这是一个相互合作才能共赢的时代 Collaboration is the Key to a Win-Win Situation in Our Time

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

There was a boom in the computer industry since the 1980s and 1990s, and even up to the beginning of this century, many Chinese programmers who were pioneers at that time, began to flourish in the market. Some of them are great software developers that we are quite familiar with today, such as Bojun Qiu, Jiangmin Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Yueqiao Bao, Zhinong Zhou, Xu Liu, Chongjun Zhu, Zhidong Wang, Zhaoxin Liang and so on. They were the top players in their game, and it was an era that many heroes had emerged.


As we marched into the 21st century, especially in recent years, the growth of mobile internet has propelled softwares to become increasingly powerful and complex. At the same time, because of the exponential growth of an ever-changing internet industry, it’s almost impossible to develop a software alone, unlike the past. Creating a software that can be commercially successful, it takes a specialised team with multiple roles to fulfill, such as a Project Manager, Product Manager, User Interface Designer, Front-end Developer, Backend Developer, Database Manager, Software Testing Engineer, etc. which is like a production line in a factory. Sometimes it only takes slightly over 10 days, or a couple of months at most, for a software to launch in the market from its incubation.


Nowadays, there is little place for lone heros, even though they still exist, but their influences have diminished. More often than not, we look for clearly delegated tasks that bring out the best strength in us, to achieve a win-win situation through collaboration and teamwork. It’s a happy ending for all!

This reminds me of our Chinese community here on Steemit. There are many posts on Steemit, to sum it up, they generally fall under these categories, such as travel, photography, technology, food, cryptocurrency, humor, etc. However, topics on creative writing, such as fiction or short stories are not very common. As an individual, our strength is limited, however, if we work together as a team, something great could be accomplished. Don’t laugh… take a look at the most famous Chinese forum on the internet Tianya, it’s an excellent example because there are so many wonderful posts there, some are released in series, very interesting.

In comparison, the Chinese community on Steemit have published very few posts so far, the ones with substantial content that could be shared in other places are even fewer. This really undermines the influence of our Chinese community, albeit Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. We know that obviously right now we have very little influence on Steemit, this is due to the small number of participants, and in the recent voting for the Top 50 Witnesses, among all of us, only Abit made it to the list, it is kinda embarrassing. This reminds me of the motto of the famous school across my office, “The Revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades, we must carry on!”

After seeing the recent development of Steemit, i have a new idea. Take myself as an example, I usually like to write fiction, jokes, stories, and about my outlook on life (philosophy) that has inspired me along the way, especially the ones that i have been through personally. Although we all have common sense, but in my opinion, if we were brought to a conclusion on our own, especially through our personal experiences or enlightenment, it often has a much stronger impact on us. If a similar scenario should happen again, we would naturally recall the lesson that we had learned before. This helps us to develop our critical thinking skills too.

I enjoy reading, making friends, and getting in touch with new things. I wonder, perhaps you’re good at photography, or drawing, or music, or calligraphy, or translation and so on, because everyone has his/her own specialty. Therefore, we shall integrate one’s skillset with the other’s, and when there are more people together, we could have a bigger platform to showcase our talent, and make more friends. We could exchange our perspectives, and improve ourselves. We should also invite people from different background, people with their own voices and interesting ideas to join us. We would all be rewarded in a much more profound way.

I believe that collaboration is the key to a win-win situation in our time!


     After reading this post, if you have any comments, please don’t just  keep them to yourself, and don’t be shy, tell us about it!!! 

   顺便说下,如果有人擅长语言翻译或美工的话,可以私聊我,说不定我们可以合作,我的微信rivalhw ,邮件地址:rivalhw at qq.com
   By the way, if any of you are good at translation or graphic design,  please feel free to contact me, because who knows, we might be able to  work together! My WeChat ID is: rivalhw, and email: rivalhw at qq.com

hi @rivalhw, 以下是我的英文翻译。你看行吗?谢谢!😊😊😊

Below is my translation of this post. Hope it helps. Cheers, Journey

There was a boom in the computer industry since the 1980s and 1990s, and even up to the beginning of this century, many Chinese programmers who were pioneers at that time, began to flourish in the market. Some of them are great software developers that we are quite familiar with today, such as Bojun Qiu, Jiangmin Wang, Xiaojun Wu, Yueqiao Bao, Zhinong Zhou, Xu Liu, Chongjun Zhu, Zhidong Wang, Zhaoxin Liang and so on. They were the top players in their game, and it was an era that many heroes had emerged.

As we marched into the 21st century, especially in recent years, the growth of mobile internet has propelled softwares to become increasingly powerful and complex. At the same time, because of the exponential growth of an ever-changing internet industry, it’s almost impossible to develop a software alone, unlike the past. Developing a software that can be commercially successful, it takes a specialised team with multiple roles to fulfill, such as a Project Manager, Product Manager, User Interface Designer, Front-end Developer, Backend Developer, Database Manager, Software Testing Engineer, etc. which is like a production line in a factory. Sometimes it only takes slightly over 10 days, or a couple of months at most, for a software to launch in the market from its incubation.

Nowadays, there is little place for lone heros, even though they still exist, but their influences have diminished. More often than not, we look for clearly delegated tasks that bring out the best strength in us, to achieve a win-win situation through collaboration and teamwork. It’s a happy ending for all!

This reminds me of our Chinese community here on Steemit. There are many posts on Steemit, to sum it up, they generally fall under these categories, such as travel, photography, technology, food, cryptocurrency, humor, etc. However, topics on creative writing, such as fiction or short stories are not very common. As an individual, our strength is limited, however, if we work together as a team, something great could be accomplished. Don’t laugh… take a look at the most famous Chinese forum on the internet Tianya, it’s an excellent example because there are so many wonderful posts there, some are released in series, very interesting.

In comparison, the Chinese community on Steemit have published very few posts so far, the ones with substantial content that could be shared in other places are even fewer. This really undermines the influence of our Chinese community, albeit Chinese is the most spoken language in the world. We know that obviously right now we have very little influence on Steemit, this is due to the small number of participants, and in the recent voting for the Top 50 Witnesses, among all of us, only Abit made it to the list, it is kinda embarrassing. This reminds me of the motto of the school across my office, “The Revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades, we must carry on!”

After seeing the recent development of Steemit, i have a new idea. Take myself as an example, I usually like to write fiction, jokes, stories, and about my outlook on life (philosophy) that has inspired me along the way, especially the ones that i have been through personally. Although we all have common sense, but in my opinion, if we were brought to a conclusion on our own, especially through our personal experiences or enlightenment, it often has a much stronger impact on us. If a similar scenario should happen again, we would naturally recall the lesson that we had learned before. This helps us to develop our critical thinking skills too.

I enjoy reading, making friends, and getting in touch with new things. I wonder, perhaps you’re good at photography, or drawing, or music, or calligraphy, or translation and so on, because everyone has his/her own specialty. Therefore, we shall integrate one’s skillset with the other’s, and when there are more people together, we could have a bigger platform to showcase our talent, and make more friends. We could exchange our perspectives, and improve ourselves. We should also invite people from different background, people with their own voices and interesting ideas to join us. We would all be rewarded in a much more profound way.

I believe that collaboration is the key to a win-win situation in our time!

After reading this post, if you have any comments, please don’t just keep them to yourself, and don’t be shy, tell us about it!!!

By the way, if any of you are good at translation or graphic design, please feel free to contact me, because who knows, we might be able to work together! My WeChat ID is: rivalhw, and email: rivalhw at qq.com


I do not understand the language and I would love to giv it a read. I just hope STEEMIT could arrange for a translator app soon 🙂

now there are English version of this post,you could read it,hope you enjoy it :)
if you like it,please tell more people around you.
thank you!









赞,好文,如果没有合作,我就不会自由职业13年了,所有事自己干,那是神人,不可能的事情 :)


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