最近這次風災的感想|What I think about the recently wind disaster

in #cn7 years ago


I bet for those who live in South China Coast or visit there few days before, you must experienced the typhoon on Wednesday. For some of people maybe it just bring a bit rain, but for some of the people, it may bring them a big problem. And if you have stay turned with my blog, you must know that I am the kind of person who always agree to raise the typhoon signal number 8. I don’t really care about the so called economic effectiveness, or the stock market needs to keep trading. I only care about human life. That is not moral that you ask a person to go out to the street and work under the typhoon condition.


And Hong Kong had rarely issued the typhoon signal number 10, and because of that, most of the citizen can stay in the indoor safe place and which is something I admire so much. You may refer to the below photo, which is sent from my friends or from the newspaper:




And I am so glad that because of we have such a good alert system, there is no any dead reported for the reason of the typhoon. Though we have some people who got injury during their work under the typhoon (like nurse or police), but it is so glad that which is not serious.

而為什麼我會突然這麼有感觸的想要寫這麼一篇文章去說這些事呢? 是因為我看新聞報道看到了傍邊的澳門在這個台風天受到了很大的影響。大部份地區大停電停水,多區嚴重水浸,不少低窪地區遭受海水倒灌,部份停車場被水淹浸;截至昨天已證實最少有9人死亡及逾百人受傷,而因為目對還未完成清理,還未能確定死亡人數。

But what makes me to write such a post for this thing? It is because I watch a news report and know that a city next to us – Macau have a serious impact from the typhoon. Electricity and water stop in most of the area in the city, lots of places were flooding, and also lots of places have seawater intrusion; and up until yesterday, there were 9 people who were dead because of it, and more than one hundred people were injury.

我必須說當我看到新聞的時候,簡直是有文化沖擊。因為我已經挺久沒有聽過有人因為台風而死了,何況是在澳門這個這麼 “發逹"的地區,怎麼可能會出人命呢? 大家可能會問我澳門到底有多發逹,讓我給你一個數據吧。於2013年,世界銀行發表過一個經濟數據,澳門的人均國內生產總值(GDP per capita)為140,037.1美元,為全球第一。你沒聽錯,是全球第一,比瑞士、卡塔爾還要高。而同年香港為53,472.2美元,排名只是第10位。於2016年,澳門的排名為第3位,而香港仍只是第10位。所以大家應該不難想像澳門有多發逹,有多富裕了吧。這大概就是我們理想中的澳門吧:

I have to say, when I first saw the news, which reported about the situation in Macau, I even got a cultural shock. As I have barely heard people dead because of typhoon for years already, and especially for such a “Rich” city as Macau, how can it cause human death. May be you will ask me how rich is Macau, and let me give you some data. In 2013, World Bank had release an economic data, the GDP per capita(“GDP”) for Macau is 140,037.1 USD, which is the world highest! Yes, you have not got it wrong, it is really the world highest. And at the same year, Hong Kong had only 53,472.2 USD, which is on number 10. And in year 2016, Macau moved to the fourth place, and Hong Kong was still on tenth. So, I bet it is not hard for you guys to imagine how rich Macau is. And I bet the below were the imaginary picture for Macau for most of us:





一個這麼富裕地方,應該是基建做得很好,各種排水、防風建設應該是已經好好的規劃過,好好的造好了的。但是,在幾天前的台風一役,真的令我有文化上的沖擊。明明政府這麼有錢,不是應該於各種民生基建上好好的下了苦功,好好的保障了嗎? 讓我們看一下早幾天現實中的澳門吧:

For such a rich place, the infrastructure should be so good. All sort of drainage, wind prevention construction should be well planned and well implemented. But, from the typhoon on Wednesday, it really gave me cultural shock. The Macau governemnt is so rich, and all kind of infrastureture must be so good and had paid so many effort for that, in order to properly safe guard the human safety and asset. But, let us see the real situation in Macua few days ago:






That’s really something I cannot understand, I have to say, even a small tone in my home place will not get flood as such serious situation. And you still want to tell me Macau have the world highest GDP? And you think that I don’t know what is GDP? You don’t make use of those money to do the city infrastructure, and do something safeguard your people, so where did your money spent? And you still want to tell me that you are an international city?


Typhoon or all sort of natural disaster happened in everywhere in every single place of the world. The point is have you implemented a good infrastructure, good system, and good preparation to face those natural disasters. If the country or city is poor, the people will have nothing to do but stay strong together. But for a city, which is that rich, but, still don’t make good use of money, which is already not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster. I do wish the Macau government can review their mistakes, as your people is feeding the government so long already. And I also wish the people can stand up; don’t be afraid to voice out. You have to let the government know what you want, and monitor what the governed had done. If not, nothing will be changed. Everything will just be the same when the next typhoon comes. Don ‘t be the poor leaving only money.


At least, I wish all the best for those who lost their loved one and still suffering from the disaster.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier


Thanks for your comment!

Ho why there is a hurricane in your place, we pray all, let your place no longer hurricane.

Thanks for it. Actually it is the place next to my city, not really mine, but I also feel sad for how poor their government did

Great works, I wish you success

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!





Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)

Thanks for it man!



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