in #co-working7 years ago

Co-working in Asia has become very popular in some major countries like Taiwan, Honk Kong, Singapore, Europe etc.
The idea of co-working progressed in countries where investing in an office space was a financial burden to an individual with a great idea. For someone to have come up with such an ideal thought is clearly obliging especially for entrepreneurs, freelancers, start-up’s etc. Since Asia relatively became scarce for office spaces; the trend of co-working quickly caught on and evolved. Now, a lot of entrepreneurs across the world are indebted to the idea of co-working. All of Southeast Asia has popularly gained market with over 10,000 forecast to be open for business by the end of 2016.
In Honk Kong, many co-working spaces have fostered the start-up community. Now a day’s these office spaces can be found everywhere across the globe. Honk Kong Island is one place where a vast community of office spaces are found.
Apart from experiencing the bliss of all the provided facilities, co-working spaces helps transpire a strong community within the building. For a trend that evolved across the world, India never ceased to fall out. For example: In India, Workshaala spaces has helped in the rapid growth of co-working spaces in Bangalore along with other ideal start-up companies, that associate their business to help today’s entrepreneur’s and start-up’s.
A lot of café’s and rooftop bars posture as co-working spaces by letting their costumers use the Wi-Fi, by giving them the ease of working without paying much.
What better way to work at a café over a cup of coffee? The provision of such an ambience can definitely be comforting.
Most of the top cities that start a business are located in Asia. An appealing factor about their government being very supportive and flexible is making entrepreneurship an ideal career path.

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