Kitchen love 爱从小小四方厨房开始

in #cn7 years ago

In the small rectangle kitchen

Many delicious food made

Wonder where mom is,

Busy in the small rectangle kitchen


Since I remember things, kitchen is always proprietary of my mom. My mom isn’t a good cook, but for years, she’s been dominating kitchen like a queen claiming her territory. I can’t cook and have no interest to learn, but I learned in my young age that unless I want to cook myself, just shut the mouth up and don’t criticize. I guess boys are always different, both of my brothers criticized all the time, no wonder my mom would always say that daughter is better than son when we were young. And I would always be happy to take that.

厨房在我的印象里一直是妈妈专有的领域。妈妈厨艺不是很好,可是她却几十年来乐此不彼地宣布她对厨房的专有。 不谙厨艺的我,从小就乖巧地知道只要不是自己做的,就没有发言权。所以不管妈妈给我们做什么吃的,我都是管着自己的嘴巴,津津有味地全部吃完。而不象我哥哥弟弟们比较挑剔。所以每次妈妈都会说“还是闺女好。”

When we were young, our kitchen was very simple and basic. There was no heat and AC in it. In the summer time, it was hot in there like a steaming room. Every time, mom came out from there after cooking, she was sweating like a dog. And in the winter, there was no heat in Southern China, and no hot tap water, it was freezing cold to wash. But mom never complained. She asked us to focus on study and not to worry about things in the kitchen. We were pretty much spoiled.


We took it for granted, and didn’t appreciate what mom had done for us. Every time, we were hungry, we would always come to mom. And after meal, we would simply left the table walk away. It wasn’t until we graduated and started to live alone that we truly realized what mom had done for us and how difficult it was.

小时候的我们没有特别的感觉,仿佛一切都是妈妈应该做的。所以每次要吃的就知道找妈妈就是了。 吃完都是碗筷一丢,就各自去忙自己的作业或做其他事去了。一切都觉得理所当然。毕业后离开家,走上工作岗位。一切都要自己动手的时候,才慢慢地感觉到母亲的艰辛和爱护。

Our finance is getting much better, and had also upgraded kitchen back at home. We installed hot water tap, and expanded the kitchen area so it’s more open. My mom remains busy in the kitchen. She still claims her territory in there. Amazingly, her cooking skill is same before, no change at all. Every time when I got home, mom will always bring me foods and watch me eating it. The difference is, I will praise her cooking, and enjoy big smiles on her face, and then I will clean the dishes for her.


We always take love of our parents and what they have done for us for granted. Sometimes, we even forgot to appreciate. Many times, it wasn’t until we become a parent ourselves that we started to realize parent’s love. Let’s not let the cycle repeat itself. Let’s not get them to wait that long to show their appreciation and affection to their parents. Let’s teach our kids and get them involved in these small things earlier. Let the love start from the small rectangle kitchen.

很多儿女把父母的爱和他们的付出当作想当然。有时候忘了怎么去感恩。有时候要等到自己也为人父母了才可以体会到父母无声的爱。然后看着历史重复。难道我们也要等那么久的时间才让我们的子女们体会好我们的良苦用心?为什么不从小教育让孩子们从小就参与其中?让他们从小就体会到父母的爱并在互动中更好地成长? 让我们从小小四方厨房开始吧。


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Give me i eat










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