有人的地方就有江湖 | Another typical office story |

in #cn7 years ago






I heard a real story today. It’s happening in a company.

The company has been investing significant budget on a new edge-cutting system. They believe implementation of the new system can superior them from their competitors and eventually save company significant money. They plan to make a video of project leader interviewing a super user of the system to further promote the system in and out of the company. However, the system is still at early stage and has many issues yet to fix. It’s not yet fully blessed by each function team. The super user herself is among those whom holds negative thoughts. To help her prepare for the interview, they gave her all the questions and answers they want her to say upfront. She didn’t like the idea esp when her real thoughts are quite different. She’s hoping that with help from her boss she’s able to decline the request. At the meanwhile, she shares what is happening to her colleagues.

Let’s forget about how the thing’s going to evolve. When I heard about this story, I was pretty surprised. First of all, why would the project leader want to pick someone who’s so against the system and vocal about it to take on the task? Secondly, if they really want to get honest and candid feedback from users, why would they want to pre-arrange the answers? Wouldn’t it be better to collect and hear all different kinds of voices and feedback? Even though they may not be able to improve right away, at least shows people that they hear it and will look into it in 2.0? Is it really better to create a fake phenomenon of perfect world? Lastly where did the respect go? How about feeling of the interviewee? Think of yourself being forced to say something that’s totally against your will publicly? How would you feel? I won’t blame her for being vocal about it. And I also believe the damage could be more.

Unfortunately in every field of industry there are always people whom focus on short interest of themselves than seeing a whole picture. They didn’t think it through when they tried to implement the initiatives. Imposing thoughts and putting words into someone else’s mouth is not the right thing to do. Maybe at the end the super user may follow instruction to complete the filming, but will she keep quiet after that? The words have started, and will continue to go on… Even though the mission may be accomplished, boss is happy and video’s ready to launch, but what has gained at the bottom fundamental level?

What a shame that the odd is not rare. Similar situation happens every day in every company in different forms. Some people take fully advantage of it to advance their career. Corporate politics won’t stop wherever there is human. What can do you about it?


photo credit: bing.com


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