我有一個夢|I have a dream

in #cn7 years ago

今次是第三次參加谷哥点名的活動,又要再一次感謝 @jubi的舉辦跟支持的各位。今次的題目可不得了,是,就這麼一個字,泛圍可真出得大了。不過這也好,也就等於各位參賽者的發揮空間也就更大了! 對於夢這個命題,我腦海中很快就聯想到一個人,一段記憶。哪是在我中學的年代,我們學校因為想要提高我們的語水平,所以有一份家課,要尋找一些英語的演講片段。要去聆聽;要去理解;要去分析;要去摸仿。

Thanks @jubi for the contest. Though this is a Chinese language contest, but I would try my best to make an English version. The topic for the contest this time is “Dream”. For me, what first come to my mind is a person, and a memory. It has to talk about my time in the secondary school. As the school would like to improve our English, they have a homework that request us to find some English speech, to listen, to understand, to learn.


那個時候已經有亙聯網了,光纖上網剛剛推出,所以要在網上找各種資料也都不難。最後讓我看到了一個人的演講,那個人的名字叫馬丁‧路德‧金,那個演講的題目是 “我有一個夢”。他是誰?他是一個美國牧師、社會運動者、人權主義者和非裔美國人民權運動領袖。簡單一點來說,他是一個黑人,而一生致力奉獻於種族平等的活動中。

There was internet at that time, and it’s not hard to find material on the internet. And I found a speech from someone, who called Martin Luther King, Jr. And the speech is “I have a dream”. I bet I don’t have to explain who he is for you guys in detail, in simple word; he is an African American who spend his life time in Civil Rights Movement.


At that time, I have no idea what is Civil Rights. Especially in Hong Kong, we don’t have any big issue in this topic. But I don’t know why, I feel so touching from the speech. I know this guy is really description what his dream is, what can he see in his dream. For now, we know that Obama have been selected as previous president. But when we back to 1960s, I bet if you talk about Civil Rights for African American, most of the people will just tears you are dreaming. But, there was someone who don't afraid to dream, and try his best to chase his dream.


So, at least did Martin Luther King saw his dream come true? I think no, his was murdered in 1968, when he was 39 years old. Yes, it’s juts 39 years old. I can’t imagine about it when I was just a teenage, as that was just too young for a people to die. I have be gloomy for a long time because of this. Is it worth to chase a dream which could kill you, even though that dream cannot really bring you much benefit?


Finally, I solve this problem by a traditional rice shop near my home. The rice shop has been operated for about 3 generation, and rice ship is becoming a declining business at that time. And one day, I saw a property agent who spoke with the owner to ask her to rent the shop out. The rental fee is even higher that the money she earn. But the old lady just refused the request. After the agent gone, I asked her why? She said the rice shop was opened by his grandfather. At that time, Hong Kong is a poor city. Not everyone can afford to buy rice, not even fair enough rice. So, her grandfather put all his effort to open that rice shop, his dream is everyone can afford to buy rice, and even though they can’t he can borrow some to them. And the lady said she have to continue his dream.


And I think I finally understand the whole thing. Yes, that is not a matter for whether you can see your dream came true or not. You can always pass your will to others, and that’s enough. Even though I can make it, I can always pass the will. Even though the will lost at the end, never mind, at least you have tried your best, and the rest of the thing should be left to others.


So, don’t be afraid to find your dream, chase your dream. As you can only live once.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier





大家也都別怕去尋夢、追夢。畢竟你只能活一次! 特别赞同你的这句话~~


夢想能不能達到沒有所謂! 說得好!


很認同這一句,大家也都別怕去尋夢、追夢。畢竟你只能活一次 !






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