The Wonderful City of Delft / 美丽的城市 - 代尔夫特

in #cn7 years ago


The city of Delft is like a smaller version of Amsterdam. Basically without the added bustle of bustle of being a top tourist destination but still having it's own unique Dutch charm. To put it simply, I loved it.

A beautiful and quaint town with all the scenic ingredients you'd expect from Holland. We went for a short walk into the heart of the old town. I soon recognised familiar roads and alleyways which made it is super easy to navigate through.

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The Old Church and City View

Firstly, we went to visit the Old Church Oude Kerk, which was currently under construction at the time. So we had no choice but to admire the building from afar. The architecture is suitably impressive; the age of the building alone is mind-blowing, being founded way back in 1246.

I enjoyed walking down in the main square and taking some pictures of this historic structure, however was surprised to find you the church leaning to one side. Apparently when it was built, they failed to take into consideration the moisture levels on the ground beneath so it gradually sank down over time. Though it somehow seems to give it more character so all was not lost in the end.





We all continued out trek through the city and many narrow, cobbled streets as well as several little bridges, canals, local shops and superb looking restaurants. I could easily envisage myself spending a few weeks in this picturesque and idyllic town. Taking the boating trip along the canal also appears to be an enjoyable option. Next time, as I'm sure I'll return to Delft again someday.









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The "Cycle" Culture of the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, one of the most common sights you'll come across is the traditional Dutch bike. It is said there are more bicycles than residents in the Netherlands, lol! Wonder if that's true?

Here, the bike has fast become an integral part of everyday life for Dutch people therefore they don’t concern themselves with having the latest model of bike. It is the longevity and lifestyle that takes precedence. So the older, the better. Very often, I would hear a bike approaching from behind me with the mudguard rattling against the wheel, lol. I can tell having a tatty old bike affords more status in Holland as it attests to a long and lasting love for this practical and economical mode of transport!



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Market Square

Following along the cobbled stone walk ways, we came to the Market Square (Markt), where the City Hall of Delft is located. The building is absolutely stunning with period architecture that has been well maintained and preserved.

The City Hall is a Renaissance style building and features a predominantly red and grey façade. The fine details in those red shutters make the building appear very distinctive from all the rest. Also, the City Hall dates back to the seventeenth century. It's just a magnificent piece of work!






The City Hall dominates one side of Delft Market Square whereas the new Church (Nieuwe Kerk) dominates the other.

The church itself is very beautiful and of great historical importance. It says many of Netherlands ancestral royalty is buried there along with a monument paying homage to William the Orange. You can also climb up the tower if you wish to get a speculator view of the old town of Delft! Though be warned there are hundreds of winding steps to climb to get to the top!



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Some Delicious Treats

After some time, we decided to have a little break at the Market Square. I was thrilled at the amount of options in terms of restaurants and bars, but we finally opted for a nice, tucked away coffee/sweet shop called Otelli.

I went for the freshly made chocolate waffles and it certainly did not disappoint. It was warm and quite rich in flavour but not overly sweet. With the cream on the side, it was heavenly!

@ezzy opted for his usual favourite Strawberry delight with fresh sweet strawberry and vanilla ice cream! That was also super yummy.




(You wouldn't believe how tasty this dessert was!)


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Some Other Cool Things I Saw in Delft

The market square is chock full of delight and decorative shop stores, which offer everything from specialist cheese houses to Delftware pottery shops.



(The Dutch version of Santa looks slightly different than the one we are used to, lol)



(A shop full of traditional Delft Blue Pottery)



(@exyle looking right at home relaxing in that oversized clog!)


(A few vintage Dutch Wooden Clogs.)


Delft is one seriously beautiful little town with some rich and varied historical significance for Holland and has a friendly, inviting appeal to it. The calm and peaceful canals amid the commercial city centre just adds to it's allure. We had a fantastic time there and a visit to Delft comes very highly recommended.

代尔夫特市可以说是阿姆斯特丹的一个小版本。虽然并不是最热门的旅游圣地,但它拥有自己的独特魅力。 希望大家看完帖子以后也会和我一样爱上它!



我们首先去参观老教堂Oude Kerk。由于它正在修建,我们只能欣赏教堂的外部。老教堂建于1246年,是一座具有超现实主义景观的建筑。在我拍照的时候,我很惊讶地发现塔身比垂直面倾斜了。后来才知道这座教堂在建造的时候没有考虑到地面底下的潮湿度,所以教堂的一边随着时间的推移逐渐下降。不过这也造就了它的独特之处!



在荷兰,你最经常能看到就是传统的荷兰自行车。 据说荷兰的自行车比它的居民更多,不知道是真是假,呵呵!



沿着碎石路往前走,我们来到代尔夫特市政厅所在的中心广场Market Square。市政厅是一座非常精美的文艺复兴风格建筑,以红色与灰色为主色调。红色百叶窗非常引人注意,使得这座建筑显得与众不同。


新教堂(Nieuwe Kerk)也在代尔夫特中心广场,就在市政厅对面。它修建于14世纪,是荷兰的皇家陵墓,颇具历史意义。有兴趣的游客还可以爬塔楼,眺望鹿特丹的全貌。不过要提醒大家,这里面有376个阶梯盘旋而上,而且里面空间不大,你们要有心理准备哦,呵呵。









Now even more than ever I would love to visit this country. Would love to visit my friend's too. Great and interesting blog. Loved all the photographs as well.

Thanks a lot! It was so relaxing with not too many people and everyone looking generally quite happy. Yes, come to the Netherlands. I'm sure you will love it too. :)

Wow, a church built in 1246. This is why I want to visit Europe. Here in Denver, no building is older than about 150 years. Things get more historic in the US as you travel east (or due south) and there are some wonderfully historic places along the Atlantic shore. But Europe and its history... that's what I'd love to see! (soon, geke, soon) For the meantime, as always, I'm enjoying your pictorial tour.

Wow, @geke. From the sounds of it, I need to take a trip over to the Atlantic shore and you to come over and check out Europe! Maybe I'll organise something if the next Steemfest is in the USA. Thank you for your comments, @geke. :)

We're pulling for the next Steemfest to be held in Steamboat, Colorado! They would probably alter the spelling of the town's name for the weekend if we descended there, but word is it's probably going to be Austin, TX. ho hum

Yes, in Europe history goes far into the past. There you'll find many very old buildings and ruins. You have to visit it at least one time :-)

@rea That was Funny with @exyle in that Large Yellow CLOG. I also Gained 10 Pounds when I saw the Pictures of all those Sugary Foods..................

Lol, so true! We probably gained that much before we got out of Delft that very same afternoon! :)

It is obvious you had a good time in The. Netherlands. Not even I was fully aware of all the culture in Delft. Might go there with my family in coming weeks. It is only a 40 minute drive for us. Bicycles is a real Dutch thing also I have been to places around the world but never seen this many bicycles.

Hello @s3rg3. Well, next time I come around to visit @exile and @bkdbkd, you should join us and we could all go check out Delft again! Though in regards to bicycles, I'd have to say China wins that one, lol! You wouldn't believe you eyes!


我是 Steemit Worldmap 的團隊的成員,很希望這帖子可以代表思恩區加在地圖上與更多人分享。如果你願意的話,這裡有更多資料關於怎樣把帖子加到地圖上

希望很快見到你 @rea!

You guys crammed so much fun into one weekend! And all because Ezzy met Exyle at Steemfest1. It's amazing isn't it and really makes our world small.

Yes, it's amazing the way life works out. Two years ago (which isn't really that long ago), nobody had even heard of Steemit. What an incredible journey so far. :)



As a musician I toured the Netherlands more than 100 times. I have been to Delft many times. This brought back some good memories. Thanks for posting @rea. Upvoted.

Well, I'm glad you could stop by, @inseasia. Thank you. :)


我也喜欢。 那里的居民也特别朴实, 呵呵。

Awesome! So many interesting things and facts (i heard it before that there are more bikes than people) im curious to know the truth to this, lol. That giant shoe is hilarious, without the human scale it may look tiny. Anyway, great presentation here. Hope to see more of your travel blog Rea.

Thank you for stopping by, @funtraveller. I think I can now vouch for the "bicycle" theory as being true, lol. Many cool things to do here, even apart from sitting in giant clogs, lol.

Hehe at last, my curiosity satisfied. Thanks for that feedback. Looking forward to see your next blog.

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