Has Apple changed your life? 蘋果有改變你的生活嗎?
Hi steemians ! I would say I am definitely a fans of Apple! I remember that I joined it since the 3GS. I've just changed my phone from iphone6 to iphone8plus two days ago, there are some changes that make me think about what actually has Apple changed my life.
I remember that the first phone I used is Nokia 8250, the most impressive thing must be the mini game - Snake ! lol
Before the iphone developed, most of the cellphones rely on pressing the button, the iphone brought the touch screen into mainstream acceptance and widespread use.
IOS的作業系統,界面使用和設計跟當時什至是現在的手機上都非常不一樣,我記得在我使用Iphone前我是使用HTC和SAMSUNG的手機的,ANDROID的賣點就在於FLEXIBILE DESIGN, 桌面上所有程式可以自由擺放(我還記我電話上總是亂糟糟的),當然這也吸引一定的賣家不想受限於Apple橫蠻的設計。但Apple定下的限制本著User friendly及簡結,這正合我意,Apple每一個小改動都是本著為用家帶來更方便更直接的享受。
IOS System's design and application is very different from the others competitors. I remember I used HTC & Samsung' cellphones beforehand, Android provides flexible application to users, all application can be arranged in the desktop (I remember it is such a mess on my desktop at that time lol). Of course this way of arrangement gives the flexibility to the users which is also a benefit somehow. However, the design of Apple really makes me enjoy user friendly and clean !
後來的Macbook為了鼓勵用家使用雲端廢除了USB的插頭,我真是很佩服Apple不怕失去用家,為了改革每次也敢於做先鋒作出改變。現在不少用家總有不少雲端帳號吧! (作為忠粉不得不再說用icloud把所有的應用程式、通話紀錄、電話簿、相片等等所有所有的資料按一個鍵就傳送到新電話實在是太爽了)
In the Macbook development, Apple aims to encourage people to use cloud, they removed USD port. I really appreciate Apple's courage to make difference and revolution! Nowadays I believed that most of us have more than one cloud account right ? (As a super fans of Apple, I have to say that I love icloud so much! It is so convenient to transfer all those apps, photos, contacts, etc from my old phone to my new one!)
後來Apple又在Iphone7為了普及藍牙耳機又把傳統3.5mm頭給丟掉了! 就像棄掉USB頭的初期,市場上出現了極大的反對聲音,我也一樣! 靠,你把那個拿掉我要怎樣聽歌呢?! 但是用Lightning的轉插我又覺得超笨的,好吧又再一次屈服給蘋果,就買個藍牙耳機試試看吧。
Later on, Apple made a great move again, they get rid of the traditional 3.5mm headphone jack, in order to promote the adoption of bluetooth earphone! Just like the move they made for the cloud, many customers complained that, including me! I was like wtf how can you remove the 3.5mm headphone jack?!! And honestly I reckon using the lightning adapter is quite silly.. Alright so I've bought my first bluetooth earphone.
這次我並沒有買Airpod (還是不太習慣把電動牙刷的頭掛在耳上..),我用了大半天的時間去看藍牙耳機的資料,再到了專門賣耳機的地方試了一整天 (快被那店員瞪死),終於我選了這個安橋的耳機W800BT ! 不試也不知道原來現在藍牙耳機的音質已經可以做到那麼棒!
Well this time I didn't buy Airpod as I still cannot accept it looks like a brush lol! I spent a lot of time in choosing the bluetooth earphone! Finally I chose this Onkyo W800BT! I really didn't expect that bluetooth earphone's performance can be that great.
By the way這張照片是用我的Iphone8plus拍的,超喜歡它的景深! 原諒我由Iphone6轉過來對相機質素的提升感到太興奮了! 用了兩天基本上我已經習慣使用藍牙耳機了!而且感覺非常好! 原來沒有線是超爽的!!
By the way I used my new Iphone8plus to take this! I am so into the depth of field honestly! Forgive me as I haven't changed my phone for 3 years, the camera's performance way enhanced comparing to iphone6, I am really excited lol!
Well, I've used my bluetooth earphone for 2 days and I really feel so good about that!
我不只欣賞Apple帶來的創新發展,更什我非常欣賞他們的勇氣,經常勇於做革命的先鋒走出第一步。雖然不少人近年說Apple的的革新已隨著教主的逝去已大不如前,但目前我仍然非常熱愛用他們的產品,帶來的User friendly及簡結性暫時仍然是無法取代的。
I don't just simply appreciate the development and the changes brought by apple, but the courage they got to take the first step as always. Though many people say that Apple are not as good as before since Steve passed away, but so far I still into their products, enjoying the way of user friendly and concise they have brought to us.
Cell phones I've come along way I remember when I first started off I started with the Nokia phones than move on to BlackBerry from there move on to iPhone's I've been with Apple products for several years now love them
Same here, I am totally into Apple's product!
thanks for sharing keep it up
:) thank you for your support
wow!!! 我懷念貪吃蛇!!! ((完全離題 XD
真想念那個年代的Nokia掉到地上、解體散開一地,然後撿回來拼一拼就繼續打簡訊的日子。現在掉一次手機就要驚嚇一下 XD
別這麼說!!! 這是要看人倒楣程度的~~
((話說我曾在廁所讓Nokia掉到地上, 結果聽筒就這樣壞了.... Next~~
我還只是掉到地上而已.... T_T
I want the Onkyo Bluetooth headphone too..... envy!!
哈哈還好吧!我的ip6被我跌得體無完膚還健在! 最喜歡的是iphone較保值 換電話也沒那麼心痛
家中 IT顧問不喜歡 Apple說太多限制,只用 android,所以我也只能用 android 機 否則沒 IT support. 還好, android 機多選擇,只要像機好就 ok ~Steemit 上很重要啊!!!
黑莓我沒用過啊 我記得那時候覺得他的設計超專業的哈哈!
Yao~chin~yan~ 有~錢~人~
才不是有錢人😖 IP有些人經常會跌爆MON..但我基本上也是經常跌電話的,暫時可幸未試過爆MON!
Apple has changed my life but probably in a more negative way as now I tend to work at times when I normally wouldn't as I can see all my emails etc pop up on my phone when I normally would be relaxing!
You better turn the notification off lol ! I know that feel bro.