MyEtherWallet: Can I cancel my transactions?

in #cn7 years ago

Now the whole crypto world are hot of ICO as you know. And I'm sure some of us also joining these ICO. And we are all getting mad to the FUXKING JAM ETHEREUM NETWORK. Our money hanging on the network waiting for confirmation for hours after hours. Nothing we can do but wait. 


MEW gave a tool or a method for us to cancel our transaction when we faced this problem. 


1) It'll not work at NORMAL transaction. Which means don't event think to recall you transaction at normal network.

2) It doesn't GUARANTEE to work every time.  

3) Can only try to do this when your transaction jam on network for hours, and if it works, it may cancel your transaction.


Send 0 ETH to YOUR OWN ADDRESS with the SAME NONCE and HIGHER GAS PRICE to replace your previous transaction. 

Said it will " cancel " the first transaction before it was mined. 

Original Post

区块链目前最热门的不是不是挖矿, 而是ICO。 大家的梦想就是一旦投对了, 涨个十倍百倍, 那就发了。 我也一样。 可是我的量少到可怜, 至少涨千倍万倍才够。 回到主题, 我最讨厌就是钱打出去, 卡在网路上几个小时, 十几个小时无法确认。 怎么搞都不是, 无法取消交易。 真TMD 不爽, BTC 也是, ETH 也是。 

现在 MEW 提供一个方法, 或者工具, 让你有机会取消交易。 当然, 有条件限制。


1) 正常顺畅网路下, 不要妄想可以取消交易。 一旦发错钱包, 就GG了。

2) 不保证 100 % 成功, 可是至少提供了一个解决方案。

3) 当遇到 ICO 时, 网路拥堵几个小时, 十几个小时时, 可以尝试用这个方法取消交易。


以同样的 NONCE 和 更高的 矿工费, 发送 0 ETH 到自己的 钱包, 来替代前一次的交易。 


遇到这种情况又要取消交易的, 可以试一下。


myetherwallet is great! when Jaxx wouldnt send my funds, I just put my key into MEW and away they went! my main ether wallet.

MEW is good to use. But I really prefer a app ....Jaxx don't support some of the token but MEW support all.


Thanks for these info!

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