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RE: Foodie Movie Review #7---《Arrival》Rainie的吃货影评 #7 ---《降临》

in #cn7 years ago

FOODIES is a documentary which follows some of the most powerful international food bloggers on their world tours to Michelin-starred restaurants. Through social media, these foodies have reached a high status on the food scene where they can get a table within hours at the world’s most sought-after restaurants, which a normal customer would need months or a year in advance to make reservations. Their power stems from their increasingly influential opinions to chefs, restaurant owners and potential customers.

Foodies is screening exclusively at selected Golden Village cinemas from 16 July 2015.


Huccalyly: Which blogger do you dislike in the film?

Wise Guy: Obviously, Andy Hayler (the only person who has been to all 109 three-Michelin-starred restaurants in the world), and Opinionated About Dining (OAD). They are insufferable! In the opening scene, Hayler was served Moet & Chandon, and he complained how much he hated the champagne. “These are the trials we must bear,” he sighed. Oh! poor little rich old man.

And OAD! That guy has 6/6 tunnel vision that he cannot see anyone else except himself. So self-absorbed, always thinking he’s right. They are examples of what I should NOT become.

H: Are you kidding? I LOVE THEM. They are my two favorite bloggers. They remind me of you, opinionated, obnoxious, honest, and true to self. OMG, you’ve trained me to admire obnoxious people, like Pavlov trained his dogs.

WG: Are you trying to gas-light me into thinking I AM an obnoxious person?! Actually, come to think of it, you’re right. I suppose I’m a bit like them. Hayler or OAD said something that I’ve been saying to others. They said, some bloggers are sanctimonious, claiming they don’t want influence; they blog for passion. But really, if you don’t want influence, go write a diary. Why make the blog public?

And oh, another thing they said. It’s about how power is shifting from traditional food journalists to the people. I recall a Singapore food blogger saying that he hated being called a food blogger because the title is common; anyone who has a camera can be a food blogger. But I thought he was being elitist. Isn’t it the beauty of food blogging? That it’s democratic, that it’s power to the people.

Anyway, who do you detest?

H: The Hong Kong girl is super irritating. I cannot staaaaaand her. She’s so awkward with herself, and it’s apparent she’s like Jon Snow, she knows nothing!

WG: I understand what you mean about her. She’s tentative and slightly mousey. But that’s because she’s a new blogger. We all started out not knowing anything; it’s by eating a lot do we learn what we are eating. 5 years ago, when I first started blogging, I was like her too.

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