in #cn5 years ago (edited)


趁着空闲,就先给孩子们一起做做这个公主造型的吧。 里面附上了模具,石膏粉,颜料,刷笔,亮粉,别针和磁贴(这些都没拍到)。 过程就不拍照了,口述一下吧。 我觉得最挑战的就是混合石膏粉,虽然说明书一直强调五分钟内调和并且灌模完毕,可是并不容易,因为加入水就开始凝固。

石膏混合好开始灌模也不容易,因为最好要配合振动,排掉泡泡,或者要自己检查底部挤压结实。 不然就跟我的作品一样不完美。 然后别针也不能用,因为等我搞好,别针已经放不进去了。 所以你会看到很粗糙的背面。 最后我是去买了砂纸打磨和修整。

隔夜静置后才脱模。 虽说是石膏模型,可是真的比我想象中的坚固。

后面就留个孩子们自己去上色了。 献上一个女儿的作品。


Bought a plaster mould DIY toy and a crystal DIY toy during my last trip.

So I took my time to do this Princess Plaster Mould together with kids. Provided with plaster, mould, paint, brush, pins and magnetic stickers. Read through the instructions, and I have to mix and finish my moulding within 5 minutes. It was very challenging, because once the water was mixed with plaster it started to get set.

I didn't know how much time I've spent but when I tried to put the pins into the plaster they were settled. And my suggestion is, please do it fast and try to tap the mould frequently to make sure no air bubble in it. If not you'll get your moulded with holds.

They were set for overnight. And the finished moulds were harder than I thought. Because they were not smooth on the back, so I've to rub them with sandpapers.

Then here is one of my daughter art work.

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