(ENG/中文) Japan Gourmet Travel Guide 爆食日本美食大阪篇<寿し吉>:从心而发去料理的寿司/Heart of Sushi/心を握る寿司 (好孩子 Goodboy Philip 食レポグルメガイド) by @goodboyphilip

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

This article was written by @goodboyphilip / 本文由 @goodboyphilip 撰写提交

About the authour / 关于作者:
Hello Steemians! Firstly, thanks must be given to @someone that posts my blog of Japan. Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Goodboy Philip. I love Japan and aim to explore delicious food in Japan. Last year I had published a Japan Gourmet Guidebook "爆食東京" that introduce three hundred good resturants. And now I am still eating and exploring! I just started writing on Steemit last two months and hope that you can visit my steemit page. I will show you different Japan restaurants and spots everyday. (https://steemit.com/@goodboyphilip)

首先要感謝 @someone 前輩讓我 @goodboyphilip 在這裡分享旅遊日本的食評。很簡單自我介紹一下,我是好孩子 PHILIP,最喜歡日本了,一直在日本不停吃尋找美食為目標,去年在香港推出了一本日本飲食書籍「爆食東京」介紹300間東京好吃的餐廳。現在也在繼續發掘日本美食和旅遊景點。剛加入 Steemit 不到兩個月,請大家多多指教,有空來看我每天的日本介紹?(https://steemit.com/@goodboyphilip)

先要感谢 @someone 前辈让我 @goodboyphilip 在这里分享旅游日本的美食记录。很简单自我介绍一下,我是好孩子 PHILIP,最喜欢日本了,一直在日本不停吃寻找美食为目标,去年在香港推出了一本日本饮食书籍「爆食东京」介绍东京好吃的餐厅。现在也在继续发掘日本美食和旅游景点。刚加入 Steemit 不到两个月,请大家多多指教,有空来看我每天的日本介绍? (https://steemit.com/@goodboyphilip)

Follow the author @goodboyphilip to find the other great articles from him/her.

Original text/原文如下:

🍣 (ENG/中文) Japan Gourmet Travel Guide #000 🍣




Probably The Best Rolled Egg in Osaka!



(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)

It is the “Crazily Eat in Japan” time! Today I would like to introduce you a Sushi Restaurant in Tsuruhashi of Osaka. Tsuruhashi is an area that mixes market place and Korea shops. It just likes a maze with many alleys. And the Target Cuisine of today is hidden in the market! * Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip! *

「爆食日本」番外篇,跟好孩子 PHILIP 一起繼續爆食好吃的美食吧!今天介紹的是大阪鶴橋的一間壽司屋。鶴橋是一個聚集魚類蔬菜市場及韓國商店的地區,在一個有如迷宮的市場內,穿過狹窄的小巷,經過很多日本以外氣息的韓國商店,這天目標食店就是隱藏在這裡呢,兜兜轉轉終於來到了。 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

「爆食日本」番外篇,跟好孩子 PHILIP 一起继续爆食好吃的美食吧!今天介绍的是大阪鹤桥的一间寿司屋。鹤桥是一个聚集鱼类蔬菜市场及韩国商店的地区,在一个有如迷宫的市场内,穿过狭窄的小巷,经过很多日本以外气息的韩国商店,这天目标食店就是隐藏在这里呢,兜兜转转终于来到了。 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

The restaurant “Sushiyoshi” was found in 1984 by Mr. 金本実留 was a traditional Sushi chef with innovative mind. His restaurant is famous among TV and magazine media.



圖片 Source: YNN channelもぐもぐなーみ

I discovered this restaurant because of NMB48 Food report program: もぐもぐなーみ. Before going to the restaurant, I did some research on it. The chef is serious on the creativity of making sushi that is a little different from the traditional one. For example, it serves Foie Gras sushi that is quite interesting!

我是因為看到大阪偶像團體 NMB48「爆食小孩」西仲七海的節目食評介紹,所以發現這間店。在去這間目標食店前,一如以往做了一些資料蒐集,發現料理人金本先生對於壽司的創新和變化很執着,跟傳統的壽司很不同,例如大膽以鵝肝作壽司,在大阪來說算是前衛的派系,令我更有興趣想去吃一下。

我是因为看到大阪偶像团体 NMB48「爆食小孩」西仲七海的节目食评介绍,所以发现这间店。在去这间目标食店前,一如以往做了一些资料搜集,发现料理人金本先生对于寿司的创新和变化很执着,跟传统的寿司很不同,例如大胆以鹅肝作寿司,在大阪来说算是前卫的派系,令我更有兴趣想去吃一下。

After entered the restaurant, there were two Japanese guest sitting in front of the chef. Referring to his outlook, I recognized he was the shop owner Mr. 金本実留. I was arranged to sit on the bar seat afterwards.



圖片 Source: MBS せやねん どこいこ?

I ordered 「グルメにぎりコース」(Gourmet hand made sushi course) (3200 Yen)and looked around the restaurant on my seat. There were many autograph on the wall. And one of the frame showing “Make sushi from bottom of heart”, is the motto of the chef!

跟女店員點好菜「グルメにぎりコース」(3200 Yen),環顧食店看到有不少色紙(名人簽名)及一個「心を握る」的格言框架,意思是為客人用心去握好壽司,讓食客明白店長料理的態度。

跟女店员点好菜「グルメにぎりコース」(3200 Yen),环顾食店看到有不少色纸(名人签名)及一个「心を握る」的格言框架,意思是为客人用心去握好寿司,让食客明白店长料理的态度。

The course had five appetizers, ten sushi and miso soup. Firstly, the starters were served. The appetizers were differently assorted in four seasons. After drinking miso soup, I looked forward to eat the main dishes!



Firstly, the White Sea Bream and Chu Fatty Toro were served. It was common sense to eat from light taste fish before the intense taste food. The raddish rong on Sea Bream awoke my taste buds. The second one, Chu Toro was fresh and with sweet flavor on top. I thought the chef liked adding different flavor on different sushi according to its taste.



圖片 Source: 読売テレビ おでかけコンシェルジュ

No doubt! The Sweet Shrimp was added miso on it. This one was very delicious! The flavor was extracted from the shrimp paste in head and fried with miso. It was the first surprise of the day! Another crab leg meat was fresh and sweet, not bad too.



The third combination was Mackerel and Salmon. Normally, the sashimi with skin would be a little fishy taste. Most sushi restaurant used ginger to cover the fishy taste. I don’t like that smell. However, the chef here used yellow and red pepper made the Mackerel easier to eat. It was sweet and pretty in color!



The next one was Salmon. Normally, we eat plain salmon without too much topping. The chef added little onions and cucumber that made the taste different.



The fourth combination, the “King sushi of the restaurant” was time to come! Foe Gras Sushi! Unfortunately…the chef said that it was Avian Influenza in Europle that it would be danger to import Foe Gras. Hence, this sushi was temporarily stopped serving. No disappointing feeling and let’s eat another one. It was Water Eggplant with sea urchin. The eggplant was super juicy! The mixing taste between sea urchin and water were so interesting! Recommended! Another Conger sushi was fine with no tiny bone on it. Not bad.


来到第四组,我最期待的当店著名寿司要出场了了! 「フォアグラにぎり」(鹅肝寿司),料理人说声抱歉,因为自法国进口的鹅肝正在遇上禽流感高峰期,所以未能提供这个镇店之宝。虽然实在很想吃,但是也没有办法呢。店长换来「水ナス」(水茄子),海胆鲜甜茄子多水,一起咬下是第一次遇上这种有趣的口感!这个好吃!然后是「穴子」,透彻地拔去了小骨,每一口也是肉,味道可以。

圖片 Source: MBS せやねん どこいこ?

And this was the final combination, Rolled Egg and Salmon Roe. What I can say is, the Rolled Egg was very delicious!!! Normal egg rolls were plain or a little bit sweet, however, this roll contained sea urchin, scallops, wolfberry, crab etc. It was pre-made that was cold, but it was still delicious. I couldn’t imagine if the rolled egg was hot. I preferred hot one. It would be the most delicious egg roll in Osaka! Strongly recommended!


来到最后一组,「玉子焼き」(蛋卷)及「いくら」(三文鱼子)。这件玉子好好吃! ! !内里不是只有鸡蛋那么单调,而是加了海胆、带子、枸杞、蟹、三叶等配料,这个预先做好的蛋卷温度是冷也是鲜甜好吃,我不敢想像一整个蛋卷热食会是有多好吃? !我比较喜欢热食呢!这很可能是大阪最特别和好吃的玉子呢!这个强力推介!

And the last one is Salmon Roe sushi. It looked cute just like a vegetable boat holding the roe jewelry. The crispy taste of vegetable and soft roe created a contrast feeling! That was so funny!



After finished the meal, I could feel that the chef must have spend a lot of efford on testing the combination of flavor and fish. He really created a lot of different tastes and changes for the meal. I was so satisfied on this meal. Before I left, I told the chef that I came because of NMB48 food report program. He said thank you and pointed to the wall there was autograph of NMB48 members on the wall. With the consent of chef, I took a photo of it as food report here. It was pleasant experience for eating in Sushiyoshi! Thank you!

吃完這午餐,感到料理人有細心研究不同壽司配搭什麼的調味和質感,會出現在什麼口感和變化,每一件壽司和調味食材的配合是經過他多年經驗而製造出來的。這午餐我非常滿意!在離開之前,跟料理人說是因為看了而來,然後他答謝支持和指向店內的牆壁,原來「爆食小孩」有在牆上簽上色紙呢。獲得店長同意,我拍了這幅簽名作為 48 美食系列記錄呢。這次美食的經歷很愉快,謝謝金本先生。

吃完这午餐,感到料理人有细心研究不同寿司配搭什么的调味和质感,会出现在什么口感和变化,每一件寿司和调味食材的配合是经过他多年经验而制造出来的。这午餐我非常满意!在离开之前,跟料理人说是因为看了而来,然后他答谢支持和指向店内的墙壁,原来「爆食小孩」有在墙上签上色纸呢。获得店长同意,我拍了这幅签名作为 48 美食系列记录呢。这次美食的经历很愉快,谢谢金本先生。

  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    Sweet Miso Shrimp、Eggroll、Watered Eggplant

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:

  • Category/類型/ジャンル:
    Sushi / 壽司 / 寿司

  • Address/地址/住所:
    2-7-5 Tsuruhashi Ikuno-ku Osaka Osaka
    大阪府 大阪市生野区 鶴橋 2-7-5

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Tsuruhashi Station

  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Monday-Saturday 星期一-六 [月~土]
    Public Holiday 假日 [祝日]

  • Day Off/休息日:
    Sunday / Uncertain

  • Homepage/网站/網站/ホームページ:

So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

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Author @goodboyphilip, Posted By @someone


Great travel article and gallery. traveling to europe my dreams. Thank you for share it. Life good

Great guide. its so helpful! Life good:)

Dear Azis
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I love Japanese food

nice post. I like reading you post @someone. keep it up!

Have a great time traveling.

you did the great job.

Wow! such a great and detailed content.
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