Foods do's and don'ts when you're pregnant

in #cn5 months ago


When a woman is pregnant, she has to pay attention to what she eats
The reason is, the baby will exhaust your bones and even your teeth to get the nutrients he needs.

                                                                                     take your vitamins

Pregnant women need to get a lot of folic acid, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber, eat nutrient-rich foods and take prenatal vitamins.
If you are not pregnant yet and want to get pregnant, consult your doctor so that he can recommend you vitamins that support pregnancy. What you eat before pregnancy is also important.

                                                                                   eat plant-based foods

When choosing what to eat, choose plant foods that are well washed or slightly steamed. Try to take a variety of vitamins and minerals in addition to Daily prenatal vitamins.

                                                                                  remember to eat omega-3 fatty acids

This important component will help improve the nervous development of your child. The problem is, too much fish, which is a good source of these fatty acids, is not a good choice for pregnant women due to mercury contamination of fish. There are alternatives, including supplementation and adding flax to your diet.

                                                                                    eat nutrient-rich foods 

The good thing about plant-based foods is that they are usually rich in B nutrients but low in calories. This means that you can eat more. Because you are often hungrier during pregnancy ،

                                                                                   eating when you don't feel hungry

You may feel like eating all the time when you are pregnant. But, you really don't need to eat much more than you usually eat. In fact, the most you should eat is 500 calories more than usual for your desired normal weight. If you are already overweight when you become pregnant, you should continue to eat normally but replace junk food with nutrient-rich foods.
overdo processed foods

When you are choosing what to eat, it is much better to choose an apple from some biscuit or chips. Of course, you know that. It is difficult to avoid all processed foods, especially if you are used to eating them before pregnancy. But, if you want to ensure the health of the baby and pregnancy, do not overdo it with processed food.

Do not forget about food safety rules

If you are unaware of food safety rules, you will need to read about them on the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service website. This is the best way to learn. It is important to follow these rules during pregnancy so as not to harm yourself or the baby.

While you don't want to force yourself to eat when you're not hungry, it's important to eat your meals. If you experience vomiting and nausea, you can switch to six to eight small "meals" every day. For example, a small glass of ordinary Greek yogurt with fresh blueberries is a good meal if after two hours you eat a bowl of vegetables and steamed rice. Eating more often can help solve these problems and make sure you get the nutrients you need.

                                                                               forget to stay hydrated

When you are pregnant, you need to drink a little more water than usual. If you usually drink 8 glasses a day, then go to 12 glasses a day. Remember that fresh fruits and vegetables will also keep you hydrated. Hydration will also help you reduce nausea incidents.

These do's and don'ts will keep you and your baby healthier during pregnancy. Next time, we will focus on the do's and don'ts of breastfeeding.

Last time we talked about some do's and don'ts about food and pregnancy. Today it's all about the do's and don'ts of breastfeeding food. In many ways, it is the same concept. Put your health and your baby first, and you will end up feeling better, healing faster, and having a healthier baby.

                                                                                eat starchy whole grain food

Unless you have a wheat allergy or have celiac disease, eating whole grain bread, starchy vegetables, and rice while breastfeeding (such as baked potatoes, rye bread, and steamed brown rice) is good for you. It will ensure that you get a lot of fiber.

                                                                                 eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables

When you were pregnant, it was probably difficult to eat a lot of raw fruits and vegetables for fear of contamination. But now that you are nursing, you can again eat them. Wash them thoroughly, of course, but eat at least five servings a day.

                                                                                eat moderate amounts of lean protein

You don't have to eat meat but if you do, eat lean meat. Also, eggs, fish, and vegetarian options like beans will ensure that you get plenty of protein. You don't have to eat more than usual; you just need to eat a balance of vitamins and nutrients.

                                                                                 eat calcium-rich foods

Be careful with low-fat and sugar-free varieties, but if you or your child have no problem with dairy products, you can eat one or two servings of dairy products to get these nutrients. There are also vegetarian options today that are rich in calcium and are good for you too.

                                                                                   drink plenty of filtered fresh water

Try to make it a habit to have a large bottle of fresh water with you every time you breastfeed. You will be very busy, so if you plan and have bottles made for yourself (from water) when sitting to feed the baby, you will be guaranteed to stay hydrated. Pay close attention to your thirst and drink water anytime you feel thirsty.

                                                                                          eating acidic foods

Most children have severe problems with acidic foods. They include canned tomatoes and even dairy milk. Children who have problems with these foods can end up with bloating, itchy skin, wheezing, diarrhea, constipation, reflux, vomiting and other problems. If you notice any problems in your child like this, try to give up dairy products first, and then get rid of canned foods that have added citric acid.

                                                                                  eat anything that produces symptoms in you or in your child

No matter how hard you try, you may end up having a baby who is very sensitive to changes in your diet. The best thing to do is to switch to a very gentle diet of rice and vegetables and then slowly add one thing every week, to find out the cause of your child's problems. But you can usually bet on dairy products, acidic canned tomatoes or nuts.

                                                              eat extra calories unless you are underweight

It is a common myth that you cannot lose weight and should eat a lot when feeding. That's not true. In fact, while nursing is the perfect time to focus on eating right so that you can lose weight naturally. When you eat right, you are giving your baby what he needs to be healthy. And if you eat right, you should easily drop the baby's weight if you are healthy. If you are underweight, you want to eat the correct number of calories required to be a healthy weight, consisting of healthy options.

                                                                                                 use caffeine when breastfeeding

Therefore, do not use any kind of stimulants or drugs during lactation. These things are transmitted to the child and can make her angry and uncomfortable. It can give the child acid reflux which is very painful for them.

                                                                                                   drink alcohol when breastfeeding

Many people will tell you that it's okay to have beer while breastfeeding because it helps with milk disappointment. But, it is not known how safe or dangerous it is because we cannot really study this problem using children as subjects of study. The best course is not to drink at all, but if you do, they say not to have more than one weak drink a week.

These must-do and must-not things will help you maintain a healthy weight and nutritional profile while breastfeeding. The main thing is to eat and drink right so that you have a lot of energy to take care of your baby.

Next time, we'll talk about what to do and what not to do for babies and toddlers

The nutrition of your baby or toddler depends entirely on you. A lot of rules have changed, they are more flexible, easier for parents to navigate and feel good about doing the right thing for their child.

                                                                                   feed your child Real Food

In the not so distant past, parents were afraid to give children Real Food. They started with rice grains and piled on other foods. But , it is proved that this is not only ineffective but even harmful, which causes even more problems with allergies. Try to start your child with real soft food such as mashed bananas, baked sweet potatoes, avocados.

                                                                                  keep feeding if your baby is thriving

Even when your baby starts eating solid food, it's okay to continue feeding as long as your baby still wants it and you still want it. Breast milk is the best for your baby and will continue to provide him not only vitamins and minerals but also protection from infection and disease. Tests have shown that breast milk changes based on the needs of the baby.

                                                                                                   eat meals together as a family

Starting as young as possible, eating meals together as a family will help teach your child many values. One of them is that they are important and that you are willing to stop everything else for just an hour or so to ensure that everyone has the nutrition they need.

As your child gets older, this will be ground zero in terms of conversations and lessons about the day. If you want to get to know your child, start having dinner with him when he is small and keep doing it as long as possible.

                                                                          offer variety as they get older

You don't want to force your child to eat anything he doesn't like. Instead, always offer them a variety of healthy options. Then let them lead the way. Even if one day they hate something, keep giving it because after a few times of giving they may decide that they like it.

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