自學 | Self Study _v 0.1.2

in #cn8 years ago

回顧大學 Programming Process ......

  • 程式設計
    • .NET 的 C# 物件導向高階語言
    • First, Console Applications
      • Print in / output 
      • Stars
      • Loop
      • Condition
      • ......
    • Second, Windows Form Applications
      • Create a form
      • test every controls
      • Object Oriented Programming
      • Class, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction,
  • 資料庫管理
    • SQL
    • Microsoft Access
    • Microsoft SQL Server
  • 網頁程式設計
    • ASP.NET Webform
    • HTML
    • Javascript
    • Css
  • 醫學資訊
    • RFID
    • WebCam
    • Stream
  • 醫學資訊實驗
    • ECG
    • SPO2H
    • Weight
    • Blood Presure
  • 醫療訊號處理實作
    • Bluetooth
    • Zigbee
    • Arduino




  • Blockchain
  • Ethereum
  • Crowdfunding
  • Token System
The Prototype of Crowd-Funding Platform Based on Ethereum Blockchain


或許嘗試聚焦於 評價 與 獎勵機制...

......To Be Continued

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