QS Sharing (7) – Final Account | 工料測量/造價工程分享(7) – 埋數steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


Finally it comes to my last series of construction process in the QS's point of view, by examining the role of QS. To be honestly, many QS I know who chose to quit his job when it comes to the final account stage, because it is way too .. troublesome, many disputes and argument arise in that stage, together you have to handle numerous documentary stuff.

好久沒有跟大家分享QS系列了,今天襯著午飯時間跟大家談談工程的最後一環 (埋數分享)。現實中,我認識大部分的QS都在埋數階段辭職哈哈,說真的因為埋數實在太煩人,大部分的爭辯和合約/度數糾紛都會一一在這階段爆發,同時會有大量的文書工作需要處理。


Imagine you are one of QS in Hong Kong, involving a project with contract sum like 3 billion, or even just one billion, in the most circumstances the final contract sum always appear to be 30% or even 50% increase, due to various variation orders, extension of time, claims, loss of project, etc, with more than 100,200 subcontractors involved.. For instance, in the last project I handled, with contract sum only 0.6 billion, it turns out to be more than 1 billion in the final account, with 500 nr of variation orders, more than 100 nr of subcontractors. We spent more than a year in completing the final account after the works completed.

在香港的工程裡,例如工程額大概是30億,什至只是一億的工程,往往在最後階段工程額就會被追加至30%-50%, 什至是一倍的升福,基於大量追加的工程更改/索償/工程延期等等等等,這些在香港市民耳中基本上已經是日常生活事了..見怪不怪。最普遍的例子就是鐵路工程,一條新的鐵路線往往牽涉數份合約,如合約1 (工程前期準備工作)延期,往往會引伸至合約3,4,5,6,7等等順延,承建商就會因為Late Site Possession/Idling of plant cost等等原因作出索償.. 試想想$50萬港幣一日,延期一個月就已經多了$1,500萬港幣的開支了。

說這麼多例子是想表達,埋數真的是..很煩! 哈哈


Indeed you just have to bear in mind, once the parties signed the final account agreement, the contract is no longer valid, you cannot make any changes or any additional works based on the contract bill rate. Thereby, every QS has to check carefully for all the cost from the beginning of works till completion date. I am not going to explain this dull job in details, as you can see that I am kinda sick of this final account works. (Yeah, I am currently working on it.. lol).

這些只是想舉舉例子關於工程事宜,關完完約的工夫我就不詳述了,因為是非常繁複和..某程度上我覺得是非常煩人的。QS只需要緊記一旦雙方都簽了完約同意書,任何加減也不得作出更改,合約的有效性亦隨之而結束,所以完約前QS都需要非常小心地處理每一項計算。 說了那麼多我想你已經留意到我有多不喜歡這個階段的工作,對了你猜得沒錯,我現時正在埋數... (撞牆)


所以我特意邀請了設計界高手 (不要說你猜不出是誰,欠打的) 幫我設計了這個!
超喜歡的!!! LOGO是熊仔+安全帽!!

I hope you all enjoy the series of my Quantity Surveying Sharing,
feel free to leave your comments if you have any questions!

哈哈好啦廢話說完了! 希望你們喜歡整個QS系列的分享,



wonderful payment !
so... you are rich now :)
upvoted you get richer .. lol @pakyeechan

Upvoted and also resteemed!

她果然設計得超好!! 好可愛啊!! :D


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