关于steemit文学写作爱好群的若干问题回答 Steemit Chinese Literature Group Q&A

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


The Steemit Chinese Literature Group has been formed less than 2 days and we already have over 80 members! Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:


  Who should join the Steemit Chinese Literature Group?

  Anyone who enjoys Chinese literature, whether you are a writer or a reader, or part of a general audience, we welcome all!

  Should I use “cn-reader” as the main tag?

  为了方便群内朋友互相点赞,文学群号召大家在发帖时使用统一的cn-reader标签,cn-reader大家可以看出,是属于cn区下的,主标签仍然是cn(坚持一个CN区一万年不动摇 :)  ),次标签可以使用cn-reader,其他标签大家可以根据自己文章内容来定。

  For the convenience of upvoting each other, we encourage you to use the “cn-reader” tag in your Chinese literature related posts on Steemit. As you can tell, it’s a sub-tag under the “cn” community, while the main tag of a Chinese post should still be “cn” (we shall maintain the “cn” tag forever :) ) and use “cn-reader” as your 2nd tag. The rest of the tags shall be set according to your post content. 


  What are the topics that “cn-reader” covers?


  ”cn-reader” tag is used for Chinese posts on Steemit, at the moment there is no restriction on topics. It could be anything about literature, novel, poem, essay, or life experiences, writing techniques, etc. “Literature is larger than life, but it’s also inspired by life.”

  Anything to take note in the group chat?


  成员之间相互提问时,如果有人解答了希望可以@一下提问者,有时候大家加入一个群会关闭消息提醒,@了提问者会让他更快查看信息。(@mangoanddaddy 提出该条建议)。


  There is no restriction at this point, our main goal is to encourage everyone to engage in literature discussion. Try to avoid lame or irrelevant topics. (Suggested by @satanas) If you wish to talk about other topics, please use private chat.   

  When members raise a question, if anyone has answered it, please remember to tag @the asker. Sometimes we mute group message notifications, tagging @the asker will remind the person to read it. (Suggested by @mangoanddaddy)

  We encourage the group members to publish more well-written posts. Outstanding pieces will be rewarded accordingly, this is to promote our cn community on Steemit. 


  How about following each other on Steemit?


  We strongly recommend our group members to follow each other on Steemit, to connect better as mutual benefits. For the cn-reader posts, do give your warmest encouragement, suggestion or even criticism. Members are welcome to promote your own posts in the group chat, don’t be shy! While you create diligently through your writing, we would love to give you some encouragement and support too!


  What can you benefit from this?


  Our literature group was just formed, and many Steemit friends have already joined. You are probably familiar with some of them, such as our Tea House hosts: @lemooljiang, @ace108, @oflyhigh, @deanliu. A few early CN community members, like @jademont, @wongshiying and trending Steemians like @helene and @sweetsssj. Other good writers such as @cnfund, @jubi (He successfully started a Google search contest recently, if you’re interested please check out his page.) @coldhair, @mrpointp, @chaofanjun, @tvb, @sylvia1997 and many more. Being part of this group really helps us to improve ourselves and make friends with those who are at the top of their game.


  Our gourp’s main objectives.

  引用群内成员@coldhair 的评论:



  “I hope this literature group could become a truly valuable WeChat group, i hope every member here could contribute quality content. I hope we could use this WeChat group to learn from each other, to encourage each other, share our experiences and our rewards. As we grow, we make more friends, build a long lasting blockchain friendship, that would be wonderful.” - @coldhair




  Please feel free to propose other suggestions as we go along.


  Lastly, I wish our literature community grow bigger and better! It helps to promote Steemit, as well as to discover outstanding writers and their works. 


  I strongly encourage everyone who’s interested in Chinese literature to scan this QR code above. There are many fellow Steemians and literature lovers here to welcome you and look forward to your participation!


  Of course, we will be thrilled if you could introduce more friends to join us too!

  最后温馨提醒下,如果你的帖子是同文学相关,请不要忘记使用专用标签:cn-reader 我们会每天定期对文学帖做出点赞,好的帖子会着重鼓励,不但如此还会在群内推广并转发哦。

  Last but not least, remember to tag cn-reader if your post is relevant to Chinese literature, because we will read your posts and upvote them daily, reward those outstanding pieces and promote them in our community too!




120% 支持!現在構思文章去 :)

Very Nice !!

I have a Chinesse blood flowing in my vien, relative at Guandong province, I born outside China, I can speaks chinesse but hard to read. Count me in.

wow,cool~~~I live in Guangzhou which in Guangdong province.hope to see you often on Steemit

My family is planning to organize a reunion next year in China. We try to find out our family tree.

I hope we meet someday I think my family is planning a reunion in China next year. I wish we could see each other.







大伟哥,我有个问题,中英文双语的可以加上cn-reader 标签吗?



文学类作品能够更好带动 steemit 向多元化发展,文学类作者群的建立也能给喜欢写作的朋友带来更多的收入,让更多作者加入进来,一举多得!






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