社区投票过后的新年愿望:同心建设更好的Steem社区/New Year Wish: Let's Build a Stronger Community Together!

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

@theycallmedan 举行的10000sp 社区票选活动,短短两星期时间,改变了几个不同的Steem社区。 新手村 @team-cn 有幸晋身十强,最后位列第三!恭喜获胜的委内瑞拉团队 @votovzla 从开始投票一刻至最后的十二小时,完全体验了 @votovzla 的团队精神及争胜决心,我们十分欣赏您们。

我们参加了一场精采的社区票选,十分感谢 @theycallmedan 举办这次票选活动!新手村 @team-cn 于今次的票选中,获得很重要的经验及功课,虽然未能赢得票选,但是我们却赢了自己。

新手村@team-cn其实是由一班在Steem上未足一年的博主组成,我们于十个月前建立,三位创办人 @ericet @honoru @softmetal 当时只有一个多月的资历,完全不懂Steem的系统及规则,发了帖文都好像与空气说话。当时,我们在想「在Steem上,应该有很多人如我们一样,迷惘地摸索。」所以我们试一试凝聚他们,互相认识,一起学习,一起成长。

直至今天,新手村 @team-cn 有222位成员,凝聚着散居于世界各地的华人,大部份成员加入Steem不足半年。因为大家来自世界不同时区,所以形成新手村全年无休及24小时运作。任何时候都有讨论及提问,也任何时候都有村民回答不同的问题。每一位村民便成了另一位村民「接通 Steem 的桥梁」。在此,感谢每一位成员的主动付出,有赖您们,才让新手村 @team-cn「生生不息,薪火相传」。

新手村一路走到现在,一路慢慢成长,有赖众多前辈们无私的帮助及支持。在我们迷惘时,指导我们怎样办活动;在我们资源最缺乏时,大额代理了SP给我们;更在我们选票期间,主动为我们大量撰文拉票。前辈们无私的付出,是我们一班新人的榜样。在投票后,我们更收到卖鱼的 @maiyude 代理5000SP的新年礼物!感谢您支持着一班新人,我们一定会好好善用这份礼物!

今次的投票,村民们非常主动向各Steem社群拉票,让我们得到来自不同国家的博主投票支持。让我们认识了不少新朋友,特别鸣谢 @whalepower,他在整个投票过程中协助我们向世界各地的博主拉票;此外 @yasu24 更主动将新手村的介绍文翻译成为日文,鼓励日本的博客投票给新手村。虽然我们在今次投票前毫不认识,想不到借着今次投票,建立起一份友谊。

今天是中国人的新年,也是我们一班新手村村民第一次在Steem过新年。过去一年,感谢大家给予我们美好的经历。「恭贺新禧」英文的意思是Happy New Year,拼音读音为Gong He Xin Xi,祝愿Steem上的每一位,在新一年,身体健康,大发大财。

未来一年 我们希望同心建设更好的Steem社区 我们相信,只要大家一人多走一步,整个社区便会越来越好

The 10K delegation voting contest organized by @theycallmedan has now done. We would like to congratulate @votovzla for winning the contest. We appreciate the @votovzla team's desire to win the contest. We would also like to thank all other candidates for joining the competition. Competition is always good to build a stronger Steem community. We appreciate everyone's effort during the contest.

When @team-cn was founded less than one year ago, the three founders, @ericet, @honoru and @softmetal, had only one to two months experience on Steemit at that time. We did not understand the rule to Steem very well. Many times when we published a post, it was like 'talking with air'. We thought there must be many other new users who have the same experience. So why not build a community to know each other and help each other?

With this goal in mind, we have built a strong @team-cn community. At present, the @team-cn community has 222 members. Although not big, it is a very powerful community. We speak and write Chinese and we are from all over the world. Most of us have less than six months experience on Steemit. Since we are located in different part of the world, our Wechat group is a 24 hours working group, which always has someone chatting at any time. We help each other and answer questions that other people may have. We would like to say 'thank you' to all @team-cn members. We are a big family!

Let us take this opportunity to say 'thank you' again to those who delegate to us. After the poll finished, @maiyude delegated 5000 SP to us. It is a great new year gift! We will use it wisely. In addition, we also got to know many new friends during the voting process. In particular, @whalepower introduced us to many other Steemians around the world. @yasu24 translated our post into Japanese to encourage the Japanese community to vote for us. Although we did not know each other before the voting contest, we are now friends!

Today is the Chinese New Year. It also the first Chinese New Year for @team-cn. We had many great memory in the past year. We wish everyone a great and success in 2019! Gong He Xin Xi!

We will keep working hard in the new year. Together, we will build a much better Steem community.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://cnstm.org/team-cn/2019/02/05/%e7%a4%be%e5%8c%ba%e6%8a%95%e7%a5%a8%e8%bf%87%e5%90%8e%e7%9a%84%e6%96%b0%e5%b9%b4%e6%84%bf%e6%9c%9b%ef%bc%9a%e5%90%8c%e5%bf%83%e5%bb%ba%e8%ae%be%e6%9b%b4%e5%a5%bd%e7%9a%84steem%e5%b0%8f%e5%8c%ba-new-y/


Congratulations! I will introduce this article to the #Jpanese community in a few days.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Tomorrow → in a few days

This post contained some typos in its mentions that have been corrected in less than a day. Thank you for your quick edit !

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Thank You!

恭喜發財, 祝日益強大!

Happy New Year to all @team-cn fellows :)
flying muah~

🐷贺 @team-cn新手村越来越旺盛💪富裕民强👍

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android

I do feel happy for @votovzla 's winning! You won and you won it with dignity. I respect that a lot.
Congrats again @votovzla !
Happy new lunar year and wish spring coming soon to all of us.

Posted using Partiko Android

I strongly agree with our old artist!

Posted using Partiko Android

祝大家新年快樂 新手村蒸蒸日上👍👍

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