should probably add that donuts did not become part of our daily practise like coffee. Just as well as we would no longer fit into our agent outfits! We reserve donuts for only the most special agent occassions.

Tantric Agent Coffee

Sometimes when you have a magical guest working in a different paradigm, you need to find ways to integrate your daily practise your daily practise with each other. Dana's sister was working with Sam Webster's Tantric Thelema. To allow her to participate in the coffee ritual, we explained it as Tanric. This means every ounce of your awareness is focused on what your are doing and what you are experiencing, in the here and now. When we grind the beans we give the grinding our full awareness. When we pour the water into the press, I allow myself to listen to the sounds and experience the smells produced. When we stir the press we do so consciously. When we pour the coffee from the press into our mugs we delight in the sound this makes and the scents released. We hold the mugs up to our nose to enjoy the scent fully. And when we drink our focus is on the delightful flavour and the feeling of warmth and heat passing through our mouths.

And this became our daily practise, our morning meditation.


magick with a K...no problem. got a fancy tag for ghost stories beyond "fiction" or "writing" that I should use?

#magick with a k works for various reasons. #magic tends to have a lot of non-occult stuff, illusionists and that sort of thing. Lacks focus. The spelling 'magick' is quite old, used by Dr John Dee for example. And it is still used by diverse practitioners. For ghosts we would need to research the following tags: supernatural, paranormal, strange-phenomena, ghost, ghosts, hauntings, to find out if any are being used, which have focused quality content etc. If not much is happening, we can choose the one we like. This kind of thing is being discussed in the SteemMagick discord server.

I like the word Hauntings. I think I'll use that tag in edits or next installment.

I was having issues finding you on discord last night, but it could have just been because I was tired or something didn't download correctly or is blocked by out firewall program...totally unsure...just gave up and went to bed.

It is nice, but when I checked it only had one post, 9 months ago, with a payout $0.00: https://steemit.com/created/hauntings

Cool story. We have our own morning coffee ritual as well!

Nice. How do you do yours?

Well, it's not nearly as elaborate or interesting as yours! When we wake up, my husband puts on the coffee and by the time it is brewed (about a minute later because we have a Bunn coffeemaker) I come out and fix both of our coffees. Then we sit down, turn on Fox & Friends AND get our laptops out and see what happened in the world overnight. After we finish the first pot, I make a second. He takes part of that in a thermos and heads off to check on how our mushrooms did overnight. (we grow oyster mushrooms) I begin working on spawn production.
Haha, see? I told you it wasn't as interesting as yours, but it is our little ritual and I don't think we could really start the day without a pot or two of coffee! We don't NEED it, we just LOVE it!!

I have to say the 'checking the mushrooms' part does sound interesting. @dana-varhi is a skilled wild mushroom picker. She hasn't killed me yet at any rate. Just lots of tasty mushroom dishes when they are in season! We don't grow any though.

It takes a LOT of knowledge to know which wild mushrooms are safe! I am not that knowledgeable nor that brave. We currently grow as many as 1000 lbs. of oyster mushrooms a week and it is a neat family business we have been doing for four years now. I don't think we could do it without coffee though! :)

I don't recommend any pick up a book and try it. Dana has a very valuable skill. And she only picks mushrooms she is 100% sure about.

That's good. She's smart!

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