TAI CHI PERSONAL TRAINER as GIFTS at home and office

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

(-: + :-) p2p you and I (-: + :-) Follow the artist, power will follow = 熟练房中术,政客卖红薯 (-: + :-) 你和我 p2p (-: + :-)

Dage Gao 高大个
p2pGardener 共识主动性园丁
The Bedroom Artist of Taoist Sexual Practices From Family Tradition 房中术传承者

"I am pursuing stigmergy evolution and respecting nature. People are understanding my mission of p2pGARDEN. 共识主动性花园里,你我 p2p,随遇而安,愚公移山,共识主动,升华人类:

GOD without religion
LOVE without marriage
GOVERNMENT without politician"

Earth ruling men, heaven ruling earth, Dao ruling heaven, nature ruling Dao. Lao Zi. 人法地,地法天,天法道, 道法自然。老子。


Lao Zi was respecting nature, people are following his 5000 words.

The Monk is respecting nature, tigers are following his orders.

The man is respecting nature, cheetahs following his steps.

The sanctuary worker is respecting nature, a tiger and a cheetah are playing with him.

I am respecting nature and pursuing stigmergy evolution. People are understanding my mission of p2pGARDEN.
共识主动性花园里,你我 p2p,随遇而安,愚公移山,共识主动,升华人类:

GOD without religion
LOVE without marriage
GOVERNMENT without politician

Since my p2p (peer to peer) friends started WANKing system at August 17 1989 inside NASA headquarters of Florida USA. We never stop having fun :-)

WANKing system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WANK_(computer_worm)
MATRIXing mind

WIKIPEDIAing encyclopedia

EMAILing post office

BITCOINing bank
BLOCKCHAINing government

SNOWDENing nsa
PARADISEing papers

OCCUPYing wall street

Make love, not ballot with your politician.

Replace taxation with donation for your government.

(-: + :-) Follow the artist, power will follow you = 熟练房中术,政客卖红薯 (-: + :-)

When I were 5, I started practicing Taoist sexual practices with a girl of my neighbor. At age of 55 after recovering from one time neck breaking and three-times “mental” hospitalizing, I am still happy and healthy as a wild animal. My hobby job is training couples to be my queens and Kings of p2pGARDEN community as Merlin of King Arthur DID for England.

Play with ME in p2pGARDEN by the bedroom arts of Taoist Sexual Practices for you to relax body, blow mind and link souls. During the practices you can feel heat and electron flowing in your body by bio electromagnetic induction. After mastering the practices, you will be from a hobby to a pro sharing the arts as gifts with families and friends and enjoying to train YOUR Queens and Kings.

Right now, you should start practicing at home and working place. It is easy as 123:

  1. Watching: Female Taoist sexual practices with Saida
  2. Reading: Secrets of Dragon Gate by Dr. Steven Liu and Jonathan Blank or any book about Taoist sexual practices.
  3. Practicing: Qigong for Beginners

After your mastered the Qigong for Beginners, gmail me at [email protected], so we can set up an interview for your next level.

p2pGarden is a gift economy of peer to peer network. It turns hobbies into professional businesses by sharing skills, knowledge and LOVE. p2pGarden was launched on November 28, 2017, by Dage Gao, Dajie Chien, Judy Li, John Kalcic and Print2Go of Mississauga to pursue stigmergy evolution.

(-: + :-) Follow the artist, power will follow = 熟练房中术,政客卖红薯 (-: + :-)

If you like following me, check:

One of my favorite music:

In the summer of 1962, I came from my mother and made by my army officer father in a hut of Pu'er mountain top with wild cheetahs and monkeys. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pu%27er_City

When I were one, my mother took me back her small village of Mudan/peony District nearby by Lao Zi hometown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudan_District

When I were 5, I started practicing Taoist sexual practices with a girl of my neighbor. My mother's father was a Tai Chi master. He had a private Tai Chi school and clinic. I did not interested in his school or clinic in my age, but I were very interested in his Taoist sexual practice with his wife in Kang bed-stove which we were sharing for general living, entertaining and sleeping :-)

When I were 16, I started studying forestry at Nanjing Forestry University. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Forestry_University

When I were 20, I started teaching dendrology at the same university https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrology

When I were 28, I were a visit scholar for 1 year in Chicago Botanic Garden, USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Botanic_Garden

When I were 29, I started study Forestry Economics as a Master of Science at University of Montana, USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Montana

I slept on wheel in Paradise, Montana USA and broke my neck and had a halo brace on my head for 3 months in the year of 1992. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise,_Montana

My ex wife and I were the first owners of Pagoda Chinese Food in Missoula, Montana from the years of 1992 to 1996. https://www.facebook.com/Pagoda-ThaiChinese-resturant-132617456890801/

I were the co-owner of Sino Plant Nursery in Vancouver, BC, Canada from the years of 1997 to 2000.

I were the owner of Ediblescape in Mississauga, Ontario from the years of 2001 to 2010 . http://www.shopintoronto.com/Ediblescape/10487845.htm

I am a regular English and Chinese editor of Wikipedia.org as 51coin. I started the page of stigmergy in Chinese. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%B1%E8%AF%86%E4%B8%BB%E5%8A%A8%E6%80%A7

I were a volunteer of Wikileaks.org from the 2009 to 2013. https://www.facebook.com/feng.gao.5623
I were “mentally hospitalizing” by Mississauga police, Trilliom Hospital and Ontario Judge from the years 2010 to 2011. https://www.mississauga.com/news-story/3162382-missing-two-subject-of-police-search/

I were a Chinese promoter of Bitcoin in China from the years of 2011 to 2016. http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2810780520
I were “mentally hospitalizing” by Shanghai police and Shanghai Mental Health Center from the years of 2013 to 2014. http://www.smhc.org.cn/index_en.aspx

I were a Umbrella Movement participtor in Hong Kong in the year of 2014. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/world/article24776518.html
I were “mentally hospitalizing” by Hong Kong police and Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre from the year 2015 to 2016. http://www.csd.gov.hk/english/facility/facility_ind/ins_nt_slpc.html

I were launching a community project of p2pgarden for gardening white house with bedroom arts in the end of the year of 2017. :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taoist_sexual_practices

My Contact Informs:
[email protected]

(-: + :-) Follow the artist, power will follow = 熟练房中术,政客卖红薯 (-: + :-)

Post code: L5A 2K8


StefanodocSM Stefano S. Magi tweeted @ 05 Dec 2017 - 10:44 UTC

Play Time in a Sanctuary for Young Orphan Big Cats !!😮♥️🐅 https://t.co/xhvDpxBC59

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

The gift economy cummunity of p2pgarden is harnessing the power of stigmergy for every being on the earth. There will be no Endangered Species of human causing.


Hans Christian Andersen : Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.

Life is a game, play and learn. (-: + :-)

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