Caffeine addicts Caffeine facts Coffee

in #coffee7 years ago

6 ThingsTo Prove That You Are Addicted To Caffeine

The struggle related to the addiction of caffeine is very real. While the consumption of this stimulant is legal, but that still does not make the regular consumption of it healthy. We all know that caffeine is found in coffee, but there are also many other products that contain caffeine. Various medications, foods coca beans and of course tea contain caffeine. Here we present some caffeine facts that are sure to bring a smile on the people who rely on caffeine. These facts may help you in understanding if you are addicted to caffeine or not.

1. Do you feel lethargic?


The basic sign of addiction to caffeine is that whether or not you are able to remain active without consuming it too much. Going to work feeling sluggish, cancelling all the plans with your friends and fighting with fatigue all day is a sign of dependency on caffeine. If missing the morning cup makes you feel all of the above then this can be taken as a sign that you are dependent on caffeine.

2. The basic link between depression and caffeine.


There has been an indirect connection between consumption of caffeine and depression. This is so because caffeine affects the amount of sleep the person is able to have. If you are already a caffeine addict, then stopping this consumption may add to your depression.

3. If you feel like puking if you are not able to get a cup, then you may be an addict.


The withdrawal symptoms of caffeine includes puking and the feeling of nausea. This is an indicator that you may be addicted to this stimulant for your day to day activities. While having coffee in small amounts is totally healthy and fine, but using it in an unchecked manner can cause serious consequences.

4. Muscle problems are also an indication.


The achy feeling that we get while coming down with the flu is very irritating. And if this is the feeling you get without suffering from any kind of problem, then this may be an indication of caffeine.

5. Persistent pounding headaches are not a good sign.


Headaches which are caused by caffeine addiction can be really frustrating. These symptoms make it really difficult for a person to work properly and with full concentration. Only addicts suffer from this symptom.

6. Mood swings are also a problem.


Caffeine has the ability to cause mood swings. This is a really threatening indicator. Mood swing is a real problem and it is related to the addiction of this stimulant.

So here were some facts about caffeine addiction. By going through these facts, you can come to know that whether or not, you suffer from an addiction. You should always take things lightly and by things we mean caffeine. You should keep your consumption in check. You should always be ready to see whether you are addicted or not. And do share.


I think Italian are immune to the caffeine effect, maybe there are something inside our genes or because in our veins flow expresso coffee.
From an Italian drink around 4 cups of expresso...

Be free and drink tea!
Great post @aarkay

Thanks for confirming that I am indeed a caffeine addict lol

I'm hopelessly addicted; absolutely must have one huge mug in the morning. (Go without coffee the rest of the day though)

I'm the same. I just HAVE to have that morning cup . . . or I'm likely to start the day off on shaky footing. :)

I found dropping down from 3 to just 1 cup of coffee a day has done wonders! I feel great in the afternoons now :) Try cutting down :)

I am a huge coffee addict. Drink way too many. To reduce it I now drink natural herb teas instead. I recuced it to half now.

I had a similar post yesterday! But this is a little bit better than mine... :) Upvoted !

Once in the morning!

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