关于找工作面试的一些建议 Some interview tips

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

由于工作原因,我在过去多年有很多次面试别人和被别人面试的机会。面试的成败决定着你是否可以得到心目中那份工作, 是否可以在薪资协商方面占主动地位。可是很多人似乎并没有真正认识到这点。所以在这里把我自己多年从事管理和多次面试人的一些经验和卓见分享给大家:

Due to work reason, in the past few years, I had several opportunities to interview people and be interviewed. Success of the interview determines if you are able to get your dream job, and if you will have more negotiation power in your job seeking. However, not everybody has realized it. I have been in workforce for many years and have always been on management's role, I'd like to share some of my thoughts and experiences to you.

牢记这点:如果你被邀请去面试,就说明面试方对你感兴趣,有意愿请你。所以恭喜你能够走到这一步。 接下来就有待你准备面试了。

First of all, do keep in mind that if you are invited for an interview, it means that your prospective employer is interested in you. Congratulations for getting the opportunity. The next step will be to get yourself ready for the interview.

• 面试的准备工作(Interview preparation):

    1.  在递简历前,估计你已经对面试方大概有个了解,大致确认这是家值得你服务的公司。 否则你也不可能去应聘他们的职位。 当收到面试通知后,建议进入面试方的官网,再次认真了解他们的产品特别是新产品,经营理念,公司愿景,合作客户等。很多情况下面试方会问你对他们公司的了解。所以至少要大概能够自如应对,而且在面试的时候可以是适当发挥一下加深面试方的印象。

Before you submitted your resume, I believe you must have some knowledge of the company and basically agree that this is a company that you want to work with and grow with. As otherwise, you won't even apply for their job. After you are confirmed for the interview, suggest that you go to their website to better understand the company, the products they make, company management team, mission, vision, and their customers etc. At the beginning of the interview, usually the interviewer will ask you how you know about their company, and how much you know about it. So get yourself prepared for this questions.

    2.  准备面试材料的时候多准备一些故事。 缺乏故事会让你的表达乏力。很多情况下,面试方想确认你履历上所写和面试时所说的确实是你日常所做的,所以故事就显得特别地重要。我在过去面试人的时候,往往碰到一些自己说很行的人,可是当我要他们举些实例的时候都苍白无力。 自然可想面试的结果基本上是不尽人意的。 

Do prepare few stories to back up your statement. Your interviewer would like to be assured that you really are whom you claim yourself to be. So it's critical that you prepare few stories upfront. In my past interview experience at hiring side, I ran into few candidates whom said they are good but when I asked them to provide me few examples, they just can't. You can imagine how the interview went.

   3.   把你准备的一些故事用文书的方式写出来。特别是当你在应聘讲第二语言的公司职务时候, 这样可以帮你在面试的时候更流利地组织和表达自己的想法。

Write down the stories you want to tell. Esp when the company you apply job to uses 2nd language as their main communication language. Written practice helps you to better organize your language and thoughts.

   4.   找朋友来帮你排练。让他们当面试官和你进行排练。这样可以更好地加强你的故事。并发现一些你可能在准备的时候没有想到的问题。 

Find some friends to help you to rehearse the interview. Practice helps you to find the problems and get familiar to the stories that you want to tell.

   5.   准备一两个面试最后要问对方的问题。

Prepared one or two questions that you want to ask your interviewer at the end of the interview.

   6.   知道自己工资的底线,虽然第一次面试一般不会涉及到谈具体工资待遇,但正常是会问你的工资期许的。在被问及这个问题的时候,要同时解释为什么你会要这个价。 

Know your expected salary and bottom line. Even though usually people won't go into too much details of salary negotiation, they will still want to know your salary expectation. When you offer your number, try to elaborate why you ask for this number.

• 面试(interview):

    1.  见面握手要有力,寒暄要热情。让人觉得你很有活力,充满干劲,对这个机会充满热诚。 

Firm hand shaking when you met with your interviewer. Try to be enthusiastic, let them feel your excitement.

    2.  面试的时候一定要忘记自己,所有的一切都是以面试方为主。考虑到面试方要什么,你能够给他们带来的价值是什么,不可你自我为中心。除非你是真的很牛,他没你不行。

Forget about yourself, during the interview, it's all about them. What they want, what value you can bring to them.

    3.  讲故事,讲故事,讲故事。重要的话要说三遍。一定要记得在推销自己的时候付上故事和事例,这样更真实和有信服力。 

Story, story, and story, Do remember to tell your stories and use them to back you up. Don't underestimate the power of story telling.

    4.  面试最后最好问对方一两个问题,同时也可以问对方对你在刚才的表达中是否还有什么不是很清楚的可以再次赢得机会重新重点说明一下。最后可以问对方大概什么时候会收到回馈。

Ask one or two questions after the interview, and ask them when you should expect to receive a feedback, and if there is anything during the interview that you didn't express clearly or they are not sure of, if they do tell you, you win yourself another chance to elaborate.

• 面试后(after interview)

    1.  回去后,最好在当天给所有面试的人发一封感谢信。感谢对方给你面试的时间和机会。如果自己觉得在面试中可能没表述清楚的地方也可以在信中再次阐诉做个补充说明。 

When you go back from interview, suggest to send a thank you note to all the interviewers, ideally on the same date if you could. Thank them for the interview opportunity and time. If there was anything that you think you didn't explain clearly and want to add, you may include it in the note too.


Finally is waiting for their feedback. If you didn't receive any feedback within a week, you may send an email to them and ask for it. This is one of the reason why I suggested to ask when you should expect a response at the end of the interview.

如果你有朋友正好在面试公司上班的话,而且他们职位越高,或者他们在该公司表现被认可的话,尽可能运用这些关系。他们的一句话顶得你的十句话。 而且很多公司一些好职位并没有真正发布出去,很多时候是靠熟人推荐。 所以人脉是保证你在面试和职场里成功不可或缺的主要因素之一。

If you have any friends or networks happen to work in the company that you are applying for, the higher their position in the company, or the high recognition they are in their performance, the better it will help you if they can put in some good words for you. Actually in reality, most good positions were not even posted and published, HR or the employers tend to go by word and referral. With it said, network is one of the key factors to secure you success in career and interview.

以上只是个人认为的一些面试重点。总而言之,不断增加自己的价值是保证自己在用工里占主动的重点。让公司离不开你,你的去留就掌握在你自己手里。 今天不努力工作,明天努力找工作。

Always keep on improving yourself and adding your value in your job makes you more successful. Let yourself be the one that your company wants to retain. If you don't work hard today, am afraid that tomorrow you may have to look for a job hard.

以上供参考,希望对你有帮助。 Just few thoughts, hope it helps.


图片来源: http://www.58pic.com/sucai/14831835.html



不用谢 这也是我分享出去的原因 很高兴你觉得有帮助


谢谢 写出来只希望对大家有帮助



我的经验估计对那些要应聘外企的人比较有帮助 我没在国企里做过所以不了解国内的情况。

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