深圳南山科技園出差記|A Business Trip to ShenZhen Nanshan science and Technology Park

in #cn7 years ago


Yesterday I visit the Nanshan science and Technology Park in ShenZhen for a business purpose. This is not the first time for my business trip or travel in ShenZhen, but this is the first time I visit there for a business purpose. I always think that science park should be something very far from where people live and the city. But I got some surprise this time.

為什麼我對科學園的感覺是偏僻、荒蕪呢?這要說起香港的大埔科學園,因為它根本就是個鳥不生蛋的地方...我幾年前去過一次,而且是由沙田踏單車去的,它根本就是個郊野公園的感覺。附近本沒有什麼食店,只有一個收費很貴的美食廣場,連便利店也好像只有一間。而香港另一個被稱為科技園區的地方 – 數碼港也是一樣,那裏什至連一間便利點都沒有,頂多會見到老外在那裏悠閒的放狗而已。所以,以深圳這個比香港要大上許多的城市,它的科技園不是肯定要更遠離民居嗎?

So, why I always think that science park is a desert place? It have to start from the Hong Kong Science Park in Taipo, because it is really a desert place. I only visited there few years ago, and by bicycle. There was actually a place like national park. There have no much restaurant, only a canteen which charges you an expensive price. And as I remember there was on only 7-11, And for another so called “high tech” theme area Cyber Port, there was even no a single 7-11 there. What you can see is just some people walking with their dog. So, for ShenZhen, a city even bigger than Hong Kong, its science park must be even must more far away from the city and must be more desert.

我是經過褔田口岸去的,事前我完全沒有做過準備,不知道它離口岸多遠,不知道它的確實位置。我想反正都一定是很遠的地方,所以我準備了五百塊錢用來當的士費用(反正都是可以報銷的)。的士一路走著,我可一路擔心著。我一直也想它應該會帶我去人煙稀少的地方,或是上山,或是下海啊。但怎麼我看到的高樓好像越來越多了? 司機該不會把我賣了吧…五百塊錢的車費會不會不夠? 但最後,我發覺這一程的士只花費了我55塊(已經包括了高速路費)。

I have no any plan and have not performed any research before the trip, I actually have no idea where is the location. I just believe that it must be a place far away from city or even human. So, I prepared 500 RMB as the taxi fee. But when I just took the taxi, I am kind or worrying. As I expected that the car will go to somewhere like mountain or desert. But it just so wired that I s¬¬ee more and more building on the ride, and I start to think that would the taxi drive cheat on me? Will 500 RMB not enough for the fee? But finally, it only charge me 55 RMB for the ride, which was even included the high way fee.



And I even have a bit lost when I got off the car. As I thought that I should be off in a place like desert, but found out that I even see a flower shop when I first step down from the car. Actually, the science park is just inside the city area. There was restaurant, a lot of shop around there. And it also got so many people walk around. So, I picked on to ask are there any science park or office around there? And he just pointed to the building next to us, and I only believed it at that time.




There are nothing so special in the park, building is not so grant, but I think it is fair enough. What I think should be improved is it should have more notice board. As I tried to find the map or notice board to show me the building I show found, but I just cannot find one. And you can see the below picture, I can even see some houses from the windows of my office.



Another surprised for me is that my colleague told me I can take the MRT to get back home. I finally worked about 10 minute and arrived the MRT station. Maybe you don’t understand what I am surprising for. You have to know, for me who have worked about 1 year in Cyber Port, I have to wait 15 minutes to get on the bus, and take another 15 minutes bus to arrive the MRT station.

好了,我說了這麼多廢話,到底想要說什麼呢? 我想說的是,誰說科學園/ 科技園一定要起在遠處的啊。只要政府有心不把它變成地產項目,其實它是可以出現在市區中的啊…但看一看香港下一個科學園的項目,它是打算要起在河套區啊…河套區在哪裏?就是在深圳河旁邊啊。這好了,在那裏上班的人可真的可以離開香港,住在深圳啦!

So, after all, what I would really like to talk about? I wanna say, who said that science park / technology park have to be located in those desert area? It the government do have to hear to not letting it become a property project, it can actually built in the city area…but look the next science park project in Hong Kong, it is ***…where is it? It is juts next to the ShenZhen river. Well that would be interesting. For those who really work in there ther could really move to ShenZhen and say goodbye to Hong Kong.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier!

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