Steemit 新手生存日记(二) - Steemit快速开始指南

in #cn7 years ago

这篇文章主要是为了能够让用户快速了解和使用Steemit, 我也是边看Steemit快速开始指南边翻译的, 如果有什么不对的地方请指正, 如下内容省去了原文中的目录

Quick Start Guide


No Cost to Participate


It is free to post, comment, or upvote all content on You might even get paid for it!

在Steemit.com上面发布内容, 评论文章或者点赞所有内容都是免费的. 你还可能从这些行为上面获得收入!

Finding This Page


To return to this page at any time, click on the "Quick Start Guide" link in the main menu in the upper right corner.

任何时候如果要返回到这篇文章, 在网站右上角的主菜单点击 "Quick Start Guide" 链接即可



Upvotes are Steemit's way of saying you like someone's post or comment.

点赞在Steemit上面是用来保存你对某个用户的文章或者评论的喜欢的一种方式 (PS:类似于微博的点赞)

To upvote, click on the Upvote icon at the bottom of the comment/post.

点击文章或者评论底部的 ^ 按钮来对评论或者文章进行点赞



When you are first starting out, commenting on other people's posts can be a great way to get involved and connect with people!

当你作为新手的时候, 评论别人的文章是一个能够参与进来并且认识人的比较好的途径

To comment on a post, or reply to an existing comment, click on the "Reply" link at the bottom of the post/comment.

评论一个文章或者一个存在的评论, 你可以点击文章或者评论底部的 "Reply" 链接

Creating Posts


To create a post, click on the "Submit a Story" link in the upper right corner.

点击右上角的 "Submit a Story" 来进入创建文章的页面

Posts have three main parts: Title, Content, Tags.

文章主要分为三个部分: 标题, 内容, 标签

You will want to make your title attention grabbing, and relevant to your content.


To create your content, you can either use "Editor" or "Markdown" mode.

为了创建你的文章, 你可以使用"Editor" 模式或者是 "Markdown" 模式 (PS: 如果不了解Markdown, 可以通过这里进行了解)

There are several guides for creating posts in the "Helpful Posts from Steemit Users" section below.

下面的 "Helpful Posts from Steemit Users" 部分有一些关于如何创建文章的一些指南



Tags will help people find your posts.


Each post can have up to five tags, separated by spaces.

每个文章最多可以有五个标签, 使用空格进行区分(PS:标签不能用中文)

The first tag in the list will be the main category that the post is in.

第一个标签会作为文章保存的目录(PS: 比如cn就是一个目录, 我第一篇文章发现没有选择的地方就导致没有进cn目录)

The tags should all be relevant to the content in the post.


You can browse content by tags, as well as see a list of popular tags that other users have used in their posts here.

你可以通过首页右侧的标签栏来浏览内容, 这些标签都是平台上用户发布文章使用的比较多的标签

Followers and Feeds


To follow an author, click on their username and click the "Follow" button.

为了关注一个作者, 点击他的用户名, 然后点击 "Follow" 按钮

Once you follow someone, all of their posts will show up in your "Feed" on the homepage when you login.

一旦你关注了一个人, 所有他们的文章都将进入你的 "Feed" 页面 (登录之后的首页)

As other Steemians come across your posts and comments, you will start to gain followers.

当其他的Steemit用户来到你的文章或者评论的时候, 你有可能获得关注

You can see all of your followers and the people you are following in your profile page.

你可以在你的个人中心页面(Profile Page)看到所有你关注的人以及关注你的人



If you want to share someone else's post with all of your followers, click on the resteem icon.

如果你想要分享别人的文章给所有关注你的人, 你可以点击 转发按钮

Digital Currencies


STEEM, Steem Power and Steem Dollars are the three forms of digital currency used by the Steem Blockchain.

STEEM, Steem Power 和 Steem 美元是存在与Steem区块链上的三种主要的货币形式

More information on the three types of tokens can be found in the Steemit FAQ.

更多关于这三种类型的货币的信息可以在 Steemit FAQ 上找到



Up to 25% of the reward for posts goes to the people who voted on it. These people are called curators.

一篇文章最多有25%的奖励会分配给给这个帖子投票的人(点赞或者踩), 这些用户我们称之为助力者

The more Steem Power you have in your account, the more your upvotes will be worth, and the more potential curation rewards you can earn!

你账户拥有越多的Steem Power, 你的点赞会越值钱, 然后你获得的潜在的助力奖励会越多



Payouts are made approximately 7 days after the post/comment is created.


The payments may fluctuate (up and down) until the final payment is reached.


Payments for posts are split between the author (at least 75%) and the curators (up to 25%).


The author reward is paid 50% in Steem Power, and 50% in liquid STEEM/SBD.

作者奖励的50%是Steem Power形式发放, 其他50%是 STEEM/STEEM 美元形式发放

Authors also have the option to decline payout, or be paid in 100% Steem Power!

作者也可以选择全部使用Steem Power支付, 而不支付成STEEM和STEEM美元

Home, New, Hot, Trending, Promoted, and Active

首页, 最新, 最热, 趋势, 推广和活跃

These are various ways to sort blog posts.


Home - Most recent posts of the people you follow (your feed).

首页 - 你关注的人最新的文章(信息流)

New - Posts are sorted by the time posted, newest first.

最新 - 文章使用文章的发布时间进行排序, 最新的放在最上面

Hot - Popular posts at the moment.

最热 - 当前受欢迎的文章 (PS:具体算法未知)

Trending - Posts with the highest pending rewards currently.

趋势 - 根据还未发放的奖励排序的帖子, 奖励越多越靠前

Promoted - Listings that are boosted by Steem Dollar payments get "Promoted" for greater visibility.

推广 - 为了让更多人看到, 使用Steem美元进行推广的文章

Active - Most recent posts with edits or comments.

活跃 - 最近有编辑或者评论的文章



Feed - Here is where you go to see the most recent posts from the people you follow.

信息流 - 这里你可以看到你关注的人最新的文章

Blog - Here is where you go to see all of your posts and resteems.

文章 - 这里你可以找到你发布以及转发的所有的文章

Comments - Here is where you go to see all of the comments you have made to other's posts and comments.

评论 - 这里你可以找到所有你对他人文章或者评论的评论

Replies - Here is where you go to see all replies other users have made to your posts and comments.

回复 = 这里你可以看到所有别人对你的文章或者评论的回复

Wallet - Here is where you go to see your wallet balances, make transfers, exchange STEEM/SBD, and Power Up.

钱包 - 这里你可以看到你的钱包里面的余额, 还可以进行转账, 兑换STEEM和SBD, 或者Power Up

Change Password - Here is where you go to change your password.

修改密码 - 这里你可以修改你的密码

Settings - Here is where you go to update your settings.

设置 - 这里你可以更新的你的设置

Logout - Here is where you go to logout.

登出 - 这里你可以退出登录



A reputation score is one way Steemit measures the amount of value you have brought to the community.


The higher the number, the more weighted votes an account has earned.

声誉值越高, 你的账户进行点赞的时候的权重越高

All new users start at 25.


Your reputation will go up as you earn upvotes for your posts and comments, but it can come down if they are flagged.

你的声誉会根据你的文章和评论被点赞的次数增长, 如果你的文章被标记, 你的声誉也会下降

Cashing out or Spending SBD


You can spend your SBD at the Peerhub Store.

你可以在Peerhub Store使用你的SBD

You can exchange your STEEM and SBD for bitcoin on an exchange such as BlockTrades, Poloniex, and Bittrex.

你也可以把你的STEEM和SBD在类似于BlockTrades, Poloniex, Bittrex(PS: 国内好像还没有交易这种的平台)这样的交易平台转换成比特币

You can also "Power Up" and use your STEEM/SBD to gain more Steem Power!
你也可以把STEEM和SBD转换为Steem Power



The community is looking for you to add your own personal touch to your articles.


Plagiarizing, that is posting someone else's work as if it were your own, is very frowned upon by the Steemit community.

剽窃, 就是你发布他人的成果然后说成是你自己的, 这是在Steemit社区是不被赞成和鼓励的

If you are using anyone else's material as part of your posts (including images) - please cite your sources.

如果你在你的文章中使用了他人的内容或者图片, 请标明出处

Also, make sure that you are not violating any copyright laws if you are using someone else's material/images. Limited, sourced material sharing is OK under fair use and fair dealing doctrines.
同时, 请保证你在使用他人的材料和图片的时候没有违反任何版权法. 基于公平使用以及公平交易原则下有限的并且有来源的材料分享是被允许的

Password Security


Your Steemit account is worth real money. Treat your Steemit password like you would your bank password, and keep it secure!

你的Steemit账户是值钱的. 所以请像保管银行密码一样保管好你的Steemit密码

Unless your password was recently changed and you possess the old one, there is no password recovery for Steem accounts. You are 100% responsible for having it backed up. This means secure digital backups, as well as secured paper backups, off-site if possible.

除非你的密码最近有改变或者你拥有老的密码, 我们将不会进行密码的恢复. 你有100%的责任对密码进行备份, 也就是安全的电子备份, 以及安全的离线纸质备份

Earning on Steemit


The best attitude to have is to expect to make nothing. Have fun. Get engaged. Make friends. If along the way you earn something - bonus!

最好的态度就是不要期望可以赚到钱, 在平台上玩, 然后投入进去, 多交一些朋友. 然后在这一路上走来, 你将可能会有所收获

It is possible to earn thousands of dollars, but most authors who are doing this have put in a lot of time and work to contribute to the community and build followings.

在Steemit上赚到几千美元是可能的, 但是大部分这样的作者都是花费了很多时间和工作来投入到这个社区, 逐渐构建起来自己的粉丝群

To Do List


1. Backup your password

1. 备份您的密码

Unlike centralized web services, the Steem Blockchain has no account password recovery.

与其他中心化的web服务不一样, Steem区块连没有密码找回的功能

You are entirely responsible for keeping your password, and keeping it secure.

你对于记住您的密码负全责, 并且保管好它的安全

Save your master key and keep it somewhere safe.


It is strongly recommended that you store an offline copy of your password somewhere safe in case of a hard drive failure or other calamity. Consider digital offline storage, such as a flash drive or burned CD, as well as printed paper. Use a safe deposit box for best redundancy.

强烈建议你把你的密码离线备份一份, 为了防止硬盘损坏或者其他的灾难. 考虑一下离线的数字存储, 比如存储在SD卡或者烧制的CD中, 当然打印的纸张也是可以的. 使用安全的储物盒存储.

If your account is valuable, treat it like a valuable!

如果你的账户值钱, 请把它看成贵重物品去对待它

2. Sign Up for Steemit Chat

2. 注册Steemit Chat

A lot of users hang out and chat when they are not posting or browsing Steemit. It is a great place to meet people!

很多用户在不发表文章和不浏览Steemit的时候, 使用Steemit Chat来聊天, 这是一个认识人的好地方

There is a link to sign up in the main menu in the upper right corner.


Your account is a separate account from your Steem account.


Some channels allow you to share links, but others don't. For instance, general is for discussion without link promotion, while postpromotion is for promoting your Steemit posts.

一些频道允许你去分享链接, 一些不允许. 例如, general频道是不允许链接推广的, postpromotion频道是用来让你推广你的Steemit文章的

Each channel will have its rules posted in the "Info" section.


3. Setup your Profile and Avatar

3. 创建你的个人信息以及头像

Under your user settings, you can update your profile. This includes your display name, location, about info, and website.

更新你的用户设置, 你可以更新你的个人信息. 包括展示的名字, 地理位置, 关于的信息以及网站链接

To set your avatar image, type or paste a link to the URL where the image is located into the "Profile Picture URL" field.

为了设置您的头像, 在 "Profile Picture URL" 输入框中输入或粘贴入你的头像的URL链接

Once you have made all your changes, click the "Update" button to save your profile.

一旦你完成了你的信息的更新, 点击 "Update" 按钮来保存你的个人信息

4. Choose your "NSFW" (Not Safe for Work) Display Preference

4. 选择您的NSFW 展示设定

By default, content that users have tagged as "NSFW" will be hidden, but a link will be shown to reveal the content.

默认情况下, 用户打上 "NSFW" 标签的内容会隐藏, 但是会有一个链接可以关联到这个内容(PS:你可以通过发送链接给某一些人, 他们可以看到)

You can update your display preference so that NSFW content is always shown by default, or is completely hidden with no option to reveal.

你可以更新你的显示设定, 这样NSFW可以永远被显示, 或者它完全被隐藏, 没有任何方式可以关联到

5. Create your "introduceyourself" post

5. 创建你自己的 "介绍你自己" 文章

While not required, the tradition for new users is to create an "introduceyourself" post, to let the community know who you are.

作为新用户的传统是创建一个 "介绍你自己" 的文章, 让社区里面的其他人知道你是谁, 当然这不是强制的

You can see some examples of what other people have done here.

你可以在这里 看到其他用户的介绍自己的文章的例子

It is not required, but a lot of users will take a picture of themselves holding up a piece of paper that says "Steemit" with the current date, so we know you are a real person.

很多用户会发一张自己的图片, 图片中自己举着一张写上 "Steemit" 以及当天的日期, 所以这样你知道这是一个真实的用户, 当然这也不是强制的

It is not required either, but if you have other social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) you can help the community verify that you are who you say you are, by sharing the link to your Steemit introduceyourself post with those accounts. If you are claiming to be someone famous, this is pretty much expected.

这一条也是不强制的, 如果你有其他的社交媒体帐号(Twitter, Facebook等), 你可以把它们写入你的 "介绍你自己" 的文章中, 这样可以让社区中的人来知道这个帐号就是你. 如果你声称你是某个名人, 这也是非常欢迎的.


谢谢支持和鼓励, 我看你也来玩不久, 欢迎互相follow :)

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JST 0.029
BTC 57681.36
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.30